Name order group | Website order group | Description order group |
Baltimore Museum of Art Teen Program | https://artbma.org/educators/teen_program.html | High schoolers in the Baltimore area are invited to apply to the 2019-2020 BMA Teen Program, which runs from Oct 2019 - June of 2020. Teens will spend about 60 hours at the museum during the program, learning about & museum careers. Travel stipend. |
Walters Art Gallery Teen Art Council | https://thewalters.org/experience/programs/teens/ | Join a community of Baltimore-area high school students who meet after school to discuss art, explore galleries, and learn about museums. Students work collaboratively to make connections with the museum by developing and promoting creative programming. |
Maryland Public Television Internships | http://www.mpt.org/about/careers/internships/ | Internships for high school juniors and seniors, specifically designed to provide training and experience for students interested in public broadcasting. |
Bank of America Student Leaders | https://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/global-impact/student-leader-eligibility-criteria.html#fbid=MYHbCmrQH3B | Program helps connect 225 community-minded high school juniors and seniors to employment, skills development and service. Students are awarded paid summer internships with local nonprofits. |
Johns Hopkins Aspire Program | https://www.jhuapl.edu/STEM/Students/ASPIRE | The ASPIRE program at APL is the opportunity for juniors and seniors in high school to get hands-on experience in STEM and to explore career opportunities before committing to an area of study in college. |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr Internships & Fellowships | https://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/education/internships.html | Ages 16+. Program provides students with the opportunity to participate in research or other experiential learning under guidance of a NASA mentor.The NASA Pathways Intern Employment Program also provides employment experiences while in school. |
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth | https://cty.jhu.edu/scholarships/cty_scholars/ | This four-year scholarship and advising program has helped over 700 low-income and underrepresented high school students achieve at top levels, preparing them for success in college and in their careers. |
Maryland Zoo Teen Crew | https://www.marylandzoo.org/volunteer/teen-volunteering/ | The Zoo Teen program is a fun and rewarding summer service learning program for students ages 14-17. One time volunteer opportunities are for teens 14 years old and older who are interested in supporting the Zoo’s large, family-style events. |
National Aquarium Student Summer Program | https://www.aqua.org/Connect/Student-Programs/student-summer-program | Program for high school students interested in marine biology. |
Science & Engineering Apprenticeship Program | http://seap.asee.org/program_details | SEAP places academically talented high school students with interest and ability in science and mathematics as apprentices in DoN laboratories for eight weeks during the summer. These students work with scientists and engineers who act as mentors. |
Baltimore City Youth Works | http://youthworks.oedworks.com/index.cfm | YouthWorks is Baltimore City's summer jobs program, offering thousands of youth ages 14-21 five-week job experiences with non-profit, government, and private-sector employers. |
U of Maryland Geosciences Bridge Program | https://www.umes.edu/cscgeosciences/ | This 6-week residential paid internship on the Eastern Shore is for high school students planning to pursue careers in the geosciences. |
Bloomberg Arts Internship | https://www.yamd.org/category/summer-learning/bloomberg-arts-internship/ | Paid internships to rising high school seniors. Twenty local arts facilities and museums are currently providing jobs that offer a wide range of dance, music, art, theatre, cultural, and curatorial opportunities. |
Maryland SPCA Teen Internship | https://www.mdspca.org/programs/education-community-outreach/teen-summer-internship-with-kid-4-k9s/ | The Maryland SPCA and Kids-4-K9s, Incorporated are once again teaming up to deliver a multi-tiered service-learning opportunity for Baltimore teens ages 14-17. |
Morgan State U Summer Academy of Actuarial and Mathematical Sciences | https://www.morgan.edu/saams | Coursework in Mathematics and Computer Science and info on related careers for rising 11th and 12th graders. Field trips. Lunch & travel stipend. |
Johns Hopkins Engineering Innovation Program | https://ei.jhu.edu/ | College-level summer program for motivated high school students with an aptitude in math and science and an interest in (or curiosity about) engineering. Students learn to think and problem-solve like engineers and have an opportunity to earn JHU credits. |
Wide Angle Youth Media Baltimore Speaks Out | https://www.wideanglemedia.org/internships | after school programs for middle and high school in digital media production, critical thinking, public speaking, team- building, and leadership skills. |
University of Maryland Physics Department, Summer Girls | https://umdphysics.umd.edu/events/summer-programs/summer-girls.html | This free program introduces rising 9th graders to physics through an exploration of classical physics and modern applications. Participants dive into physics with hands-on laboratory experiments, activities, and discussions of physics in current events. |
Marshy Point Nature Center | https://www.marshypoint.org/get-involved/volunteer/ | Naturalist Interns and other volunteers are extremely important to the work of Marshy Point Nature Center and perform a variety of duties. |
Time Kid Reporter | https://www.timeforkids.com/2019-kid-reporter-contest/ | Do you dream of being a reporter or an editor? Are you a good writer who loves the news? We’re looking for 10 students from around the nation to be members of the TFK Kid Reporter team for the 2019-2020 school year. |
ACLU Student & Youth Internships | https://www.aclu-md.org/en/jobs/student-and-youth-internships | Interns benefit from a convivial and participatory environment, learning by working closely with ACLU staff. They are crucial to our work to protect civil rights and civil liberties in Maryland. |
Imagination Stage Internships | https://imaginationstage.org/about-us/work-with-us/internships/ | Imagination Stage accepts unpaid interns on a rolling basis. Interns must be 15 years old. |
GMBC Volunteers | https://www.gbmc.org/high-school-volunteers | GBMC has offered high school students the opportunity to participate in its student volunteer program for many years. The program is only available during the summer months, for students who have completed 10th grade. |
Parks & People Branches Internship | https://parksandpeople.org/programs/branches/ | an innovative year-round paid internship and summer jobs program for Baltimore City high school youth. |
Center Stage Drama Club | https://www.centerstage.org/education/drama-club | Drama Club is a free, yearlong theater training program open to young actors ages 15–18 in the Baltimore area, and the state of Maryland. |
Herring Run Archaeology Project | https://herringrunarchaeology.org/ | Middle and high school students are welcome to volunteer in area archaeology digs and data analysis. |
Goddard Summer Institute in Science, Technology, Engineering & Research (SISTER) | https://www.nasa.gov/content/summer-institute-in-science-technology-engineering-and-research | designed to increase awareness of and provide an opportunity for middle school students to explore nontraditional career fields with women engineers, mathematicians and scientists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. |
STREAMS - Black Girls Dive | https://www.blackgirlsdivefoundation.org/streams | The STREAMS program is designed to introduce girls between the ages of 9 and 17 to a multitude of activities that integrate Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics with SCUBA and develop youth leadership skills in conservation. |
U of Maryland Terp Programs for Middle & High School Students | https://oes.umd.edu/middle-high-school-students | talented middle and high school students learn from faculty and industry experts, explore UMD’s abundant resources, and enjoy a preview of the college experience at one of the top public universities in the country |
Towson University High School Parallel Enrollment | https://www.towson.edu/admissions/undergrad/nondegree/highschool.html | Students in the program enroll in regular college-level courses at Towson during the summer, fall or spring terms and attend class alongside other college students. |
Disney Dreamers Academy | https://www.disneydreamersacademy.com/ | Each spring, 100 exceptional young people arrive at the Disney Dreamers Academy with ambition, excitement and hopes for the future. Four days later, they return home with the motivation, guidance and skills to help make those dreams come true. Ages 13-19 |
Strong City Baltimore | https://www.strongcitybaltimore.org/get-involved/volunteer/ | Our volunteers range from young children to senior citizens and come not only from nearby neighborhoods but from all over the metropolitan area. |
Banneker-Douglass Youth Round Table | https://bdmuseum.maryland.gov/youthcouncil/ | The BDM Youth Round Table is open to any Maryland student ages 11-17 (middle and high school) who have a desire to make a difference in the museum and in the community. |
Cromwell Valley Park | https://cromwellvalleypark.org/volunteer/#1537465956535-db785148-4bb3 | Volunteers are needed to assist with animal care, gardening and trail work, interacting with visitors, and helping around the nature center. Ages 13+ |
BookThing of Baltimore | https://bookthing.org/ | Volunteer hours are Mon-Fri 10-4 and Sat & Sun 9-5, no sign up required- just show up and ask. |
Meals on Wheels | https://www.mealsonwheelsmd.org/volunteer/ | Volunteers of every age. Meal delivery, meal packing, grocery assistance, phone pals |
RiverTrends, Alliance for the Chesapeake | https://www.allianceforthebay.org/our-work/key-program-focuses/building-stewardship/rivertrends/ | Trained volunteers perform weekly, biweekly, or monthly water quality tests that help track the condition of waterways flowing toward the Chesapeake Bay. |
Baltimore Conservation Leadership Corp | https://civicworks.com/programs/baltimore-conservation-leadership-corps/ | a five-week summer leadership program that helps high school students from Baltimore City develop job skills, remain physically active, and learn more about the environment through a variety of conservation projects |
National Park Service, Youth Conservation Corp | https://www.nps.gov/subjects/youthprograms/ycc.htm | a summer youth employment program that engages young people in meaningful work experiences on national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, and fish hatcheries while developing an ethic of environmental stewardship and civic responsibility. Ages 15-18 |
Maryland Food Bank | https://mdfoodbank.org/ways-to-give/volunteer/ | Help prepare ingredients and package meals for distribution across the state. Volunteers must be at least 12 yo. |
Farm Club, Real Food Farms | http://realfoodfarm.civicworks.com/farm-club/ | farm club for 7-12th grade students,every Thursday from 3-6PM |
Baltimore Underground Science Space | http://www.bugssonline.org/youth-classes/ | Join the BioCrew iGEM team, a youth science program for middle and high school, with hands-on learning in the lab. |
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L] Ursual R] Priscilla at the vet with Chris |