Thursday, January 10, 2019

TEAMWORK: Homeschool lesson plan

When we think of teams, we usually think of sports. But a team can be any group that works together or plays together. Team members cooperate to get the job done. That's called teamwork.
This look at all kinds of teams, all around the world, helps young children understand the idea of teamwork as it gives them a glimpse into the rich variety of world cultures.

Using a dictionary look up the definition of the following words:

Objective of the following game is to make your friends laugh by turning the sad forest into a happy forest.

Warm up or Cool Down Song:
Get the children thinking about creating a forest with this song about trees. This song can be
performed before or after the game.
Elm trees stretch and stretch so wide (Extend arms out to sides)
Their limbs reach out on every side. (Stretch)
Pine trees stretch and stretch so high (Extend arms upward)
They nearly reach up to the sky. (Stretch)
Willows droop and droop so low (Arms hang loosely down)
Their branches sweep the ground below. (Fingers sweep the floor)
(Song from: Campbell M. Hip Hop Happy! Adventures in Physical Activity for 3-5 year olds. Serious Fun Enterprises, 1994.)

What to do:
1. Children stand still as if they were a tree.
2. One person walks around and tries to make the children standing still laugh. When a child is
laughing hard enough to show teeth the person has succeeded in making a happier forest. You
can’t touch, tickle the person but one can jump around, make noises and faces to make the other
people laugh.
3. Rotate who is making the others laugh.

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