Print this out and mail it to Baltimore City
According to state law, children must be enrolled in school from age 5 to 18. If you would like to teach your child at home, you must fill out and submit the Home Schooling Notification Form.
To discuss options or obtain additional information, please connect with City Schools’ Home Schooling team ( or 410-396-0775.
Note: The Home Schooling office is located at 2000 Edgewood Street, Baltimore, MD 21216
We are enrolled in the
Churchville Umbrella
4193 is our homeschool family number, tell them we recommended signing up!
Non-Public School COMAR
.01 Home Instruction Program.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to establish a procedure to be used by the superintendent of each local school system to determine if a child participating in a home instruction program is receiving regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age.
B. Written Agreement.
(1) A parent or guardian who chooses to teach his or her child at home shall initially sign a statement on a form prescribed by the State Department of Education which:
(a) Indicates consent to the requirements set forth in §§C, D, and E of this regulation; and
(b) Shall be submitted to the local superintendent at least 15 days before the beginning of a home instruction program.
(2) Annual Verification. Annually thereafter, before the beginning of the school year, a parent or guardian shall verify the continuation of homeschooling for his or her child with the local school superintendent or with the supervising nonpublic school or institution described in Regulation .05 of this chapter.
(3) Change in Status. A parent or guardian shall notify the local school superintendent or the supervising nonpublic school or institution described in Regulation .05 of this chapter if a change occurs in the home school status of a child during the school year.
C. Instruction Program. The home instruction program shall:
(1) Provide regular, thorough instruction in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age;
(2) Include instruction in English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health, and physical education; and
(3) Take place on a regular basis during the school year and be of sufficient duration to implement the instruction program.
D. Educational Materials. A parent or guardian who chooses to teach a child at home shall maintain a portfolio of materials which:
(1) Demonstrates the parent or guardian is providing regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the areas specified in §C(1) and (2);
(2) Includes relevant materials, such as instructional materials, reading materials, and examples of the child's writings, worksheets, workbooks, creative materials, and tests;
(3) Shall be reviewed by the local superintendent or the superintendent's designee at the conclusion of each semester of the local school system at such times as are mutually agreeable to the local superintendent or designee and the parent or guardian.
E. A parent or guardian shall agree to permit a representative of a local school system to review the portfolio of educational materials, discuss the instructional program, and observe instruction provided that all of the following requirements are met:
(1) The review is at a time and place mutually agreeable to the representative of the local school system and the parent or guardian;
(2) The purpose of the review is to ensure that the child is receiving regular, thorough instruction as set forth in §C;
(3) There are not more than three reviews during a school year.
F. Additional Requirements. A local school system may not impose additional requirements for home instruction programs other than those in these regulations.
.02 Voluntary Participation in Standardized Testing.
Upon request of a parent or guardian, a child receiving home instruction may participate in the regularly scheduled standardized testing programs that are administered in the public school the child is eligible to attend.
.03 Noncompliance with Requirements.
A. Failure to Consent. If a parent or guardian does not agree to the requirements of Regulation .01B, C, and D, above, a child shall be enrolled promptly in a public school or nonpublic school as defined in COMAR 13A.09.09.02B(9).
B. Deficiencies in the Program. If a local superintendent determines on the review of the home instruction program or inspection of the portfolio that a child is not receiving a regular, thorough instruction program in conformity with Regulation .01C and D, the local superintendent shall notify the parent or guardian in writing of any deficiencies in the program. The following apply:
(1) Within 30 days of receipt of notification of any deficiencies, the parent or guardian shall provide evidence to the local superintendent that the deficiency has been or is being corrected.
(2) If a local superintendent determines there is not a satisfactory plan to correct a deficiency or if a deficiency is not corrected, a child shall be enrolled promptly in a public school or a nonpublic school as defined in COMAR 13A.09.09.02B(4)(a).
.04 Placement in Public School.
Upon application of a child for admission to a public school from a home instruction program, the local superintendent shall determine by an evaluation the placement of the child and any credits to be awarded toward high school graduation. The evaluation may include administration of standardized tests and examinations and interviews with the child.
.05 Home Instruction Under Supervision of Nonpublic School.
A. A parent or guardian may provide instruction for a child at home without compliance with the requirements of this regulation, other than the requirements of Regulations .01B(1)(b) and .04 of this chapter, if that instruction is offered through correspondence courses and is under the supervision of a:
(1) School or institution offering an educational program operated by a bona fide church organization, and the supervision includes at a minimum all of the following components:
(a) Preenrollment conferences with parents or guardians,
(b) Textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the pupil at a site other than a school,
(c) Annual visits by supervisory personnel to the site where the pupil is receiving instruction, and
(d) Conferences with parents or guardians at appropriate intervals during the period of enrollment; or
(2) Nonpublic school with a certificate of approval from the State Board of Education, and the supervision includes at a minimum all of the following components:
(a) Textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the pupil at a site other than a school, and
(b) Assignment of a school-based teacher to assist the home teacher in using the correspondence courses and to assist the pupil by issuing progress reports, marking papers, and grading tests.
B. Annual Verification. The supervising nonpublic school or institution described in §A of this regulation annually shall:
(1) Verify with the local school superintendent the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is continuing under its supervision;
(2) Notify the local school superintendent of the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is newly added to its supervision; and
(3) Provide the local school superintendent with the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is no longer under its supervision.
C. Change in Status. The supervising nonpublic school or institution described in §A of this regulation shall notify the local school superintendent if a change occurs in the status of a home schooled student whose instruction was under its supervision during the school year.

Home Instruction Fact Sheet
Are there regulations that govern home schooling in Maryland?
Home schooling in Maryland is governed by Code of Maryland Regulations 13A.10.01. These regulations set forth the home schooling parameters that must be followed by parents/guardians who desire to teach a child at home. The regulations also establish a procedure for the local superintendent of schools or the head of a certified nonpublic school or religious institution supervising the home schooling to determine if a child participating in a home schooling program is receiving regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age.
What is the responsibility of the parent/guardian for verifying that a child is being home schooled?
A parent/guardian who desires to home school a child should contact the home schooling coordinator for the local school system in which the child resides. The parent/guardian must initially complete and sign a “Home Schooling Notification Form” to indicate his/her intent to home school a child and to comply with the home schooling regulations. Each year thereafter, the parent/guardian must verify the continuation of home schooling with the local superintendent of schools or the supervising nonpublic school/institution. Additionally, the parent/guardian must notify the local superintendent of schools or the supervising nonpublic school/institution if the child’s home schooling status changes during the school year.
What are the options for home schooling?
A parent/guardian may instruct a child at home under the supervision of the local school system or through correspondence courses under the supervision of a nonpublic school. A nonpublic school may be a school/institution that offers an educational program operated by a bona fide church organization or a school/institution that has a certificate of approval from the Maryland State Board of Education.
What do the regulations require for home schooling under these
Supervision by the local school system.
If home schooling is provided under the supervision of the local school system, the parent/guardian is required to maintain a portfolio of materials that demonstrates that the parent/guardian is providing regular, thorough instruction during the school year in English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health, and physical education at the appropriate grade level and includes relevant materials and examples of the child’s work. At the conclusion of each semester, a local school system representative reviews the portfolio. The parent/guardian must permit the school system representative, at a mutually agreeable time and place, to conduct the portfolio review, discuss the educational program, and observe instruction in order to ascertain compliance with the home schooling regulations. The regulations specify that there will be no more than three reviews during a school year.
B. Correspondence courses under the supervision of a school/institution offering an educational program operated by a bona fide church organization.
The regulations require that supervision by the school/institution must include, at a minimum, all of the following components: (1) pre-enrollment conferences with parents/guardians; (2) textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the student at a site other than a school; (3) annual visits by supervisory personnel to the site where the student is receiving instruction; and (4) conferences with parents/guardians at appropriate intervals during the period of enrollment.
C. Correspondence courses under the supervision of a State approved nonpublic school.
The regulations require that supervision by the school must include, at a minimum, all of the following components: (1) textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the student at a site other than a school; and (2) assignment of a school-based teacher to assist the parent/guardian in using the correspondence courses and to assist the student by issuing progress reports, marking papers, and grading tests.
What are the responsibilities of the supervising nonpublic
school/institution regarding verification of home schooled students
under its supervision?
The supervising nonpublic school/institution must annually verify with the local superintendent of schools the identification of home schooled children whose instruction is continuing under its supervision, the identification of newly added home schooled children under its supervision, and the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is no longer under its supervision. The supervising nonpublic school/institution must also notify the local superintendent of schools if a change occurs during the school year in the status of a home schooled student whose instruction is under its supervision.
What happens if the parent/guardian of the home schooled child fails to comply with the home schooling regulations?
If the parent/guardian of the home schooled child does not consent to the requirements as set forth in the home schooling regulations and does not sign the “Home Schooling Notification Form,” the child shall be promptly enrolled in a public or nonpublic school.
If a local superintendent of schools determines upon review of the home schooling program or inspection of the portfolio that a child is not receiving a regular, thorough instruction program in conformity with the home schooling regulations, the local superintendent will notify the parent/guardian in writing of the deficiencies in the program. The parent/guardian must provide evidence to the local superintendent within 30 days of receipt of the notification that the deficiency has been or is being corrected. The child will be promptly enrolled in a public or nonpublic school if the local superintendent determines that the plan to correct a deficiency is unsatisfactory or if a deficiency is not corrected.
How is placement in public school from a home school program determined?
Upon receipt of an application to admit a child to a public school from a home schooling program, the local superintendent of schools shall conduct an evaluation to determine placement of the child and any credits to be awarded toward high school graduation. The evaluation may include administration of standardized tests and examinations, as well as interviews with the child.
Frequently asked questions:
A. Are home schooled students required to take standardized tests?
The home schooling regulations authorize home schooled students to voluntarily participate in regularly scheduled standardized testing programs administered by the public school they are eligible to attend.
B. Can home schooled students take courses at the public school they are eligible to attend?
Home schooled students are authorized only to participate in standardized testing. The regulations do not authorize participation in any other public school courses or activities.
C. Must a parent/guardian have a high school diploma or college degree in order to home school the child?
The regulations do not require a parent/guardian to have a high school diploma or college degree to home school a child.
Contact Information
Richard Scott, Specialist, School Counseling
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 767-0288
Fax: (410) 333-8148
The following education ministries and nonpublic schools are registered with the Maryland State Department of Education to supervise home instruction under regulation .05 of the home instruction regulations, COMAR 13A.10.01 Home Instruction.
AAMI Bible Institute
1607 N. Fulton Avenue
Baltimore MD 21217
(443) 413-9193
A church-exempt school operated by
Another Alternative Ministries Global Church
Abrahams Covenant Education Services
212 Oak Avenue, Suite A
LaPlata MD 20646
(301) 934-1959
An education ministry operated by
Abiding Word Family Christian Center
Academy at Church of the Saviour, The
20745 Beaver Creek Road
Boonsboro MD 21713
(301) 665-9600
An education ministry operated by
The Church of the Saviour of Myersville, Maryland
Al-Huda School
5301 Edgewood Road
College Park MD 20740
(301) 982-2402
A church-exempt school operated by
Al-Huda, Inc.
Ambleside Academy Homeschool Ministry
884 Chesterfield Road
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 544-2222
An education ministry operated by
Bay Area Community Church
American Christian Defense Alliance Academy
4990 Mercantile Road, Suite 43733
Baltimore MD 21236
(443) 226-3217
An education ministry operated by
American Christian Defense Alliance, Inc.
An-Nur Academy
9150 Lanham Severn Road
Lanham MD 20706
(301) 459-4942
A church-exempt school operated by
Prince George's Muslim Association, Inc.
Annapolis Church of Christ Home School Group
1601 Ritchie Highway
Arnold MD 21012
(410) 757-2107
An education ministry operated by
Annapolis Church of Christ
Annapolis Friends Meeting
351 Dubois Road
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 573-0364
An education ministry operated by
Annapolis Friends Meeting
Antioch Christian School
1535 Ritchie Highway
Arnold MD 21012
(410) 757-5000
An education ministry operated by
First United Pentecostal Church of Annapolis. MD inc.
Arlington Baptist School
3030 North Rolling Road
Baltimore MD 21244
(410) 655-9300
A church-exempt school operated by
Arlington Baptist Church
Ashreinu Educational Program for Girls
1600 Jonquil Street NW
Washington DC 20012
(202) 882-7225
An out of state school operated by
Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah Congregation
Assembly of Jesus Christ Academy
8400 Allentown Road
Ft. Washington MD 20744
(301) 248-8400
A church-exempt school operated by
Oxon Hill Assembly of Jesus Christ
Avalon School, The
200 W. Diamond
Gaithersburg MD 20877
(301) 963-8022
An approved school operated by
Avalon Education Group, Inc.
Bay Country Bible Education Ministry
714 Locust Street
Cambridge MD 21613
(410) 221-8568
An education ministry operated by
Bay Country Bible Church
Beit Ha Shalem Emet Yeshiva
1550 East 11th Avenue
York PA 17402
(717) 586-1199
An out of state school operated by
Beit Ha Shalem Emet, Inc.
Bertril A. Baird Christian Leadership Academy Home Instruction Program
2727 Sun Valley Drive
Waldorf MD 20603
(301) 702-1222
An education ministry operated by
Shalam World Outreach MD, Inc.
Berwyn Baptist Homeschool Academy (An Oversight Ministry of Berwyn Baptist Church)
4720 Cherokee Street
College Park MD 20740
(301) 474-7117
An education ministry operated by
Berwyn Baptist Church
Bet Yeladim Family Schools
3408 Walnut Avenue
Owings Mills MD 21117
(410) 484-4374
An education ministry operated by
Congregation Rosh Pina, Inc.
Bittinger Mennonite School
10707 Bittinger Road
Bittinger MD 21522
(310) 245-4419
A church-exempt school operated by
Bittinger Mennonite Church
Bowie Christian School
2518 Kenhill Drive
Bowie MD 20715
(301) 352-7106
A church-exempt school operated by
Belair Church of Christ
Bring It To Life Learning Center
4000 Sinclair Lane
Baltimore MD 21213
(410) 444-9440
A church-exempt school operated by
Bring It To Life Ministries
Broadfording Christian Academy
13535 Broadfording Church Road
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 797-8886
A church-exempt school operated by
Broadfording Bible Brethren Church
Bruce Outreach Academy
398 Philos Avenue
Westernport MD 21562
(301) 359-9706
An education ministry operated by
Bruce Outreach Center
C. R. O. S. S.
6400 Ridge Road
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 549-6553
An education ministry operated by
Freedom Christian Church of God
Calvary Academy
2127 West Old Liberty Road
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 875-2410
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church Academy
407 Marley Station Road
Glen Burnie 21061
(410) 768-5324
A church-exempt school operated by
Calvary Baptist Church of Glen Burnie, Maryland
Calvary Baptist Church School
46375 Pegg Lane
Lexington Park MD 20653
(301) 862-4435
An education ministry operated by
The Calvary Baptist Church of Lexington Park, Inc.
Calvary Chapel Christian Academy
5410 Leonardtown Raod
Waldorf MD 20602
(301) 645-0660
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Chapel of Waldorf, Inc.
Calvary Chapel Christian Academy
8064 New Cut Road
Severn MD 21144
(410) 969-5101
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Chapel, Inc.
Calvary Christian Academy
1120 Market Street
Denton MD 21629
(410) 479-3682
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Christian Academy
14517 McMullen Highway SW
Cresaptown MD 21502
(301) 729-0791
A church-exempt school operated by
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Christian Fellowship - Educational Ministry
330 Hook Road
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 227-4476
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Christian Fellowship
Calvary Community Church (Formerly--Family Education Association (F. E. A.)
9180 Rumsey Road
Columbia MD 21045
(410) 381-5200
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Community Church of Columbia, Inc.
Calvary Gospel Home Educators
11150 Berry Road
Waldorf MD 20603
(301) 843-5588
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Gospel Church of Waldorf, Inc.
Calvary Homeschooling Ministry
13864-B Old National Pike
Mount Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-0926
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Independent Baptist Church of Mount Airy, Inc.
Camp Springs Christian School
8040 Woodyard Road
Clinton MD 20735
(301) 868-3030
An education ministry operated by
Camp Springs Community Church, Inc.
Casselman Valley School
1317 River Road
Grantsvillte MD 21536
(814) 662-4022
A church-exempt school operated by
Somerstet County Amish Church
Cedar Brook Academy
23700 Stringtown Road
Clarksburg MD 20871
(301) 528-6705
An education ministry operated by
Cedar Brook Community Church
Central Baptist Academy
404 North Marlyn Avenue
Baltimore MD 21221
(410) 882-8653
An education ministry operated by
Central Baptist Church of Essex
Central Christian Homeschool Ministry (CCHM)
2020 Bedford Street
Cumberland MD 21502
(301) 777-3105
An education ministry operated by
Central Assembly of God of Allegany County, Maryland
Chapelgate Home Education Program (CHEP)
2600 Marriottsville Road
Marriottsville MD 21104
(410) 442-5800
An education ministry operated by
Chapelgate Presbyterian Church
Cheltenham United Methodist Academy
11111 Crain Highway
Cheltenham MD 20623
(301) 372-8704
An education ministry operated by
Cheltenham United Methodist Church
Chesapeake Baptist School
585 Old Oak Road
Severn MD 21144
(410) 969-2055
An education ministry operated by
Chesapeake Baptist Church
Chieftain Christian Academy
16011 Chieftain Road
Derwood MD 20855
(301) 948-5440
An education ministry operated by
Derwood Bible Church
Children Are Little Miracles (C.A.L.M.) Academy
9020B Woodyard Road
Clinton MD 20735
(301) 868-3567
An education ministry operated by
Christ Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.
Children of Faith
11022 Propsect Hill Road
Glenn Dale MD 20769
(240) 472-8621
An education ministry operated by
Christian Congregational Church of Faith
Christ Covenant Church
12411 Sussex Lane
Bowie MD 20715
(301) 262-3625
An education ministry operated by
Christ Covenant Church
Christ The King Family School
1102 Hart Road
Towson MD 21286
(410) 321-0711
An education ministry operated by
Christ The King Church
Christian Family Fellowship Academy
Box 36
Oakland MD 21550
(301) 334-1332
An education ministry operated by
Christian Family Fellowship
Christian Life Fellowship
5619 Baltimore National Pike
Catonsville MD 21228
(410) 747-9307
An education ministry operated by
Christian Life Fellowship, Inc.
Church of Reconciliation, The
128 N. Bond Street
Bel Air MD 21014
(410) 838-6444
An education ministry operated by
The Church of the Reconciliation
Churchville Christian School **** THIS IS WHO WE USE
9 Glenville Road
Churchville MD 21028
(410) 734-9174
An education ministry operated by
Church of God of Prophecy
Clearfield Bible Church Home Schooling
1303 Old Westminster Pike
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 848-1795
An education ministry operated by
Clearfield Bible Church
Colonial Baptist Homeschool
9411 Liberty Road
Randallstown MD 21133
(410) 655-1080
An education ministry operated by
Colonial Baptist Church
Community Gospel Church Christian Education Dept.
8223 Fort Smallwood Road
Pasadena MD 21226
(410) 255-9310
An education ministry operated by
Community Gospel Church of Pasadena, Maryland, Inc.
Conowingo-Rising Sun Christian School (CRSCS)
201 Connelly Road
Rising Sun MD 21911
(410) 658-3318
An education ministry operated by
Church of God of Prophecy, Rising Sun
Cornerstone Christian Academy
10 Seaborne Drive
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 757-3799
An education ministry operated by
Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church
Covenant Community School
9005 Chevrolet Drive, Suite B
Ellicott City MD 21042
(410) 313-9866
An education ministry operated by
New Heritage Church, Inc.
Covenant Life Church Family Schools Program
7501 Muncaster Mill Road
Gaithersburg MD 20877
(301) 590-3982
A church-exempt school operated by
Covenant Life Church
Covenant of Grace Home School Oversight Ministry
820 Nicodemus Road
Reisterstown MD 21136
(410) 833-2160
An education ministry operated by
Covenant of Grace Presbyterian Church in America
CRC Academy
3553 Lawndale Road E
Reisterstown MD 21136
(410) 239-4660
An education ministry operated by
Christian Revival Center, UPC, Inc.
Crosslife Homeschool Oversight In Christian Education (C.H.O.I.C.E)
2127 W. Old Liberty Road
Westminster MD 21157
(443) 293-7672
An education ministry operated by
Crosslife Bible Church, Inc.
DaVinci Universal Academy of Arts and Science
27618 Ridge Road
Damascus MD 20872
(301) 253-4440
An education ministry operated by
Universal Life Church, Inc.
Dayspring Christian School
990 Kendale Road
Red Lion PA 17356
(717) 600-2350
An education ministry operated by
North York Gospel Chapel
DCC Family Academy
107 East State Street
Delmar DE 19940
(302) 846-9807
An education ministry operated by
Delmar Christian Center, Inc.
Deaf Calvary Homeschool Academy
3623 Basford Road
Frederick MD 21703-7825
(301) 560-6988
An education ministry operated by
Deaf Calvary Church
Delaware Valley Christian Academy
602 Birchwood Drive
Newark DE 19713
(302) 737-0855
An out of state school operated by
Delaware Valley Bible Church
Destiny Academy
12312 Loch Carron Circle
Fort Washington MD 20744
(301) 767-6244
An education ministry operated by
Destiny Family Ministries
Door Christian Academy, The
1665 Hugo Circle
Silver Spring MD 20906
(240) 200-6644
An education ministry operated by
Door Christian Church, The
Dr. Ashmon Ebede Christian Academy
307 N. Bridge Street, Suite 207
Elkton MD 21921
(443) 433-6252
An education ministry operated by
Dr. Ashmon Ebede Christian Academy: United People Church International, Inc.
Ebenezer Christian School
17618 Virginia Avenue
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 791-4801
A church-exempt school operated by
Church of God of Boonsboro, Inc.
Edgewater Christian School
38 West Central Avenue
Edgewater MD 21037
(410) 956-3142
An education ministry operated by
First Baptist Church of Edgewater
Educating Our Own at Cedarhurst
2912 Clubhouse Road
Finksburg MD 21048
(410) 356-4755
An education ministry operated by
Cedarhurst Unitarian Universalist
El Shaddai Home
5106 Boulder Drive
Oxon Hill MD 20745
(301) 793-7971
An education ministry operated by
El Shaddai Outreach Temple, Inc.
Emmanuel Baptist School
16221 National Pike
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 582-0378
An education ministry operated by
Emmanuel Baptist Temple
Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Home School
3517 Harford Road
Baltimore MD 21218
(410) 893-7251
An education ministry operated by
Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Church
Emmorton Baptist Academy
106 Plumtree Road
Bel Air MD 21015
(410) 569-0585
A church-exempt school operated by
Emmorton Baptist Church
Emory United Methodist Education Ministry
3810 Church Road
Ellicott City MD 21043
(410) 465-6162
An education ministry operated by
Emory United Methodist Church
EmpowerOne Excellence Center
4903 Liberty Heights Avenue
Baltimore MD 21207
(443) 538-4121
An education ministry operated by
Islamic Leadership Institute of America
Episcopos Academy
14 Woodbine Circle
Elkton MD 21921
(410) 398-3192
An education ministry operated by
Christ Presbyterian Church of Elkton
Evangel Christian Institute
7000 Rossville Boulevard
Baltimore MD 21237
(410) 391-8000
An education ministry operated by
Evangel Cathedral Church of God
Evangelical Presbyterian Home Education Ministry (EPHEM)
710 Ridgely Avenue
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 266-8090
An education ministry operated by
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Annapolis
Excelsior Academy, The
1121 Annapolis Road #305
Odenton MD 21113
(410) 695-1101
An education ministry operated by
Youth Encounter Ministries, Inc.
Extraordinary Life Academy
715 E. Ordnance Road #110
Glen Burnie MD 21226
(410) 761-5433
An education ministry operated by
Extraordinary Life Church
Faith Baptist Academy
1305 Joppa Road
Joppa MD 21085
(410) 679-1305
An education ministry operated by
Faith Baptist Church
Faith Baptist School
30505 Dagsboro Road
Salisbury MD 21804
(410) 742-9516
A church-exempt school operated by
The Faith Baptist Church of Salisbury, Maryland
Faith Bible Homeschool Ministry
108 Maryland Avenue
Ridgely MD 21660
(410) 479-2821
An education ministry operated by
Faith Bible Church of Ridgely, Maryland
Faith Community Church Christian Academy
1306 Riedel Road
Gambrills MD 21054
(410) 451-1220
An education ministry operated by
Faith Community Church of Gambrills, Inc.
Faith Homeschool Academy
12660 McDade Road
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 791-1674
An education ministry operated by
Bridge of Life Church (DBAFaith Chapel, Inc.)
Faith Outreach Homeschool Ministry
1713 Rittenhouse Avenue
Baltimore MD 21227
(410) 242-5678
An education ministry operated by
Faith Outreach Chapel
Faith Reformed Baptist Church Umbrella Group
40 Main Street
Walkersville MD 21793
(301) 845-8600
An education ministry operated by
Faith Reformed Baptist Church
FBCHF Umbrella School
155 German Chapel Road
Prince Frederick MD 20678
(410) 535-1669
An education ministry operated by
First Baptist Church of Calvert County
Fellowship Baptist Home Education Ministry
1015 Sundown Road
Ferndale MD 21061
(410) 760-7755
An education ministry operated by
Fellowship Baptist Church of Ferndale
Firm Foundation Worship Center
2119 Coon Club Road
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 876-6696
An education ministry operated by
Firm Foundation Worship Center, Inc.
Forest Ridge Baptist Academy
2435 Bailey Road
Forest Hill MD 21050
(410) 420-3722
An education ministry operated by
Forest Ridge Baptist Church
Frederick Baptist Academy
5305 Mount Zion Road
Frederick MD 21703
(301) 473-8900
A church-exempt school operated by
Frederick Baptist Church
Frederick Christian Academy
6642 Carpenter Road
Frederick MD 21703
(301) 473-8990
A church-exempt school operated by
People's Baptist Church
Freedom Christian School
2400 Old Largo Road
Upper Marlboro MD 20772
(301) 627-3646
An education ministry operated by
First Christian Church of Capitol Heights, Maryland
Freedom Hill Fellowship Ministries Umbrella
4550 Kemptown Court
Monrovia MD 21770
(240) 397-5095
An education ministry operated by
Freedom Hill Fellowship
Gateway Christian Academy
2500 Conowingo Road #B
Bel Air MD 21014
(410) 638-9505
An education ministry operated by
Gateway Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Gateway Christian Academy
11017 Kemps Mill Road
Williamsport MD 21795
(301) 582-4595
A church-exempt school operated by
Church of God of Williamsport
Geneva Academy
1102 Montgomery Street
Laurel MD 20707
(301) 498-3700
An education ministry operated by
Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church
GLA Academy "School of Excellence"
6247 Kenwood Avenue
Rosedale MD 21203
(410) 866-0018
A church-exempt school operated by
GLA Youth Church, Inc.
Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church Homeschool Academy
2880 Summit Bridge Road
Glasgow DE 19701
(302) 834-4772
An education ministry operated by
Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church of Delaware, Inc.
Global Christian Academy
6511 Princess Garden Parkway
Lanham MD 20706
(301) 925-1231
A church-exempt school operated by
Eternal Kingdom Power Global Church Ministries, Inc.
God's Little Cherubs Elementary School
5020 Gwynn Oak Avenue
Baltimore MD 21207
(410) 542-1274
An approved school operated by
God's Little Cherubs Elementary School, Inc.
Good News Baptist Church
114 Morris Avenue
Federalsburg MD 21632
(443) 786-7236
An education ministry operated by
Good News Baptist Church
Good News Christian Academy
17700 Muncaster Mill Road
Derwood MD 20855
(301) 926-9600
An education ministry operated by
Good News Bible Church, Incorporated
Good Tidings Christian School
4909 Powder Mill Road
Beltsville MD 20705
(301) 937-6503
An education ministry operated by
Good Tidings Assembly of God Church
Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Education Ministry
1540C Pointer Ridge Place
Bowie MD 20716
(301) 218-5277
An education ministry operated by
Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Gortner Amish Church School
4251 Mason School Road
Oakland MD 21550
(301) 334-4061
An education ministry operated by
Gortner Amish Church
Grace Academy
13321 Cearfoss Pike
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 733-2033
An approved school operated by
Grace Academy, Inc.
Grace Baptist Christian Academy
1501 Stockton Road
Joppa MD 21085
(410) 676-3737
A church-exempt school operated by
Grace Baptist Church of Harford County
Grace Brethren Christian School
6501 Surratts Road
Clinton MD 20735
(301) 868-1600
An approved school operated by
Grace Brethren Church of Clinton, MD
Grace Christian Academy
2303 Churchville Road
Bel Air MD 21015
(410) 879-5340
An education ministry operated by
Grace Assembly of God
Grace Christian Academy of Maryland
13000 Zekiah Drive
Waldorf MD 20601
(301) 645-7438
An approved school operated by
Grace Brethren Church of Greater Washington
Grace Community Academy
11611 Belair Road
Kingsville MD 21087
(410) 817-9200
An education ministry operated by
Grace Community Church of Baltimore
Grace Episcopal Church
6725 Montgomery Road
Elkridge MD 21075
(410) 796-3270
An education ministry operated by
Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Independent Baptist Church
1485 Waterbury Road
Crownsville MD 21032
(410) 923-2524
An education ministry operated by
Grace Independent Baptist Church
Grace of God Fellowship Education Ministry
415 East Dover Street
Easton MD 21601
(410) 763-6558
An education ministry operated by
Grace of God Fellowship of Easton
Grace Reformed Academy
651 Highland Way
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 739-0645
An education ministry operated by
Grace Reformed Fellowship Presbyterian Church in America
Granite Baptist Church School
7823 Oakwood Road
Glen Burnie MD 21061
(410) 761-1118
A church-exempt school operated by
Granite Baptist Church
Greensboro Christian Academy
401 West Sunset Avenue
Greensboro MD 21639
(410) 482-8601
An education ministry operated by
Greensboro Baptist Church
Griggs International Academy
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring MD 20904
(301) 680-6570
An approved school operated by
Andrews University
Hampshire View Christian School
360 Ednor Road
Silver Spring MD 20905
(301) 570-8457
A church-exempt school operated by
Hampshire View Baptist Church
Harford Christian School
1736 Whiteford Road
Darlington MD 21034
(410) 457-5103
A church-exempt school operated by
Reforamation Bible Church, Inc.
Harvest Baptist Church School
119A South Avenue
Salisbury MD 21801
(410) 742-8041
An education ministry operated by
Harvest Baptist Church
Harvest Family Schools
8707 Indian Springs Road
Frederick MD 21702
(301) 662-0206
An education ministry operated by
Harvest Christian Fellowship
Harvest High School
6371 Zittlestown Road
Middletown MD 21769
(301) 432-8425
An education ministry operated by
Harvest Life Ministries
Heaven Bound Christian Academy
8158 Yellow Springs Road
Frederick MD 21702
(301) 662-0662
An education ministry operated by
Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church
Heritage Academy
2510 Sandy Hook Road
Forest Hill MD 21050
(410) 836-8388
An education ministry operated by
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, Inc., T/A Abundant Grace Family Worship Center
Higher Calling Ministry of Educational Excellence
2119 Gwynn Oak Avenue
Baltimore MD 21207
(410) 944-4111
An education ministry operated by
St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Highfield Christian Homeschool Alternative
25445 Highfield Road
Cascade MD 21719
(301) 241-4541
An education ministry operated by
St. Stephen's United Church of Christ
Highland Homeschool Ministry
11911 Messick Road, S. E.
Cumberland MD 21502
(301) 722-2699
An education ministry operated by
Highland Baptist Church, Inc.
Highland View Academy
10100 Academy Drive
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 739-8480
An approved school operated by
Highland View Academy, Inc.
His Way Christian Academy
10441 Hiners Lane
Easton MD 21601
(410) 819-8611
An education ministry operated by
Discovery Christian Church
Holy Trinity Episcopal Day School
13106 Annapolis Road
Bowie MD 20720
(301) 262-5355
An approved school operated by
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Home Education Ministry
6345 South Carroll Park Drive
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 795-7860
An education ministry operated by
Carroll Baptist Church
Home Educators Leading The Way
P.O. Box 4525
Baltimore MD 21212
(443) 600-8737
An education ministry operated by
Options Ministries and Community Services, Inc.
Homeschool Oversight Program Extension (HOPE)
550 Baltimore Boulevard
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 876-3838
An education ministry operated by
Church of the Open Door
Homeschool Umbrella Group (HUG) of Maryland
6272 Sunny Spring
Columbia MD 21044
(410) 740-6688
An education ministry operated by
Maryland Community Fellowship, Inc.
Hope Academy
7195 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia MD 21046
(443) 200-4673
An education ministry operated by
Hope Bible Church
Hope Academy
533 South Burhans Boulevard
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 739-8585
An education ministry operated by
Bible Brethren Church, Inc.
Hope Christian Academy
3215 Powdermill Road
Adelphi 20783
(301) 767-7028
A church-exempt school operated by
Bethel Baptist Church of Silver Spring, MD
Huyett's Mennonite School
16404 National Pike
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 790-2252
A church-exempt school operated by
Cumberland Valley Mennonite Church
Independent Baptist Academy
9255 Piscataway Road
Clinton 20735
(301) 856-1616
A church-exempt school operated by
Independent Baptist Church
IQRA Prep Academy
572 College Parkway
Rockville MD 20850
(202) 659-4772
A church-exempt school operated by
Masjid Umm Barakah, Inc.
Jesus Endtime Warriors
Oakland and Mineral Mills Road
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 750-8288
An education ministry operated by
Victorious Tabernacle, Inc.
Jesus Is Lord Christian School
3425 Chambersburg Road
Biglerville PA 17307
(717) 337-1607
An out of state school operated by
Jesus Is Lord Ministeries International
1718 Belmont Avenue (J)
Baltimore MD 21244
(410) 944-8700
An education ministry operated by
Joshua Ministries International
Joy Ministries Home Schooling
7113 Glenridge Drive
Hyattsville MD 20784
(301) 459-0745
An education ministry operated by
Joy Ministries, Incorporated
King of the Nations Christian Fellowship
10400 Darnestown Road
Rockville MD 20850
(301) 251-3719
An education ministry operated by
King of the Nations Christian Fellowship
Kingdom Ministries Homeschool Umbrella
16911 Redland Road
Derwood MD 20855
(301) 330-4326
An education ministry operated by
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church in America
Kings Landing Academy
2450 Kings Landing Road
Huntingtown MD 20639
(410) 414-3700
A church-exempt school operated by
Calvert Community Church, Inc.
Kirkridge Church Faith Family Academics in the Home
2236 Old Fort Schoolhouse Road, P.O. Bocx 773
Manchester MD 21102
(410) 871-2777
An education ministry operated by
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church FAITH
2236 Old Fort Schoolhouse Road, PO. Box 773
Manchester MD 21102
(410) 376-6112
An education ministry operated by
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church
Lamp of Youth Christian Academy
Highway 28
Green Bank WV 24944
(304) 456-4069
An out of state school operated by
Church of God at Green Bank
Lansdowne Home Oversight Ministry of Education (Lansdowne H.O.M.E)
2212 Lansdowne Road
Baltimore MD 21227
(410) 242-6768
An education ministry operated by
Lansdowne Alliance Church
Laurel Church of Christ Home Education Ministry
7111 Cherry Lane
Laurel MD 20707
(301) 490-0777
An education ministry operated by
Church of Christ, Laurel
Laurel Wesleyan Homeschool Umbrella
30186 Seaford Road
Laurel DE 19956
(302) 875-5380
An education ministry operated by
Laurel Wesleyan Church, Inc.
Learning Community International, The
9085 Flamepool Way
Columbia MD 21045
(410) 730-0073
A church-exempt school operated by
The Community, Inc.
Learning Monthly Meeting
605 Windwood Road
Baltimore MD 21212
(410) 652-1475
A church-exempt school operated by
Learning Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Liberty Christian Academy
119 Coulson Drive
Colora MD 21917
(410) 937-9388
An education ministry operated by
First Liberty Community Church
Liberty Home Instruction Fellowship
11301 Liberty Road
Owings Mills MD 21117
(410) 655-5466
An education ministry operated by
Liberty Reformed Presbyterian Church
Liberty Rock Baptist Church Education Ministry
3799 Old Washington Road
Waldorf MD 20602
(301) 843-4807
An education ministry operated by
Liberty Rock Baptist Church
Life In Jesus Homeschool
9002 Clemsonville Road
Union Bridge MD 21791
(301) 829-2874
An education ministry operated by
Life In Jesus Community, Inc.
Light of Hope Academy
303 Lambson Court
Baltimore MD 21220
(410) 335-2749
An education ministry operated by
Light of Hope, Inc.
Light of the World Christian Academy
8614B Woodspring Road
Randallstown MD 21133
(410) 655-4521
An education ministry operated by
Light of the World Church Ministries, Incorporated
Lighthouse Baptist Academy
107G Mountain Road
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 977-9387
An education ministry operated by
Lighthouse Baptist Church of Pasadena, Maryland, Inc.
Living Water School, The
2200 Culbera Drive
Hillcrest Heights MD 20748
(301) 971-2619
A church-exempt school operated by
The Living Water Assembly
Living Waters Home Education Program
8719 Neck Road
Williamsport MD 21795
(301) 223-7783
An education ministry operated by
Living Waters Chapel
Loch Raven Baptist Educational Ministry
8600 Loch Raven Boulevard
Towson MD 21286
(410) 823-2940
An education ministry operated by
Loch Raven Baptist Church
Lothian Church of God Academy
1228 Marlboro Road
Lothian MD 20711
(301) 741-6013
An education ministry operated by
The Church of God of Lothian, MD
Love Church of Maryland Homeschool, The
14671 Fox Chase Circle
Ridgely MD 21660
(410) 758-2979
An education ministry operated by
The Love Church of Maryland, Incorporated
Lubavitch Home-School Umbrella Program
10126 Rodona Drive
Columbia MD 21044
(410) 740-2424
An education ministry operated by
Lubavitch Center of Jewish Education -- Ahavas Israel
M & M Learning Center
4907 Niagara Road, Suite 102
College Park MD 20740
(240) 542-4180
An education ministry operated by
M & M Islamic Center, Inc.
Many Paths of Natural Learning
8730 Rose Lane
Jessup MD 20794
(301) 335-4073
An education ministry operated by
Many Paths, Inc.
Many Paths of Natural Learning--Eastern Shore
602 Market Street
Denton MD 21629
(410) 479-4921
An education ministry operated by
Many Paths, Inc.
Many Paths of Natural Learning--Western Maryland
8730 Rose Lane
Jessup MD 20794
(301) 335-4073
An education ministry operated by
Many Paths, Inc.
Maranatha Baptist Church Academy
3141 Old Elk Neck Road
Elkton MD 21922
(410) 398-2893
A church-exempt school operated by
Maranatha Baptist Church
Maryland Catholic Homeschoolers
6030 Daybreak Circle, Suite A150-361
Clarksville MD 21029
(301) 717-1100
An education ministry operated by
Maryland Catholic Homeschoolers LLC
Maryland Homeschool Reviews
1777 Reisterstown Road, Suite 50--Room B
Pikesville MD 21208
(410) 205-4904
An education ministry operated by
Community of Ethical People, The
Maven Academy, The
1908 Forest Drive, Suite 2J
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 216-7070
A church-exempt school operated by
Healing X Outreach Minsitries
Medina Home School
814 Brandy Farms Lane
Gambrills MD 21054
(410) 721-5880
An education ministry operated by
Islamic Society of Annapolis
Melwood Nazarene Academy
6906 Woodyard Road
Upper Marlboro MD 20772
(301) 599-6700
An education ministry operated by
Melwood Church of the Nazarene
Mid-Shore Community Church School
8610-C Commerce Drive
Easton MD 21601
(410) 829-0048
An education ministry operated by
Grace Brethern Church of Greater Washington, Inc.
Morning Star Christian Academy
46544 Rue Purchase Road
Lexington Park MD 20653
(301) 862-3755
An education ministry operated by
SAYSF Bible Church
Mount Oak Methodist Homeschool Umbrella
14110 Mount Oak Road
Mitchellville MD 20721
(301) 249-2230
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Oak Christian School, Corp.
Mountain View Christian School
1751 Springs Road
Springs PA 15562
(814) 662-2607
An out of state school operated by
Mountain View Christian School Church & Anthems Chorus
Mt. Aetna SDA School
10207 Crystal Falls Drive
Hagerstown 21740
(301) 824-3875
A church-exempt school operated by
Chesapeake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Mt. Airy Christian Family Academy
16700 Old Frederick Road
Mt. Airy MD 21771
(410) 489-4321
An education ministry operated by
Mount Airy Bible Church
Mt. Airy Mennonite School
7101 Watersville Road
Mt. Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-9403
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Airy Mennonite Church
Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church Homeschool Ministry
17455 Old Frederick Road
Mount Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-5223
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church, P.C.A. Inc.
Mt. Sophia Academy
677 Dawson Drive
Newark DE 19714
(302) 292-2007
An education ministry operated by
New Beginnings Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Mt. Zion Christian Homeschool Covering
1645 Churchville Road
Bel Air MD 21015
(410) 836-7444
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Muslim Learning Center
2642 Harford Road
Baltimore MD 21218
(443) 779-9142
An education ministry operated by
Jamma'atu Masjid Al Mu'miniin of Maryland Incorporated
New Beginnings Home School Ministry
7985 Tick Neck Road
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 255-9616
An education ministry operated by
New Beginnings Full Gospel Church, Inc.
New Covenant Presbyterian Church Homeschool Ministry
128 St. Mary's Church Road
Abingdon MD 21009
(410) 569-0289
An education ministry operated by
New Covenant Presbyterian Church
New Hope (Seventh Day Adventist) Home Education Ministries
15121 McKnew Road
Burtonsville MD 20866
(301) 776-4122
An education ministry operated by
New Hope Seventh Day Adventist Church
New Life Academy
1320 Chalet Drive
Wilmington DE 19808
(302) 994-5125
An out of state school operated by
Calvary Apostolic Church
New Life Baptist Churc--Home School Ministry
5501 Loyd Avenue
White Marsh MD 21162
(410) 256-0601
An education ministry operated by
New Life Baptist Church
New Life Community Homeschool Academy
11906 Cedar Lane
Kingsville MD 21087
(443) 528-3007
An education ministry operated by
New Life Community Church of Greater Baltimore, Inc.
Northwest Baptist Church Education Ministry
300 Westminster Road
Reisterstown MD 21136
(410) 833-7220
An education ministry operated by
Northwest Baptist Church
Oak Grove Baptist Academy
2106 Churchville Road
Bel Air MD 21012
(410) 838-9898
An education ministry operated by
Oak Grove Baptist Chruch of Harford County
Oak Ridge Baptist Church Home School Umbrella
361 Tilghman Road
Salisbury MD 21804
(410) 742-4424
An education ministry operated by
Oak Ridge Baptist Church
Oaks Private School, The
P.O. Box 1479
Jasper FL 32052
(866) 998-8677
An out of state school operated by
Christ's Church in South Florida
Open Bible LIFE Academy
13 Open Bible Way
Kingsville MD 21087
(410) 593-9940
An education ministry operated by
Open Bible Christian Ministries, Inc.
Our Communnity Montessori Co-op
13611 Old Annapolis Road
Bowie MD 20721
(240) 334-7412
An education ministry operated by
Kingdom Life Empowerment Temple
Paradise Homeschool Academy
14416 Barkdoll Road
Hagerstown MD 21742
(240) 818-7211
An education ministry operated by
Ringgold Church of Christ
Pathweavers Educational Consultants
28 West Water Street, P. O.Box 646
Smithsburg MD 21783
(301) 991-0718
An education ministry operated by
Bethel United Methodist Church
Perry Hall Christian School
3919 Schroeder Avenue
Perry Hall MD 21128
(410) 256-4886
An approved school operated by
Perry Hall Baptist Church, Inc.
Pilgrimage School at Manor Woods
5300 Norbeck Road
Rockville MD 20853
(301) 460-3550
An education ministry operated by
Church of Christ at Manor Woods
Pleasant View Baptist Church Homeschool Ministry
8931 Garrett Highway
Oakland MD 21550
(301) 334-8515
An education ministry operated by
Pleasant View Baptist Church
Pleasant View--Lighhouse Umbrella School Program
7 Pleasant View Church Road
Port Deposit MD 21904
(410) 378-4476
A church-exempt school operated by
Pleasant View Baptist Church
Poiema Ministry
23101 Town Creek Drive
Lexington Park MD 20653
(301) 862-5016
An education ministry operated by
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
Potomac Heights Christian Academy
37A Glymont Road
Indian Head MD 20640
(301) 753-9350
A church-exempt school operated by
Potomac Heights Baptist Church
Project Excel Academy
9008 Continental Place
Landover MD 20785
(301) 868-3414
A church-exempt school operated by
Zoe Life Ministries
Promise Land Christian School
107 Mountain Road Units R & S
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 766-8685
An education ministry operated by
Community Church of Christ of Severna Park, Inc.
Providence Academy
311 Parker Road
Salisbury MD 21801
(410) 546-0577
An education ministry operated by
Providence Presbyterian Church
Radcliffe Creek School, The
201 Talbot Boulevard, Suite A
Chestertown 21620
(410) 778-8150
An approved school operated by
Radcliffe Creek School, Inc.
Rainbow Christian Academy
2120-A Industrial Parkway
Silver Spring MD 20904
(301) 625-9798
An education ministry operated by
Rainbow Family Ministries
Redeemer Classical Christian School
6415 Mt. Vista Road
Kingsville MD 21087
(410) 592-9625
A church-exempt school operated by
Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Inc.
Rehoboth Christian Academy
11211 Odell Farms Court
Beltsville MD 20705
(301) 931-2548
An education ministry operated by
Rehoboth Mission Baptist Church
Remnant's Homeschool Ministry
3015 Brodkin Avenue
Fort Washington MD 20744
(301) 248-3329
An education ministry operated by
Remnant's Ministries, Inc.
Rihla Center of ISB
6631 Johnnycake Road
Baltimore MD 21244
(410) 719-0921
An education ministry operated by
Islamic Society of Baltimore, MD Inc.
Rock of the Revelation, Inc., The
2111 Hollins Ferry Road
Baltimore MD 21203
(410) 247-2108
An education ministry operated by
The Rock of the Revelation, Inc.
Royal Christian Educators
9202 Philadelphia Road
Baltimore MD 21237
(410) 682-4114
An education ministry operated by
The Rosedale Baptist Church of Baltimore
S.O.A.R. High School of Academic Resilience
2100 Gwynn Oak Avenue #B
Baltimore MD 21207
(443) 250-8525
A church-exempt school operated by
Spirit and Truth Church of Excellence
Sabbath Rest Advent Church, The
2410 Dargan Road
Sharpsburg MD 21782
(301) 432-6091
An education ministry operated by
The Sabbath Rest Advent Church
Salem Christian School
7901 Bradshaw Road
Upper Falls MD 21156
(410) 592-2543
An education ministry operated by
Salem United Methodist Church of Upper Falls
Salisbury Bible Homeschool Umbrella
1500 Court Plaza Lane
Salisbury MD 21801
(410) 546-1522
An education ministry operated by
Salisbury Bible Fellowship
Salisbury Mennonite School
31608 Dagsboro Road
Delmar MD 21875
(410) 749-7932
A church-exempt school operated by
Salisbury Mennonite Church
Seabrook Seventh Day Adventist Home School
8900 Good Luck Road
Seabrook MD 20706
(301) 577-6342
An education ministry operated by
Seabrook Seventh Day Adventist Church
Seaside Christian Academy
12637-A Ocean Gateway
Ocean City MD 21842
(410) 213-7595
A church-exempt school operated by
Ocean City Baptist Church
Seton Home Study School
1350 Progress Drive
Front Royal VA 22630
(540) 636-9990
An out of state school operated by
Holy Family in Exile and the Holy Innocents
Severn Covenant Chruch Home School Umbrella
20 Gambrills Road
Severn MD 2111-44
(410) 987-3021
An education ministry operated by
Severn Covenant Church, Inc.
Severn Run Home School Umbrella
1624 Millersville Road
Millersville MD 21108
(410) 987-9570
An education ministry operated by
Severn Run Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Severna Park Baptist Homeschool Umbrella
506 Benfield Road
Severna Park 21146
(410) 647-8162
A church-exempt school operated by
Severna Park Baptist Church, Inc.
SHABACH! Christian Academy Home School
3600 Brightseat Road
Landover MD 20785
(301) 773-3600
An education ministry operated by
SHABACH Ministries, Inc.
Shekinah Home School Association
150 Center Street
Frostburg MD 21532
(301) 689-5146
An education ministry operated by
Frostburg Church of the Nazarene
Shiloh Christian Academy
442 Kentmore Terrace
Abingdon MD 21009
(410) 569-7148
An education ministry operated by
The Church at Abingdon
Shore Christian Fellowship Homeschool Umbrella Ministry
7401 Main Street
Queenstown MD 21658
(410) 827-6500
An education ministry operated by
Shore Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Solid Rock Church School
5401 Good Luck Road
Riverdale MD 20737
(301) 474-7800
An education ministry operated by
Solid Rock Church
Solid Rock Home Educators
8320 Benson Drive
Columbia MD 21045
(301) 384-9503
An education ministry operated by
Solid Rock Community Church
South Potomac Educational Alternatives Resource (SPEAR)
4915 Crain Highway
White Plains MD 20695
(301) 753-4075
An education ministry operated by
South Potomac Church
Southern Calvert Cooperative School
12140 H. G. Trueman Road
Lusby MD 20657
(410) 326-6533
An education ministry operated by
Southern Calvert Baptist Church
Southern Maryland Christian Academy
9805 Faith Baptist Church Road
White Plains MD 20695
(301) 870-2550
A church-exempt school operated by
Southern Maryland Fellowship Church
Sovereign Grace Church Homeschool Program
900 Trimble Road
Joppa MD 21085
(410) 676-2979
An education ministry operated by
Sovereign Grace Church, Inc.
St. John School
45 Monroe Street
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 848-4744
A church-exempt school operated by
St. John Roman Catholic Church
St. Stephen's Reformed Episcopal Church
2275 Liberty Road
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 795-1249
An education ministry operated by
St. Stephen's Reformed Episcopal Church
St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial (STAT)
700 Melvin Avenue, Suite 1
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 929-2912
An education ministry operated by
St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial, Inc.
Stone Hill Preparatory School
12417 Deoudes Road
Boyds MD 20841
(301) 972-5982
An approved school operated by
Boyds Country Day School, LLC
TAQWA Learning Center
10742 Route 108
Ellicott City MD 21042
(410) 997-5711
An education ministry operated by
Tower of Ivory
1861 Harbor Drive
Chester MD 21619
(410) 643-6220
An education ministry operated by
St. Christopher's Church-Stevensville
Tri-State Christian Academy DBA Boonsboro Christian Academy
7605 Old National Pike
Boonsboro MD 21713
(301) 791-2702
A church-exempt school operated by
Tri-State Church of God DBA Boonsboro Family Worship Center
Trinity Christian Academy
2907 Mountian Road
Joppa MD 21078
(410) 861-0471
An education ministry operated by
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Trinity Christian Family Schools
2122 West Joppa Road
Lutherville MD 21093
(410) 821-6573
An education ministry operated by
Trinity Assembly of God
Trinity Reformed OPC Homeschool Umbrella Group
9630 Annapolis Road
Lanham MD 20706
(301) 306-1006
An education ministry operated by
Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Bowie
Truth Christian Academy
41 Bryan Circle
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 733-0712
A church-exempt school operated by
Church of God (Universal), Inc.
Under His Wings - School Ministries
2422 West Patapsco Avenue
Baltimore MD 21230
(410) 435-4338
An education ministry operated by
Faith Tabernacle Church
Valley Christian School
2200 West Joppa Road
Lutherville MD 21093
(410) 828-6234
An education ministry operated by
Valley Presbyterian Church
Victory Baptist Academy
30195 Rehobeth Road
Marion Station MD 21838
(410) 623-2391
An education ministry operated by
Victory Bible Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Academy
29855 El Dorado Farm Lane
Mechanicsville MD 20659
(301) 884-8503
A church-exempt school operated by
Victory Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Church Homeschool Association
3173 Hutton Road, PO Box 493
Oakland MD 21550
(240) 321-1640
An education ministry operated by
Victory Baptist Church
Victory Tabernacle Educational Ministry
Route 806 and Kelly Store Road
Thurmont MD 21788
(301) 447-3016
An education ministry operated by
Victory Tabernacle
Victory Through Christ Christian Academy
2804 Foxglove Way
Springdale MD 20774
(301) 322-9619
An education ministry operated by
Victory Through Christ Ministries, Inc.
W.E.B.B .Academy
1011 Fenton Place
Largo MD 20774
(252) 468-0844
An education ministry operated by
W.E.B.B. Ministries, Inc.
Walkersville Christian Family Schools
16827-B Sabillasville Road
Sabillasville MD 21780
(301) 241-2072
An education ministry operated by
The Walkersville Christian Fellowship
Waynesboro Christian Academy
6621 Marsh Road
Waynesboro PA 17268
(717) 762-9220
An out of state school operated by
Antrim Faith Baptist Church
Westminster Baptist In-Home School Encouragers - WISE
354 Crest Lane
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 848-6330
An education ministry operated by
Westminster Baptist Church
Williston Heights Christian Academy
10092 Newbridge Road
Denton MD 21629
(410) 479-0285
An education ministry operated by
Monroe Memorial Baptist Church
Wishart Academy
8120 Veterans Highway, Suite 205
Millersville MD 21108
(410) 729-9444
An education ministry operated by
Christ Reformed Evangelical Church
Woodlawn Baptist Church
5001 Church Road
Bowie MD 20715
(301) 262-6449
An education ministry operated by
Woodlawn Baptist Church
Woodstream Christian Academy
9800 Lottsford Road
Mitchellville 20721
(301) 955-1160
A church-exempt school operated by
Woodstream Church, Inc.
Word of Life Ministry
1730 Florence Road
Mt. Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-2403
An education ministry operated by
Word of Life Ministry, Incorporated
World House Community Supported Education, Inc
5425 Mt. Gilead Road
Reisterstown MD 21136
(443) 506-1049
An education ministry operated by
World House Community
Yang Academy
111 Central Avenue
Gaithersburg MD 20877
(301) 208-8821
An approved school operated by
The Yang Academy, Inc.
Zion's Hill Preparatory Academy
7907 Rolling View Avenue
Baltimore MD 21236
(410) 661-5890
An education ministry operated by
Zion's Hill Ministries, Inc.
Contact Information
Nonpublic School Approval Branch
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Telephone (410) 767-0408
Fax (410)333-8963
Maryland State Common Core Curriculum
The following links are filled with gold
(to an overwhelmed Maryland homeschool parent.) Here are lesson plans and step by steps!
Some lessons have links to YouTube or other pages.
Maryland state curriculum mathematics index.html
Maryland curriculum reading index
State of Maryland curriculum social studies
Maryland curriculum science
Physical Learning Environment
The physical learning environments used for home education is mainly the dinning room or around the kitchen table. The play area is either indoors or outdoors e.g. backyard or bedroom. The home has the basic tools necessary to teach the child/children the essential learning areas within the curriculum framework.
In the home the 8 learning areas are supported by the home environment, such as, books, education programs on television, information technology, visual information, home economics, art and design, outdoor education, physical education, excursions which are offered in a general school.
Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to curriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur (Novak, 1998)
The teaching role in a student-centred learning environment is, at most, one of facilitator and guide. The students are in control of their own learning and the power and responsibility are the students concern. Learning may be independant, collaborative, cooperative and competitive. The utilisation and processing of information is more important than the basic content. Learning takes place in relative contexts and students are engaged in constructing their own knowledge (Theroux,2002).
The teacher that utilises this method effectively is constantly on the move. They may be engaged with the students as a classroom collective, individually or in groups. Their involvement would include questioning, disciplining, guiding, validating, monitoring, motivating, encouraging, suggesting, modelling and clarifying (McKenzie,2002) . The teacher must make the appropriate decision when deciding how instruction should take place. Some questions that may be considered are -
- How much time do we have?
- What method would maximise efficiency?
Non-Public School COMAR
.01 Home Instruction Program.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to establish a procedure to be used by the superintendent of each local school system to determine if a child participating in a home instruction program is receiving regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age.
B. Written Agreement.
(1) A parent or guardian who chooses to teach his or her child at home shall initially sign a statement on a form prescribed by the State Department of Education which:
(a) Indicates consent to the requirements set forth in §§C, D, and E of this regulation; and
(b) Shall be submitted to the local superintendent at least 15 days before the beginning of a home instruction program.
(2) Annual Verification. Annually thereafter, before the beginning of the school year, a parent or guardian shall verify the continuation of homeschooling for his or her child with the local school superintendent or with the supervising nonpublic school or institution described in Regulation .05 of this chapter.
(3) Change in Status. A parent or guardian shall notify the local school superintendent or the supervising nonpublic school or institution described in Regulation .05 of this chapter if a change occurs in the home school status of a child during the school year.
C. Instruction Program. The home instruction program shall:
(1) Provide regular, thorough instruction in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age;
(2) Include instruction in English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health, and physical education; and
(3) Take place on a regular basis during the school year and be of sufficient duration to implement the instruction program.
D. Educational Materials. A parent or guardian who chooses to teach a child at home shall maintain a portfolio of materials which:
(1) Demonstrates the parent or guardian is providing regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the areas specified in §C(1) and (2);
(2) Includes relevant materials, such as instructional materials, reading materials, and examples of the child's writings, worksheets, workbooks, creative materials, and tests;
(3) Shall be reviewed by the local superintendent or the superintendent's designee at the conclusion of each semester of the local school system at such times as are mutually agreeable to the local superintendent or designee and the parent or guardian.
E. A parent or guardian shall agree to permit a representative of a local school system to review the portfolio of educational materials, discuss the instructional program, and observe instruction provided that all of the following requirements are met:
(1) The review is at a time and place mutually agreeable to the representative of the local school system and the parent or guardian;
(2) The purpose of the review is to ensure that the child is receiving regular, thorough instruction as set forth in §C;
(3) There are not more than three reviews during a school year.
F. Additional Requirements. A local school system may not impose additional requirements for home instruction programs other than those in these regulations.
.02 Voluntary Participation in Standardized Testing.
Upon request of a parent or guardian, a child receiving home instruction may participate in the regularly scheduled standardized testing programs that are administered in the public school the child is eligible to attend.
.03 Noncompliance with Requirements.
A. Failure to Consent. If a parent or guardian does not agree to the requirements of Regulation .01B, C, and D, above, a child shall be enrolled promptly in a public school or nonpublic school as defined in COMAR 13A.09.09.02B(9).
B. Deficiencies in the Program. If a local superintendent determines on the review of the home instruction program or inspection of the portfolio that a child is not receiving a regular, thorough instruction program in conformity with Regulation .01C and D, the local superintendent shall notify the parent or guardian in writing of any deficiencies in the program. The following apply:
(1) Within 30 days of receipt of notification of any deficiencies, the parent or guardian shall provide evidence to the local superintendent that the deficiency has been or is being corrected.
(2) If a local superintendent determines there is not a satisfactory plan to correct a deficiency or if a deficiency is not corrected, a child shall be enrolled promptly in a public school or a nonpublic school as defined in COMAR 13A.09.09.02B(4)(a).
.04 Placement in Public School.
Upon application of a child for admission to a public school from a home instruction program, the local superintendent shall determine by an evaluation the placement of the child and any credits to be awarded toward high school graduation. The evaluation may include administration of standardized tests and examinations and interviews with the child.
.05 Home Instruction Under Supervision of Nonpublic School.
A. A parent or guardian may provide instruction for a child at home without compliance with the requirements of this regulation, other than the requirements of Regulations .01B(1)(b) and .04 of this chapter, if that instruction is offered through correspondence courses and is under the supervision of a:
(1) School or institution offering an educational program operated by a bona fide church organization, and the supervision includes at a minimum all of the following components:
(a) Preenrollment conferences with parents or guardians,
(b) Textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the pupil at a site other than a school,
(c) Annual visits by supervisory personnel to the site where the pupil is receiving instruction, and
(d) Conferences with parents or guardians at appropriate intervals during the period of enrollment; or
(2) Nonpublic school with a certificate of approval from the State Board of Education, and the supervision includes at a minimum all of the following components:
(a) Textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the pupil at a site other than a school, and
(b) Assignment of a school-based teacher to assist the home teacher in using the correspondence courses and to assist the pupil by issuing progress reports, marking papers, and grading tests.
B. Annual Verification. The supervising nonpublic school or institution described in §A of this regulation annually shall:
(1) Verify with the local school superintendent the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is continuing under its supervision;
(2) Notify the local school superintendent of the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is newly added to its supervision; and
(3) Provide the local school superintendent with the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is no longer under its supervision.
C. Change in Status. The supervising nonpublic school or institution described in §A of this regulation shall notify the local school superintendent if a change occurs in the status of a home schooled student whose instruction was under its supervision during the school year.
Just click on the grade and you can go from there!
Home Instruction Fact Sheet
Are there regulations that govern home schooling in Maryland?
Home schooling in Maryland is governed by Code of Maryland Regulations 13A.10.01. These regulations set forth the home schooling parameters that must be followed by parents/guardians who desire to teach a child at home. The regulations also establish a procedure for the local superintendent of schools or the head of a certified nonpublic school or religious institution supervising the home schooling to determine if a child participating in a home schooling program is receiving regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age.
What is the responsibility of the parent/guardian for verifying that a child is being home schooled?
A parent/guardian who desires to home school a child should contact the home schooling coordinator for the local school system in which the child resides. The parent/guardian must initially complete and sign a “Home Schooling Notification Form” to indicate his/her intent to home school a child and to comply with the home schooling regulations. Each year thereafter, the parent/guardian must verify the continuation of home schooling with the local superintendent of schools or the supervising nonpublic school/institution. Additionally, the parent/guardian must notify the local superintendent of schools or the supervising nonpublic school/institution if the child’s home schooling status changes during the school year.
What are the options for home schooling?
A parent/guardian may instruct a child at home under the supervision of the local school system or through correspondence courses under the supervision of a nonpublic school. A nonpublic school may be a school/institution that offers an educational program operated by a bona fide church organization or a school/institution that has a certificate of approval from the Maryland State Board of Education.
What do the regulations require for home schooling under these
Supervision by the local school system.
If home schooling is provided under the supervision of the local school system, the parent/guardian is required to maintain a portfolio of materials that demonstrates that the parent/guardian is providing regular, thorough instruction during the school year in English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health, and physical education at the appropriate grade level and includes relevant materials and examples of the child’s work. At the conclusion of each semester, a local school system representative reviews the portfolio. The parent/guardian must permit the school system representative, at a mutually agreeable time and place, to conduct the portfolio review, discuss the educational program, and observe instruction in order to ascertain compliance with the home schooling regulations. The regulations specify that there will be no more than three reviews during a school year.
B. Correspondence courses under the supervision of a school/institution offering an educational program operated by a bona fide church organization.
The regulations require that supervision by the school/institution must include, at a minimum, all of the following components: (1) pre-enrollment conferences with parents/guardians; (2) textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the student at a site other than a school; (3) annual visits by supervisory personnel to the site where the student is receiving instruction; and (4) conferences with parents/guardians at appropriate intervals during the period of enrollment.
C. Correspondence courses under the supervision of a State approved nonpublic school.
The regulations require that supervision by the school must include, at a minimum, all of the following components: (1) textbooks, lesson materials, and other instructional materials or equipment designed to be used independently by the student at a site other than a school; and (2) assignment of a school-based teacher to assist the parent/guardian in using the correspondence courses and to assist the student by issuing progress reports, marking papers, and grading tests.
What are the responsibilities of the supervising nonpublic
school/institution regarding verification of home schooled students
under its supervision?
The supervising nonpublic school/institution must annually verify with the local superintendent of schools the identification of home schooled children whose instruction is continuing under its supervision, the identification of newly added home schooled children under its supervision, and the identification of home schooled students whose instruction is no longer under its supervision. The supervising nonpublic school/institution must also notify the local superintendent of schools if a change occurs during the school year in the status of a home schooled student whose instruction is under its supervision.
What happens if the parent/guardian of the home schooled child fails to comply with the home schooling regulations?
If the parent/guardian of the home schooled child does not consent to the requirements as set forth in the home schooling regulations and does not sign the “Home Schooling Notification Form,” the child shall be promptly enrolled in a public or nonpublic school.
If a local superintendent of schools determines upon review of the home schooling program or inspection of the portfolio that a child is not receiving a regular, thorough instruction program in conformity with the home schooling regulations, the local superintendent will notify the parent/guardian in writing of the deficiencies in the program. The parent/guardian must provide evidence to the local superintendent within 30 days of receipt of the notification that the deficiency has been or is being corrected. The child will be promptly enrolled in a public or nonpublic school if the local superintendent determines that the plan to correct a deficiency is unsatisfactory or if a deficiency is not corrected.
How is placement in public school from a home school program determined?
Upon receipt of an application to admit a child to a public school from a home schooling program, the local superintendent of schools shall conduct an evaluation to determine placement of the child and any credits to be awarded toward high school graduation. The evaluation may include administration of standardized tests and examinations, as well as interviews with the child.
Frequently asked questions:
A. Are home schooled students required to take standardized tests?
The home schooling regulations authorize home schooled students to voluntarily participate in regularly scheduled standardized testing programs administered by the public school they are eligible to attend.
B. Can home schooled students take courses at the public school they are eligible to attend?
Home schooled students are authorized only to participate in standardized testing. The regulations do not authorize participation in any other public school courses or activities.
C. Must a parent/guardian have a high school diploma or college degree in order to home school the child?
The regulations do not require a parent/guardian to have a high school diploma or college degree to home school a child.
Contact Information
Richard Scott, Specialist, School Counseling
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 767-0288
Fax: (410) 333-8148
The following education ministries and nonpublic schools are registered with the Maryland State Department of Education to supervise home instruction under regulation .05 of the home instruction regulations, COMAR 13A.10.01 Home Instruction.
AAMI Bible Institute
1607 N. Fulton Avenue
Baltimore MD 21217
(443) 413-9193
A church-exempt school operated by
Another Alternative Ministries Global Church
Abrahams Covenant Education Services
212 Oak Avenue, Suite A
LaPlata MD 20646
(301) 934-1959
An education ministry operated by
Abiding Word Family Christian Center
Academy at Church of the Saviour, The
20745 Beaver Creek Road
Boonsboro MD 21713
(301) 665-9600
An education ministry operated by
The Church of the Saviour of Myersville, Maryland
Al-Huda School
5301 Edgewood Road
College Park MD 20740
(301) 982-2402
A church-exempt school operated by
Al-Huda, Inc.
Ambleside Academy Homeschool Ministry
884 Chesterfield Road
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 544-2222
An education ministry operated by
Bay Area Community Church
American Christian Defense Alliance Academy
4990 Mercantile Road, Suite 43733
Baltimore MD 21236
(443) 226-3217
An education ministry operated by
American Christian Defense Alliance, Inc.
An-Nur Academy
9150 Lanham Severn Road
Lanham MD 20706
(301) 459-4942
A church-exempt school operated by
Prince George's Muslim Association, Inc.
Annapolis Church of Christ Home School Group
1601 Ritchie Highway
Arnold MD 21012
(410) 757-2107
An education ministry operated by
Annapolis Church of Christ
Annapolis Friends Meeting
351 Dubois Road
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 573-0364
An education ministry operated by
Annapolis Friends Meeting
Antioch Christian School
1535 Ritchie Highway
Arnold MD 21012
(410) 757-5000
An education ministry operated by
First United Pentecostal Church of Annapolis. MD inc.
Arlington Baptist School
3030 North Rolling Road
Baltimore MD 21244
(410) 655-9300
A church-exempt school operated by
Arlington Baptist Church
Ashreinu Educational Program for Girls
1600 Jonquil Street NW
Washington DC 20012
(202) 882-7225
An out of state school operated by
Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah Congregation
Assembly of Jesus Christ Academy
8400 Allentown Road
Ft. Washington MD 20744
(301) 248-8400
A church-exempt school operated by
Oxon Hill Assembly of Jesus Christ
Avalon School, The
200 W. Diamond
Gaithersburg MD 20877
(301) 963-8022
An approved school operated by
Avalon Education Group, Inc.
Bay Country Bible Education Ministry
714 Locust Street
Cambridge MD 21613
(410) 221-8568
An education ministry operated by
Bay Country Bible Church
Beit Ha Shalem Emet Yeshiva
1550 East 11th Avenue
York PA 17402
(717) 586-1199
An out of state school operated by
Beit Ha Shalem Emet, Inc.
Bertril A. Baird Christian Leadership Academy Home Instruction Program
2727 Sun Valley Drive
Waldorf MD 20603
(301) 702-1222
An education ministry operated by
Shalam World Outreach MD, Inc.
Berwyn Baptist Homeschool Academy (An Oversight Ministry of Berwyn Baptist Church)
4720 Cherokee Street
College Park MD 20740
(301) 474-7117
An education ministry operated by
Berwyn Baptist Church
Bet Yeladim Family Schools
3408 Walnut Avenue
Owings Mills MD 21117
(410) 484-4374
An education ministry operated by
Congregation Rosh Pina, Inc.
Bittinger Mennonite School
10707 Bittinger Road
Bittinger MD 21522
(310) 245-4419
A church-exempt school operated by
Bittinger Mennonite Church
Bowie Christian School
2518 Kenhill Drive
Bowie MD 20715
(301) 352-7106
A church-exempt school operated by
Belair Church of Christ
Bring It To Life Learning Center
4000 Sinclair Lane
Baltimore MD 21213
(410) 444-9440
A church-exempt school operated by
Bring It To Life Ministries
Broadfording Christian Academy
13535 Broadfording Church Road
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 797-8886
A church-exempt school operated by
Broadfording Bible Brethren Church
Bruce Outreach Academy
398 Philos Avenue
Westernport MD 21562
(301) 359-9706
An education ministry operated by
Bruce Outreach Center
C. R. O. S. S.
6400 Ridge Road
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 549-6553
An education ministry operated by
Freedom Christian Church of God
Calvary Academy
2127 West Old Liberty Road
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 875-2410
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church Academy
407 Marley Station Road
Glen Burnie 21061
(410) 768-5324
A church-exempt school operated by
Calvary Baptist Church of Glen Burnie, Maryland
Calvary Baptist Church School
46375 Pegg Lane
Lexington Park MD 20653
(301) 862-4435
An education ministry operated by
The Calvary Baptist Church of Lexington Park, Inc.
Calvary Chapel Christian Academy
5410 Leonardtown Raod
Waldorf MD 20602
(301) 645-0660
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Chapel of Waldorf, Inc.
Calvary Chapel Christian Academy
8064 New Cut Road
Severn MD 21144
(410) 969-5101
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Chapel, Inc.
Calvary Christian Academy
1120 Market Street
Denton MD 21629
(410) 479-3682
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Christian Academy
14517 McMullen Highway SW
Cresaptown MD 21502
(301) 729-0791
A church-exempt school operated by
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Christian Fellowship - Educational Ministry
330 Hook Road
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 227-4476
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Christian Fellowship
Calvary Community Church (Formerly--Family Education Association (F. E. A.)
9180 Rumsey Road
Columbia MD 21045
(410) 381-5200
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Community Church of Columbia, Inc.
Calvary Gospel Home Educators
11150 Berry Road
Waldorf MD 20603
(301) 843-5588
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Gospel Church of Waldorf, Inc.
Calvary Homeschooling Ministry
13864-B Old National Pike
Mount Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-0926
An education ministry operated by
Calvary Independent Baptist Church of Mount Airy, Inc.
Camp Springs Christian School
8040 Woodyard Road
Clinton MD 20735
(301) 868-3030
An education ministry operated by
Camp Springs Community Church, Inc.
Casselman Valley School
1317 River Road
Grantsvillte MD 21536
(814) 662-4022
A church-exempt school operated by
Somerstet County Amish Church
Cedar Brook Academy
23700 Stringtown Road
Clarksburg MD 20871
(301) 528-6705
An education ministry operated by
Cedar Brook Community Church
Central Baptist Academy
404 North Marlyn Avenue
Baltimore MD 21221
(410) 882-8653
An education ministry operated by
Central Baptist Church of Essex
Central Christian Homeschool Ministry (CCHM)
2020 Bedford Street
Cumberland MD 21502
(301) 777-3105
An education ministry operated by
Central Assembly of God of Allegany County, Maryland
Chapelgate Home Education Program (CHEP)
2600 Marriottsville Road
Marriottsville MD 21104
(410) 442-5800
An education ministry operated by
Chapelgate Presbyterian Church
Cheltenham United Methodist Academy
11111 Crain Highway
Cheltenham MD 20623
(301) 372-8704
An education ministry operated by
Cheltenham United Methodist Church
Chesapeake Baptist School
585 Old Oak Road
Severn MD 21144
(410) 969-2055
An education ministry operated by
Chesapeake Baptist Church
Chieftain Christian Academy
16011 Chieftain Road
Derwood MD 20855
(301) 948-5440
An education ministry operated by
Derwood Bible Church
Children Are Little Miracles (C.A.L.M.) Academy
9020B Woodyard Road
Clinton MD 20735
(301) 868-3567
An education ministry operated by
Christ Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.
Children of Faith
11022 Propsect Hill Road
Glenn Dale MD 20769
(240) 472-8621
An education ministry operated by
Christian Congregational Church of Faith
Christ Covenant Church
12411 Sussex Lane
Bowie MD 20715
(301) 262-3625
An education ministry operated by
Christ Covenant Church
Christ The King Family School
1102 Hart Road
Towson MD 21286
(410) 321-0711
An education ministry operated by
Christ The King Church
Christian Family Fellowship Academy
Box 36
Oakland MD 21550
(301) 334-1332
An education ministry operated by
Christian Family Fellowship
Christian Life Fellowship
5619 Baltimore National Pike
Catonsville MD 21228
(410) 747-9307
An education ministry operated by
Christian Life Fellowship, Inc.
Church of Reconciliation, The
128 N. Bond Street
Bel Air MD 21014
(410) 838-6444
An education ministry operated by
The Church of the Reconciliation
Churchville Christian School **** THIS IS WHO WE USE
9 Glenville Road
Churchville MD 21028
(410) 734-9174
An education ministry operated by
Church of God of Prophecy
Clearfield Bible Church Home Schooling
1303 Old Westminster Pike
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 848-1795
An education ministry operated by
Clearfield Bible Church
Colonial Baptist Homeschool
9411 Liberty Road
Randallstown MD 21133
(410) 655-1080
An education ministry operated by
Colonial Baptist Church
Community Gospel Church Christian Education Dept.
8223 Fort Smallwood Road
Pasadena MD 21226
(410) 255-9310
An education ministry operated by
Community Gospel Church of Pasadena, Maryland, Inc.
Conowingo-Rising Sun Christian School (CRSCS)
201 Connelly Road
Rising Sun MD 21911
(410) 658-3318
An education ministry operated by
Church of God of Prophecy, Rising Sun
Cornerstone Christian Academy
10 Seaborne Drive
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 757-3799
An education ministry operated by
Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church
Covenant Community School
9005 Chevrolet Drive, Suite B
Ellicott City MD 21042
(410) 313-9866
An education ministry operated by
New Heritage Church, Inc.
Covenant Life Church Family Schools Program
7501 Muncaster Mill Road
Gaithersburg MD 20877
(301) 590-3982
A church-exempt school operated by
Covenant Life Church
Covenant of Grace Home School Oversight Ministry
820 Nicodemus Road
Reisterstown MD 21136
(410) 833-2160
An education ministry operated by
Covenant of Grace Presbyterian Church in America
CRC Academy
3553 Lawndale Road E
Reisterstown MD 21136
(410) 239-4660
An education ministry operated by
Christian Revival Center, UPC, Inc.
Crosslife Homeschool Oversight In Christian Education (C.H.O.I.C.E)
2127 W. Old Liberty Road
Westminster MD 21157
(443) 293-7672
An education ministry operated by
Crosslife Bible Church, Inc.
DaVinci Universal Academy of Arts and Science
27618 Ridge Road
Damascus MD 20872
(301) 253-4440
An education ministry operated by
Universal Life Church, Inc.
Dayspring Christian School
990 Kendale Road
Red Lion PA 17356
(717) 600-2350
An education ministry operated by
North York Gospel Chapel
DCC Family Academy
107 East State Street
Delmar DE 19940
(302) 846-9807
An education ministry operated by
Delmar Christian Center, Inc.
Deaf Calvary Homeschool Academy
3623 Basford Road
Frederick MD 21703-7825
(301) 560-6988
An education ministry operated by
Deaf Calvary Church
Delaware Valley Christian Academy
602 Birchwood Drive
Newark DE 19713
(302) 737-0855
An out of state school operated by
Delaware Valley Bible Church
Destiny Academy
12312 Loch Carron Circle
Fort Washington MD 20744
(301) 767-6244
An education ministry operated by
Destiny Family Ministries
Door Christian Academy, The
1665 Hugo Circle
Silver Spring MD 20906
(240) 200-6644
An education ministry operated by
Door Christian Church, The
Dr. Ashmon Ebede Christian Academy
307 N. Bridge Street, Suite 207
Elkton MD 21921
(443) 433-6252
An education ministry operated by
Dr. Ashmon Ebede Christian Academy: United People Church International, Inc.
Ebenezer Christian School
17618 Virginia Avenue
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 791-4801
A church-exempt school operated by
Church of God of Boonsboro, Inc.
Edgewater Christian School
38 West Central Avenue
Edgewater MD 21037
(410) 956-3142
An education ministry operated by
First Baptist Church of Edgewater
Educating Our Own at Cedarhurst
2912 Clubhouse Road
Finksburg MD 21048
(410) 356-4755
An education ministry operated by
Cedarhurst Unitarian Universalist
El Shaddai Home
5106 Boulder Drive
Oxon Hill MD 20745
(301) 793-7971
An education ministry operated by
El Shaddai Outreach Temple, Inc.
Emmanuel Baptist School
16221 National Pike
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 582-0378
An education ministry operated by
Emmanuel Baptist Temple
Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Home School
3517 Harford Road
Baltimore MD 21218
(410) 893-7251
An education ministry operated by
Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Church
Emmorton Baptist Academy
106 Plumtree Road
Bel Air MD 21015
(410) 569-0585
A church-exempt school operated by
Emmorton Baptist Church
Emory United Methodist Education Ministry
3810 Church Road
Ellicott City MD 21043
(410) 465-6162
An education ministry operated by
Emory United Methodist Church
EmpowerOne Excellence Center
4903 Liberty Heights Avenue
Baltimore MD 21207
(443) 538-4121
An education ministry operated by
Islamic Leadership Institute of America
Episcopos Academy
14 Woodbine Circle
Elkton MD 21921
(410) 398-3192
An education ministry operated by
Christ Presbyterian Church of Elkton
Evangel Christian Institute
7000 Rossville Boulevard
Baltimore MD 21237
(410) 391-8000
An education ministry operated by
Evangel Cathedral Church of God
Evangelical Presbyterian Home Education Ministry (EPHEM)
710 Ridgely Avenue
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 266-8090
An education ministry operated by
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Annapolis
Excelsior Academy, The
1121 Annapolis Road #305
Odenton MD 21113
(410) 695-1101
An education ministry operated by
Youth Encounter Ministries, Inc.
Extraordinary Life Academy
715 E. Ordnance Road #110
Glen Burnie MD 21226
(410) 761-5433
An education ministry operated by
Extraordinary Life Church
Faith Baptist Academy
1305 Joppa Road
Joppa MD 21085
(410) 679-1305
An education ministry operated by
Faith Baptist Church
Faith Baptist School
30505 Dagsboro Road
Salisbury MD 21804
(410) 742-9516
A church-exempt school operated by
The Faith Baptist Church of Salisbury, Maryland
Faith Bible Homeschool Ministry
108 Maryland Avenue
Ridgely MD 21660
(410) 479-2821
An education ministry operated by
Faith Bible Church of Ridgely, Maryland
Faith Community Church Christian Academy
1306 Riedel Road
Gambrills MD 21054
(410) 451-1220
An education ministry operated by
Faith Community Church of Gambrills, Inc.
Faith Homeschool Academy
12660 McDade Road
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 791-1674
An education ministry operated by
Bridge of Life Church (DBAFaith Chapel, Inc.)
Faith Outreach Homeschool Ministry
1713 Rittenhouse Avenue
Baltimore MD 21227
(410) 242-5678
An education ministry operated by
Faith Outreach Chapel
Faith Reformed Baptist Church Umbrella Group
40 Main Street
Walkersville MD 21793
(301) 845-8600
An education ministry operated by
Faith Reformed Baptist Church
FBCHF Umbrella School
155 German Chapel Road
Prince Frederick MD 20678
(410) 535-1669
An education ministry operated by
First Baptist Church of Calvert County
Fellowship Baptist Home Education Ministry
1015 Sundown Road
Ferndale MD 21061
(410) 760-7755
An education ministry operated by
Fellowship Baptist Church of Ferndale
Firm Foundation Worship Center
2119 Coon Club Road
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 876-6696
An education ministry operated by
Firm Foundation Worship Center, Inc.
Forest Ridge Baptist Academy
2435 Bailey Road
Forest Hill MD 21050
(410) 420-3722
An education ministry operated by
Forest Ridge Baptist Church
Frederick Baptist Academy
5305 Mount Zion Road
Frederick MD 21703
(301) 473-8900
A church-exempt school operated by
Frederick Baptist Church
Frederick Christian Academy
6642 Carpenter Road
Frederick MD 21703
(301) 473-8990
A church-exempt school operated by
People's Baptist Church
Freedom Christian School
2400 Old Largo Road
Upper Marlboro MD 20772
(301) 627-3646
An education ministry operated by
First Christian Church of Capitol Heights, Maryland
Freedom Hill Fellowship Ministries Umbrella
4550 Kemptown Court
Monrovia MD 21770
(240) 397-5095
An education ministry operated by
Freedom Hill Fellowship
Gateway Christian Academy
2500 Conowingo Road #B
Bel Air MD 21014
(410) 638-9505
An education ministry operated by
Gateway Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Gateway Christian Academy
11017 Kemps Mill Road
Williamsport MD 21795
(301) 582-4595
A church-exempt school operated by
Church of God of Williamsport
Geneva Academy
1102 Montgomery Street
Laurel MD 20707
(301) 498-3700
An education ministry operated by
Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church
GLA Academy "School of Excellence"
6247 Kenwood Avenue
Rosedale MD 21203
(410) 866-0018
A church-exempt school operated by
GLA Youth Church, Inc.
Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church Homeschool Academy
2880 Summit Bridge Road
Glasgow DE 19701
(302) 834-4772
An education ministry operated by
Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church of Delaware, Inc.
Global Christian Academy
6511 Princess Garden Parkway
Lanham MD 20706
(301) 925-1231
A church-exempt school operated by
Eternal Kingdom Power Global Church Ministries, Inc.
God's Little Cherubs Elementary School
5020 Gwynn Oak Avenue
Baltimore MD 21207
(410) 542-1274
An approved school operated by
God's Little Cherubs Elementary School, Inc.
Good News Baptist Church
114 Morris Avenue
Federalsburg MD 21632
(443) 786-7236
An education ministry operated by
Good News Baptist Church
Good News Christian Academy
17700 Muncaster Mill Road
Derwood MD 20855
(301) 926-9600
An education ministry operated by
Good News Bible Church, Incorporated
Good Tidings Christian School
4909 Powder Mill Road
Beltsville MD 20705
(301) 937-6503
An education ministry operated by
Good Tidings Assembly of God Church
Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Education Ministry
1540C Pointer Ridge Place
Bowie MD 20716
(301) 218-5277
An education ministry operated by
Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Gortner Amish Church School
4251 Mason School Road
Oakland MD 21550
(301) 334-4061
An education ministry operated by
Gortner Amish Church
Grace Academy
13321 Cearfoss Pike
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 733-2033
An approved school operated by
Grace Academy, Inc.
Grace Baptist Christian Academy
1501 Stockton Road
Joppa MD 21085
(410) 676-3737
A church-exempt school operated by
Grace Baptist Church of Harford County
Grace Brethren Christian School
6501 Surratts Road
Clinton MD 20735
(301) 868-1600
An approved school operated by
Grace Brethren Church of Clinton, MD
Grace Christian Academy
2303 Churchville Road
Bel Air MD 21015
(410) 879-5340
An education ministry operated by
Grace Assembly of God
Grace Christian Academy of Maryland
13000 Zekiah Drive
Waldorf MD 20601
(301) 645-7438
An approved school operated by
Grace Brethren Church of Greater Washington
Grace Community Academy
11611 Belair Road
Kingsville MD 21087
(410) 817-9200
An education ministry operated by
Grace Community Church of Baltimore
Grace Episcopal Church
6725 Montgomery Road
Elkridge MD 21075
(410) 796-3270
An education ministry operated by
Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Independent Baptist Church
1485 Waterbury Road
Crownsville MD 21032
(410) 923-2524
An education ministry operated by
Grace Independent Baptist Church
Grace of God Fellowship Education Ministry
415 East Dover Street
Easton MD 21601
(410) 763-6558
An education ministry operated by
Grace of God Fellowship of Easton
Grace Reformed Academy
651 Highland Way
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 739-0645
An education ministry operated by
Grace Reformed Fellowship Presbyterian Church in America
Granite Baptist Church School
7823 Oakwood Road
Glen Burnie MD 21061
(410) 761-1118
A church-exempt school operated by
Granite Baptist Church
Greensboro Christian Academy
401 West Sunset Avenue
Greensboro MD 21639
(410) 482-8601
An education ministry operated by
Greensboro Baptist Church
Griggs International Academy
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring MD 20904
(301) 680-6570
An approved school operated by
Andrews University
Hampshire View Christian School
360 Ednor Road
Silver Spring MD 20905
(301) 570-8457
A church-exempt school operated by
Hampshire View Baptist Church
Harford Christian School
1736 Whiteford Road
Darlington MD 21034
(410) 457-5103
A church-exempt school operated by
Reforamation Bible Church, Inc.
Harvest Baptist Church School
119A South Avenue
Salisbury MD 21801
(410) 742-8041
An education ministry operated by
Harvest Baptist Church
Harvest Family Schools
8707 Indian Springs Road
Frederick MD 21702
(301) 662-0206
An education ministry operated by
Harvest Christian Fellowship
Harvest High School
6371 Zittlestown Road
Middletown MD 21769
(301) 432-8425
An education ministry operated by
Harvest Life Ministries
Heaven Bound Christian Academy
8158 Yellow Springs Road
Frederick MD 21702
(301) 662-0662
An education ministry operated by
Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church
Heritage Academy
2510 Sandy Hook Road
Forest Hill MD 21050
(410) 836-8388
An education ministry operated by
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, Inc., T/A Abundant Grace Family Worship Center
Higher Calling Ministry of Educational Excellence
2119 Gwynn Oak Avenue
Baltimore MD 21207
(410) 944-4111
An education ministry operated by
St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Highfield Christian Homeschool Alternative
25445 Highfield Road
Cascade MD 21719
(301) 241-4541
An education ministry operated by
St. Stephen's United Church of Christ
Highland Homeschool Ministry
11911 Messick Road, S. E.
Cumberland MD 21502
(301) 722-2699
An education ministry operated by
Highland Baptist Church, Inc.
Highland View Academy
10100 Academy Drive
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 739-8480
An approved school operated by
Highland View Academy, Inc.
His Way Christian Academy
10441 Hiners Lane
Easton MD 21601
(410) 819-8611
An education ministry operated by
Discovery Christian Church
Holy Trinity Episcopal Day School
13106 Annapolis Road
Bowie MD 20720
(301) 262-5355
An approved school operated by
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Home Education Ministry
6345 South Carroll Park Drive
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 795-7860
An education ministry operated by
Carroll Baptist Church
Home Educators Leading The Way
P.O. Box 4525
Baltimore MD 21212
(443) 600-8737
An education ministry operated by
Options Ministries and Community Services, Inc.
Homeschool Oversight Program Extension (HOPE)
550 Baltimore Boulevard
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 876-3838
An education ministry operated by
Church of the Open Door
Homeschool Umbrella Group (HUG) of Maryland
6272 Sunny Spring
Columbia MD 21044
(410) 740-6688
An education ministry operated by
Maryland Community Fellowship, Inc.
Hope Academy
7195 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia MD 21046
(443) 200-4673
An education ministry operated by
Hope Bible Church
Hope Academy
533 South Burhans Boulevard
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 739-8585
An education ministry operated by
Bible Brethren Church, Inc.
Hope Christian Academy
3215 Powdermill Road
Adelphi 20783
(301) 767-7028
A church-exempt school operated by
Bethel Baptist Church of Silver Spring, MD
Huyett's Mennonite School
16404 National Pike
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 790-2252
A church-exempt school operated by
Cumberland Valley Mennonite Church
Independent Baptist Academy
9255 Piscataway Road
Clinton 20735
(301) 856-1616
A church-exempt school operated by
Independent Baptist Church
IQRA Prep Academy
572 College Parkway
Rockville MD 20850
(202) 659-4772
A church-exempt school operated by
Masjid Umm Barakah, Inc.
Jesus Endtime Warriors
Oakland and Mineral Mills Road
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 750-8288
An education ministry operated by
Victorious Tabernacle, Inc.
Jesus Is Lord Christian School
3425 Chambersburg Road
Biglerville PA 17307
(717) 337-1607
An out of state school operated by
Jesus Is Lord Ministeries International
1718 Belmont Avenue (J)
Baltimore MD 21244
(410) 944-8700
An education ministry operated by
Joshua Ministries International
Joy Ministries Home Schooling
7113 Glenridge Drive
Hyattsville MD 20784
(301) 459-0745
An education ministry operated by
Joy Ministries, Incorporated
King of the Nations Christian Fellowship
10400 Darnestown Road
Rockville MD 20850
(301) 251-3719
An education ministry operated by
King of the Nations Christian Fellowship
Kingdom Ministries Homeschool Umbrella
16911 Redland Road
Derwood MD 20855
(301) 330-4326
An education ministry operated by
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church in America
Kings Landing Academy
2450 Kings Landing Road
Huntingtown MD 20639
(410) 414-3700
A church-exempt school operated by
Calvert Community Church, Inc.
Kirkridge Church Faith Family Academics in the Home
2236 Old Fort Schoolhouse Road, P.O. Bocx 773
Manchester MD 21102
(410) 871-2777
An education ministry operated by
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church FAITH
2236 Old Fort Schoolhouse Road, PO. Box 773
Manchester MD 21102
(410) 376-6112
An education ministry operated by
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church
Lamp of Youth Christian Academy
Highway 28
Green Bank WV 24944
(304) 456-4069
An out of state school operated by
Church of God at Green Bank
Lansdowne Home Oversight Ministry of Education (Lansdowne H.O.M.E)
2212 Lansdowne Road
Baltimore MD 21227
(410) 242-6768
An education ministry operated by
Lansdowne Alliance Church
Laurel Church of Christ Home Education Ministry
7111 Cherry Lane
Laurel MD 20707
(301) 490-0777
An education ministry operated by
Church of Christ, Laurel
Laurel Wesleyan Homeschool Umbrella
30186 Seaford Road
Laurel DE 19956
(302) 875-5380
An education ministry operated by
Laurel Wesleyan Church, Inc.
Learning Community International, The
9085 Flamepool Way
Columbia MD 21045
(410) 730-0073
A church-exempt school operated by
The Community, Inc.
Learning Monthly Meeting
605 Windwood Road
Baltimore MD 21212
(410) 652-1475
A church-exempt school operated by
Learning Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Liberty Christian Academy
119 Coulson Drive
Colora MD 21917
(410) 937-9388
An education ministry operated by
First Liberty Community Church
Liberty Home Instruction Fellowship
11301 Liberty Road
Owings Mills MD 21117
(410) 655-5466
An education ministry operated by
Liberty Reformed Presbyterian Church
Liberty Rock Baptist Church Education Ministry
3799 Old Washington Road
Waldorf MD 20602
(301) 843-4807
An education ministry operated by
Liberty Rock Baptist Church
Life In Jesus Homeschool
9002 Clemsonville Road
Union Bridge MD 21791
(301) 829-2874
An education ministry operated by
Life In Jesus Community, Inc.
Light of Hope Academy
303 Lambson Court
Baltimore MD 21220
(410) 335-2749
An education ministry operated by
Light of Hope, Inc.
Light of the World Christian Academy
8614B Woodspring Road
Randallstown MD 21133
(410) 655-4521
An education ministry operated by
Light of the World Church Ministries, Incorporated
Lighthouse Baptist Academy
107G Mountain Road
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 977-9387
An education ministry operated by
Lighthouse Baptist Church of Pasadena, Maryland, Inc.
Living Water School, The
2200 Culbera Drive
Hillcrest Heights MD 20748
(301) 971-2619
A church-exempt school operated by
The Living Water Assembly
Living Waters Home Education Program
8719 Neck Road
Williamsport MD 21795
(301) 223-7783
An education ministry operated by
Living Waters Chapel
Loch Raven Baptist Educational Ministry
8600 Loch Raven Boulevard
Towson MD 21286
(410) 823-2940
An education ministry operated by
Loch Raven Baptist Church
Lothian Church of God Academy
1228 Marlboro Road
Lothian MD 20711
(301) 741-6013
An education ministry operated by
The Church of God of Lothian, MD
Love Church of Maryland Homeschool, The
14671 Fox Chase Circle
Ridgely MD 21660
(410) 758-2979
An education ministry operated by
The Love Church of Maryland, Incorporated
Lubavitch Home-School Umbrella Program
10126 Rodona Drive
Columbia MD 21044
(410) 740-2424
An education ministry operated by
Lubavitch Center of Jewish Education -- Ahavas Israel
M & M Learning Center
4907 Niagara Road, Suite 102
College Park MD 20740
(240) 542-4180
An education ministry operated by
M & M Islamic Center, Inc.
Many Paths of Natural Learning
8730 Rose Lane
Jessup MD 20794
(301) 335-4073
An education ministry operated by
Many Paths, Inc.
Many Paths of Natural Learning--Eastern Shore
602 Market Street
Denton MD 21629
(410) 479-4921
An education ministry operated by
Many Paths, Inc.
Many Paths of Natural Learning--Western Maryland
8730 Rose Lane
Jessup MD 20794
(301) 335-4073
An education ministry operated by
Many Paths, Inc.
Maranatha Baptist Church Academy
3141 Old Elk Neck Road
Elkton MD 21922
(410) 398-2893
A church-exempt school operated by
Maranatha Baptist Church
Maryland Catholic Homeschoolers
6030 Daybreak Circle, Suite A150-361
Clarksville MD 21029
(301) 717-1100
An education ministry operated by
Maryland Catholic Homeschoolers LLC
Maryland Homeschool Reviews
1777 Reisterstown Road, Suite 50--Room B
Pikesville MD 21208
(410) 205-4904
An education ministry operated by
Community of Ethical People, The
Maven Academy, The
1908 Forest Drive, Suite 2J
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 216-7070
A church-exempt school operated by
Healing X Outreach Minsitries
Medina Home School
814 Brandy Farms Lane
Gambrills MD 21054
(410) 721-5880
An education ministry operated by
Islamic Society of Annapolis
Melwood Nazarene Academy
6906 Woodyard Road
Upper Marlboro MD 20772
(301) 599-6700
An education ministry operated by
Melwood Church of the Nazarene
Mid-Shore Community Church School
8610-C Commerce Drive
Easton MD 21601
(410) 829-0048
An education ministry operated by
Grace Brethern Church of Greater Washington, Inc.
Morning Star Christian Academy
46544 Rue Purchase Road
Lexington Park MD 20653
(301) 862-3755
An education ministry operated by
SAYSF Bible Church
Mount Oak Methodist Homeschool Umbrella
14110 Mount Oak Road
Mitchellville MD 20721
(301) 249-2230
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Oak Christian School, Corp.
Mountain View Christian School
1751 Springs Road
Springs PA 15562
(814) 662-2607
An out of state school operated by
Mountain View Christian School Church & Anthems Chorus
Mt. Aetna SDA School
10207 Crystal Falls Drive
Hagerstown 21740
(301) 824-3875
A church-exempt school operated by
Chesapeake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Mt. Airy Christian Family Academy
16700 Old Frederick Road
Mt. Airy MD 21771
(410) 489-4321
An education ministry operated by
Mount Airy Bible Church
Mt. Airy Mennonite School
7101 Watersville Road
Mt. Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-9403
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Airy Mennonite Church
Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church Homeschool Ministry
17455 Old Frederick Road
Mount Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-5223
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church, P.C.A. Inc.
Mt. Sophia Academy
677 Dawson Drive
Newark DE 19714
(302) 292-2007
An education ministry operated by
New Beginnings Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Mt. Zion Christian Homeschool Covering
1645 Churchville Road
Bel Air MD 21015
(410) 836-7444
An education ministry operated by
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Muslim Learning Center
2642 Harford Road
Baltimore MD 21218
(443) 779-9142
An education ministry operated by
Jamma'atu Masjid Al Mu'miniin of Maryland Incorporated
New Beginnings Home School Ministry
7985 Tick Neck Road
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 255-9616
An education ministry operated by
New Beginnings Full Gospel Church, Inc.
New Covenant Presbyterian Church Homeschool Ministry
128 St. Mary's Church Road
Abingdon MD 21009
(410) 569-0289
An education ministry operated by
New Covenant Presbyterian Church
New Hope (Seventh Day Adventist) Home Education Ministries
15121 McKnew Road
Burtonsville MD 20866
(301) 776-4122
An education ministry operated by
New Hope Seventh Day Adventist Church
New Life Academy
1320 Chalet Drive
Wilmington DE 19808
(302) 994-5125
An out of state school operated by
Calvary Apostolic Church
New Life Baptist Churc--Home School Ministry
5501 Loyd Avenue
White Marsh MD 21162
(410) 256-0601
An education ministry operated by
New Life Baptist Church
New Life Community Homeschool Academy
11906 Cedar Lane
Kingsville MD 21087
(443) 528-3007
An education ministry operated by
New Life Community Church of Greater Baltimore, Inc.
Northwest Baptist Church Education Ministry
300 Westminster Road
Reisterstown MD 21136
(410) 833-7220
An education ministry operated by
Northwest Baptist Church
Oak Grove Baptist Academy
2106 Churchville Road
Bel Air MD 21012
(410) 838-9898
An education ministry operated by
Oak Grove Baptist Chruch of Harford County
Oak Ridge Baptist Church Home School Umbrella
361 Tilghman Road
Salisbury MD 21804
(410) 742-4424
An education ministry operated by
Oak Ridge Baptist Church
Oaks Private School, The
P.O. Box 1479
Jasper FL 32052
(866) 998-8677
An out of state school operated by
Christ's Church in South Florida
Open Bible LIFE Academy
13 Open Bible Way
Kingsville MD 21087
(410) 593-9940
An education ministry operated by
Open Bible Christian Ministries, Inc.
Our Communnity Montessori Co-op
13611 Old Annapolis Road
Bowie MD 20721
(240) 334-7412
An education ministry operated by
Kingdom Life Empowerment Temple
Paradise Homeschool Academy
14416 Barkdoll Road
Hagerstown MD 21742
(240) 818-7211
An education ministry operated by
Ringgold Church of Christ
Pathweavers Educational Consultants
28 West Water Street, P. O.Box 646
Smithsburg MD 21783
(301) 991-0718
An education ministry operated by
Bethel United Methodist Church
Perry Hall Christian School
3919 Schroeder Avenue
Perry Hall MD 21128
(410) 256-4886
An approved school operated by
Perry Hall Baptist Church, Inc.
Pilgrimage School at Manor Woods
5300 Norbeck Road
Rockville MD 20853
(301) 460-3550
An education ministry operated by
Church of Christ at Manor Woods
Pleasant View Baptist Church Homeschool Ministry
8931 Garrett Highway
Oakland MD 21550
(301) 334-8515
An education ministry operated by
Pleasant View Baptist Church
Pleasant View--Lighhouse Umbrella School Program
7 Pleasant View Church Road
Port Deposit MD 21904
(410) 378-4476
A church-exempt school operated by
Pleasant View Baptist Church
Poiema Ministry
23101 Town Creek Drive
Lexington Park MD 20653
(301) 862-5016
An education ministry operated by
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
Potomac Heights Christian Academy
37A Glymont Road
Indian Head MD 20640
(301) 753-9350
A church-exempt school operated by
Potomac Heights Baptist Church
Project Excel Academy
9008 Continental Place
Landover MD 20785
(301) 868-3414
A church-exempt school operated by
Zoe Life Ministries
Promise Land Christian School
107 Mountain Road Units R & S
Pasadena MD 21122
(410) 766-8685
An education ministry operated by
Community Church of Christ of Severna Park, Inc.
Providence Academy
311 Parker Road
Salisbury MD 21801
(410) 546-0577
An education ministry operated by
Providence Presbyterian Church
Radcliffe Creek School, The
201 Talbot Boulevard, Suite A
Chestertown 21620
(410) 778-8150
An approved school operated by
Radcliffe Creek School, Inc.
Rainbow Christian Academy
2120-A Industrial Parkway
Silver Spring MD 20904
(301) 625-9798
An education ministry operated by
Rainbow Family Ministries
Redeemer Classical Christian School
6415 Mt. Vista Road
Kingsville MD 21087
(410) 592-9625
A church-exempt school operated by
Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Inc.
Rehoboth Christian Academy
11211 Odell Farms Court
Beltsville MD 20705
(301) 931-2548
An education ministry operated by
Rehoboth Mission Baptist Church
Remnant's Homeschool Ministry
3015 Brodkin Avenue
Fort Washington MD 20744
(301) 248-3329
An education ministry operated by
Remnant's Ministries, Inc.
Rihla Center of ISB
6631 Johnnycake Road
Baltimore MD 21244
(410) 719-0921
An education ministry operated by
Islamic Society of Baltimore, MD Inc.
Rock of the Revelation, Inc., The
2111 Hollins Ferry Road
Baltimore MD 21203
(410) 247-2108
An education ministry operated by
The Rock of the Revelation, Inc.
Royal Christian Educators
9202 Philadelphia Road
Baltimore MD 21237
(410) 682-4114
An education ministry operated by
The Rosedale Baptist Church of Baltimore
S.O.A.R. High School of Academic Resilience
2100 Gwynn Oak Avenue #B
Baltimore MD 21207
(443) 250-8525
A church-exempt school operated by
Spirit and Truth Church of Excellence
Sabbath Rest Advent Church, The
2410 Dargan Road
Sharpsburg MD 21782
(301) 432-6091
An education ministry operated by
The Sabbath Rest Advent Church
Salem Christian School
7901 Bradshaw Road
Upper Falls MD 21156
(410) 592-2543
An education ministry operated by
Salem United Methodist Church of Upper Falls
Salisbury Bible Homeschool Umbrella
1500 Court Plaza Lane
Salisbury MD 21801
(410) 546-1522
An education ministry operated by
Salisbury Bible Fellowship
Salisbury Mennonite School
31608 Dagsboro Road
Delmar MD 21875
(410) 749-7932
A church-exempt school operated by
Salisbury Mennonite Church
Seabrook Seventh Day Adventist Home School
8900 Good Luck Road
Seabrook MD 20706
(301) 577-6342
An education ministry operated by
Seabrook Seventh Day Adventist Church
Seaside Christian Academy
12637-A Ocean Gateway
Ocean City MD 21842
(410) 213-7595
A church-exempt school operated by
Ocean City Baptist Church
Seton Home Study School
1350 Progress Drive
Front Royal VA 22630
(540) 636-9990
An out of state school operated by
Holy Family in Exile and the Holy Innocents
Severn Covenant Chruch Home School Umbrella
20 Gambrills Road
Severn MD 2111-44
(410) 987-3021
An education ministry operated by
Severn Covenant Church, Inc.
Severn Run Home School Umbrella
1624 Millersville Road
Millersville MD 21108
(410) 987-9570
An education ministry operated by
Severn Run Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Severna Park Baptist Homeschool Umbrella
506 Benfield Road
Severna Park 21146
(410) 647-8162
A church-exempt school operated by
Severna Park Baptist Church, Inc.
SHABACH! Christian Academy Home School
3600 Brightseat Road
Landover MD 20785
(301) 773-3600
An education ministry operated by
SHABACH Ministries, Inc.
Shekinah Home School Association
150 Center Street
Frostburg MD 21532
(301) 689-5146
An education ministry operated by
Frostburg Church of the Nazarene
Shiloh Christian Academy
442 Kentmore Terrace
Abingdon MD 21009
(410) 569-7148
An education ministry operated by
The Church at Abingdon
Shore Christian Fellowship Homeschool Umbrella Ministry
7401 Main Street
Queenstown MD 21658
(410) 827-6500
An education ministry operated by
Shore Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Solid Rock Church School
5401 Good Luck Road
Riverdale MD 20737
(301) 474-7800
An education ministry operated by
Solid Rock Church
Solid Rock Home Educators
8320 Benson Drive
Columbia MD 21045
(301) 384-9503
An education ministry operated by
Solid Rock Community Church
South Potomac Educational Alternatives Resource (SPEAR)
4915 Crain Highway
White Plains MD 20695
(301) 753-4075
An education ministry operated by
South Potomac Church
Southern Calvert Cooperative School
12140 H. G. Trueman Road
Lusby MD 20657
(410) 326-6533
An education ministry operated by
Southern Calvert Baptist Church
Southern Maryland Christian Academy
9805 Faith Baptist Church Road
White Plains MD 20695
(301) 870-2550
A church-exempt school operated by
Southern Maryland Fellowship Church
Sovereign Grace Church Homeschool Program
900 Trimble Road
Joppa MD 21085
(410) 676-2979
An education ministry operated by
Sovereign Grace Church, Inc.
St. John School
45 Monroe Street
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 848-4744
A church-exempt school operated by
St. John Roman Catholic Church
St. Stephen's Reformed Episcopal Church
2275 Liberty Road
Eldersburg MD 21784
(410) 795-1249
An education ministry operated by
St. Stephen's Reformed Episcopal Church
St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial (STAT)
700 Melvin Avenue, Suite 1
Annapolis MD 21401
(410) 929-2912
An education ministry operated by
St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial, Inc.
Stone Hill Preparatory School
12417 Deoudes Road
Boyds MD 20841
(301) 972-5982
An approved school operated by
Boyds Country Day School, LLC
TAQWA Learning Center
10742 Route 108
Ellicott City MD 21042
(410) 997-5711
An education ministry operated by
Tower of Ivory
1861 Harbor Drive
Chester MD 21619
(410) 643-6220
An education ministry operated by
St. Christopher's Church-Stevensville
Tri-State Christian Academy DBA Boonsboro Christian Academy
7605 Old National Pike
Boonsboro MD 21713
(301) 791-2702
A church-exempt school operated by
Tri-State Church of God DBA Boonsboro Family Worship Center
Trinity Christian Academy
2907 Mountian Road
Joppa MD 21078
(410) 861-0471
An education ministry operated by
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Trinity Christian Family Schools
2122 West Joppa Road
Lutherville MD 21093
(410) 821-6573
An education ministry operated by
Trinity Assembly of God
Trinity Reformed OPC Homeschool Umbrella Group
9630 Annapolis Road
Lanham MD 20706
(301) 306-1006
An education ministry operated by
Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Bowie
Truth Christian Academy
41 Bryan Circle
Hagerstown MD 21740
(301) 733-0712
A church-exempt school operated by
Church of God (Universal), Inc.
Under His Wings - School Ministries
2422 West Patapsco Avenue
Baltimore MD 21230
(410) 435-4338
An education ministry operated by
Faith Tabernacle Church
Valley Christian School
2200 West Joppa Road
Lutherville MD 21093
(410) 828-6234
An education ministry operated by
Valley Presbyterian Church
Victory Baptist Academy
30195 Rehobeth Road
Marion Station MD 21838
(410) 623-2391
An education ministry operated by
Victory Bible Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Academy
29855 El Dorado Farm Lane
Mechanicsville MD 20659
(301) 884-8503
A church-exempt school operated by
Victory Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Church Homeschool Association
3173 Hutton Road, PO Box 493
Oakland MD 21550
(240) 321-1640
An education ministry operated by
Victory Baptist Church
Victory Tabernacle Educational Ministry
Route 806 and Kelly Store Road
Thurmont MD 21788
(301) 447-3016
An education ministry operated by
Victory Tabernacle
Victory Through Christ Christian Academy
2804 Foxglove Way
Springdale MD 20774
(301) 322-9619
An education ministry operated by
Victory Through Christ Ministries, Inc.
W.E.B.B .Academy
1011 Fenton Place
Largo MD 20774
(252) 468-0844
An education ministry operated by
W.E.B.B. Ministries, Inc.
Walkersville Christian Family Schools
16827-B Sabillasville Road
Sabillasville MD 21780
(301) 241-2072
An education ministry operated by
The Walkersville Christian Fellowship
Waynesboro Christian Academy
6621 Marsh Road
Waynesboro PA 17268
(717) 762-9220
An out of state school operated by
Antrim Faith Baptist Church
Westminster Baptist In-Home School Encouragers - WISE
354 Crest Lane
Westminster MD 21157
(410) 848-6330
An education ministry operated by
Westminster Baptist Church
Williston Heights Christian Academy
10092 Newbridge Road
Denton MD 21629
(410) 479-0285
An education ministry operated by
Monroe Memorial Baptist Church
Wishart Academy
8120 Veterans Highway, Suite 205
Millersville MD 21108
(410) 729-9444
An education ministry operated by
Christ Reformed Evangelical Church
Woodlawn Baptist Church
5001 Church Road
Bowie MD 20715
(301) 262-6449
An education ministry operated by
Woodlawn Baptist Church
Woodstream Christian Academy
9800 Lottsford Road
Mitchellville 20721
(301) 955-1160
A church-exempt school operated by
Woodstream Church, Inc.
Word of Life Ministry
1730 Florence Road
Mt. Airy MD 21771
(301) 829-2403
An education ministry operated by
Word of Life Ministry, Incorporated
World House Community Supported Education, Inc
5425 Mt. Gilead Road
Reisterstown MD 21136
(443) 506-1049
An education ministry operated by
World House Community
Yang Academy
111 Central Avenue
Gaithersburg MD 20877
(301) 208-8821
An approved school operated by
The Yang Academy, Inc.
Zion's Hill Preparatory Academy
7907 Rolling View Avenue
Baltimore MD 21236
(410) 661-5890
An education ministry operated by
Zion's Hill Ministries, Inc.
Contact Information
Nonpublic School Approval Branch
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Telephone (410) 767-0408
Fax (410)333-8963
Maryland State Common Core Curriculum
The following links are filled with gold
(to an overwhelmed Maryland homeschool parent.) Here are lesson plans and step by steps!
Some lessons have links to YouTube or other pages.
Maryland state curriculum mathematics index.html
Maryland curriculum reading index
State of Maryland curriculum social studies
Maryland curriculum science
Physical Learning Environment
The physical learning environments used for home education is mainly the dinning room or around the kitchen table. The play area is either indoors or outdoors e.g. backyard or bedroom. The home has the basic tools necessary to teach the child/children the essential learning areas within the curriculum framework.
In the home the 8 learning areas are supported by the home environment, such as, books, education programs on television, information technology, visual information, home economics, art and design, outdoor education, physical education, excursions which are offered in a general school.
Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to curriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur (Novak, 1998)
The teaching role in a student-centred learning environment is, at most, one of facilitator and guide. The students are in control of their own learning and the power and responsibility are the students concern. Learning may be independant, collaborative, cooperative and competitive. The utilisation and processing of information is more important than the basic content. Learning takes place in relative contexts and students are engaged in constructing their own knowledge (Theroux,2002).
The teacher that utilises this method effectively is constantly on the move. They may be engaged with the students as a classroom collective, individually or in groups. Their involvement would include questioning, disciplining, guiding, validating, monitoring, motivating, encouraging, suggesting, modelling and clarifying (McKenzie,2002) . The teacher must make the appropriate decision when deciding how instruction should take place. Some questions that may be considered are -
- How much time do we have?
- What method would maximise efficiency?
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