Friday, October 29, 2021

How do I find free books on Amazon Prime?

How do I find free books on Amazon Prime?

Then go to to start browsing the titles currently available in Prime Reading. When you find a book, comic, or magazine that looks tempting, simply click "Read for Free," and the item will be available for download.

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What is Prime Reading?

If your library card gets more of a workout than your ATM card, and book-club night is your favorite night of the month, you'll probably love Amazon's Prime Reading benefit. But you may not know all of what's included and how to take advantage of this benefit, which is automatically included in your Amazon Prime membership.

Here are some frequently asked questions to help understand what Prime Reading is all about.

What exactly is Prime Reading? Think of it as a private library that lets Prime members read free. Prime Reading includes a selection of more than 2,500 books and magazines and is one of the Prime benefits you can share in your household.

How do I get started? Make sure you are logged in to your Amazon account and your Prime membership is current. Then go to to start browsing the titles currently available in Prime Reading. When you find a book, comic, or magazine that looks tempting, simply click "Read for Free," and the item will be available for download. Or click "Read and Listen for Free" for the titles that have Audible companions.

How can I access Prime Reading? You can use a Kindle E-reader or Fire tablet, or download the Kindle app for use on your iOS or Android smartphone or tablet.

What kind of choices are available? Options abound. The frequently updated selection includes recent and popular fiction and nonfiction titles, literary classics, children's books, comic books, magazines and Kindle Singles.

What if I download a book and change my mind — or if I finish a book and want to select a new one? No problem. You can continue choosing new books and magazines until you have downloaded 10 titles. If you want more titles, you will be prompted to return one title to download a new choice.

What about when I need a hands-free reading? Dozens of Prime Reading books are available with Audible narration — so you can listen while you are busy cooking, gardening, or commuting. With Whispersync technology, you can pick up right where you left off, switching seamlessly between reading and listening.

What is First Reads? This is another Prime benefit that gives members a sneak peek at certain books before they are released to the general public. First Reads allows Prime members to download one free book each month from a selection of six editors' picks. New titles are announced at the start of each month and publicized in the weekly Prime newsletter.

What is Kindle Unlimited? If Prime Reading whets your appetite, sign up for a free 30-day trial of Kindle Unlimited, Amazon's premium reading program. For $9.99 a month, your reading choices will expand to more than 1 million titles, including thousands of audiobooks and current magazines.

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This first volume, covering the first two and a quarter years of the strip, will be of particular fascination to Peanuts aficionados worldwide: Although there have been literally hundreds of Peanuts books published, many of the strips from the series' first two or three years have never been collected before―in large part because they showed a young Schulz working out the kinks in his new strip and include some characterizations and designs that are quite different from the cast we're all familiar with. (Among other things, three major cast members―Schroeder, Lucy, and Linus―initially show up as infants and only "grow" into their final "mature" selves as the months go by. Even Snoopy debuts as a puppy!) Thus The Complete Peanuts offers a unique chance to see a master of the art form refine his skills and solidify his universe, day by day, week by week, month by month.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Retrain your brain

 'God' = Imagination. I + magi + nation. Oh my God - Oh my Imagination

The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great. And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small. ~ Meister Eckhart, 14th-century Christian mystic

Psychologist Paul Ekman showed that there are six basic emotions that people of all cultures experience and recognize (happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, and disgust). How and when we express these emotions differs radically by the norms of each of our cultures, the so-called display rules. Our emotions affect not only the way others treat us but our inner sense of well-being. We tend to believe that whether we are experiencing positive or negative emotions reflects forces outside our control, blaming everything from our genes to the weather. However, what many people do not realize is that emotions aren't strictly controlled by your body's physiology the way that reflexes are. You're not stuck for life with the emotional equipment programmed into your DNA.

A sculpture of Meister Eckhart in Germany. Lothar Spurzem, CC BY-SA

The creative power that people address as “God,” he explained, is already present within each individual and is best understood as the very force that infuses all living things.
He believed this divinity to be genderless and completely “other” from humans, accessible not through images or words but through a direct encounter within each person.
The method of direct access to the divine, according to Eckhart, depended on an individual letting go of all desires and images of God and becoming aware of the “divine spark” present within. Seven centuries ago, Eckhart embraced meditation and what is now called mindfulness. Although he never questioned any of the doctrines of the Catholic Church, Eckhart’s preaching eventually resulted in an official investigation and papal condemnation. Significantly, it was not Eckhart’s overall approach to experiencing God that his superiors criticized, but rather his decision to teach his wisdom. His inquisitors believed the “unlearned and simple people” were likely to misunderstand him. Eckhart, on the other hand, insisted that the proper role of a preacher was to preach. He died before his trial was complete, but his writings were subsequently censured by a papal decree.
The modern rediscovery of Eckhart Meister Eckhart thereafter remained relatively little known until his rediscovery by German romantics in the 19th century. Since then, he has attracted many religious and non-religious admirers. Among the latter were the 20th-century philosophers' Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre, who were inspired by Eckhart’s beliefs about the self as the sole basis for action. More recently, Pope John Paul II and the current Dalai Lama have expressed admiration for Eckhart’s portrayal of the intimate relationship between God and the individual soul. During the second half of the 20th century, the overlap of his teachings to many Asian practices played an important role in making him popular with Western spiritual seekers. Thomas Merton, a monk from the Trappist monastic order, for example, who began an exploration of Zen Buddhism later in his life, discovered much of the same wisdom in his own Catholic tradition embodied in Eckhart. He called Eckhart “my life raft,” for opening up the wisdom about developing one’s inner life. Richard Rohr, a friar from the Franciscan order and a contemporary spirituality writer, views Eckhart’s teachings as part of a long and ancient Christian contemplative tradition. Many in the past, not just monks and nuns have sought the internal experience of the divine through contemplation. Among them, as Rohr notes were the apostle Paul, the fifth-century theologian Augustine, and the 12th-century Benedictine abbess and composer Hildegard of Bingen. In the tradition of Eckhart, Rohr has popularized the teaching that Jesus’ death and resurrection represents an individual’s movement from a “false self” to a “true self.” In other words, after stripping away all of the constructed egos, Eckhart guides individuals in finding the divine spark, which is their true identity.

Homeschool Home Ec: basic formulas of the five mother sauces

Here are the basic formulas of the five mother sauces:

Béchamel: Roux + Dairy (traditionally milk or cream)

Velouté: Roux + White Stock (traditionally chicken, but also vegetable or fish)

Espagnole: Roux + Brown Stock (traditionally veal or beef)

Tomato: Roux + Tomatoes (or, go the Italian route by skipping the roux and simply reducing tomatoes over medium-low heat until thick)

Hollandaise: Egg Yolks + Clarified Melted Butter + Acid (like lemon juice or white wine)

Friday, October 22, 2021

Acropolis Virtual Field Trip

Acropolis Virtual Field Trip

The Virtual Tour of the Acropolis monuments is a web application that allows the exploration of the archaeological site in an interactive way.


Parthenon | Erechtheion | Propylaea | Temple of Athena Nike

The literal translation of the word 'Acropolis' means the 'edge of the city'. This, however, cannot completely unveil Acropolis' real meaning for the lives of Athenians.

This rather low hill was used as a place of residence since 4.000 B.C. It was only at 800 B.C. that acquired its sacred nature. It became the place in which Athena, the goddess protector of the city of Athens, worshiped.

‘Archaios Naos’, Old Temple, and ‘Hekatompedon’, the Hundred feet temple, were the first temples established inside Acropolis, with the last being the precursor of Parthenon, Ur-Parthenon.

At approximately 550 B.C., during the reign of tyrant Peisistratus, Panathinaia, the festivity in honor of Athena, became the city’s greatest and most important festival.

Acropolis online field trip

Once, the very center of the entire Greek culture, nowadays the symbol of democracy

The complex of Acropolis is a solid statement of harmony. We mean by this that everything in its structure refers directly to harmony, from the shape of the temples to its inner structural complexity. In order for us to experience this ‘statement’, we need, first of all, to walk inside the complex. It is not enough to know historical details about it. It is not sufficient to try to grasp Acropolis’ majesty through pure intellectual activity. We need to be part of it. This can happen only by being there, among the temples, walking through the ancient footpaths.

Only in this way we can fully participate in Acropolis’ magical and transcendental existence. We need to see with our own eyes the twinkle of the Athenian sunlight with the Temple of Athena Nike, the smooth dalliance of the same light with the robust Doric columns of the Parthenon.

It was during Pericles’ leadership, however, that Acropolis became the very center of the whole Greek culture. During his reign, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides taught their tragedies and Aristophanes presented his comedies at Dionysus’ theatre. It was then that Acropolis deliberately became the symbol of democracy and Greek intelligence.

Since then, that low hill, that small solid rock, survived nature’s disasters, martial conflagrations and various architectural interferences. One simple walk however among its ‘ruins’ suffices to fill our minds, our hearts, and our souls with the majestic ancient Athenian dream: we, humans, can reach harmony, perfection, and beauty!

We have to apply all of our five senses in order to really and fully understand the way Propylaea introduce us to Athens’ most sacred place. We need to smell the ancient dust which comes out of the ancient flagstones, to transiently taste the abiding moisture of the local flora, which supplements the establishments.

The most apparent meaning of Acropolis however is being the ultimate symbol of democracy. Athenians, and Greeks in general, lost many soldiers to defend this democracy. This is why the raise of the greek flag, which is taking place every morning within Acropolis, is a very strong icon of Acropolis’ ultimate connection to democracy.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

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Unlimited Reading

With the Kindle app, you can read from any device. Amazon Narration is included so you can listen or read without losing your place. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Fall Fashion Finds Prime Wardrobe

Happy Fall, Y'all! 


It's always nice to add a new clothing item into the mix. 

Here are some fall-themed clothing items available on AMAZON








Try Prime Wardrobe

Amazon Prime FAQs

Which customers have access to Prime Wardrobe?
Prime Wardrobe is available to anyone with an eligible Prime membership. View eligibility details here.

What is Prime Wardrobe?
Prime Wardrobe is a Prime-exclusive program where you can try before you buy from eligible items across women’s, men’s, kids’, and baby clothing, shoes, and accessories. You get seven days to try on the items at home and you will only be charged for the items you decide to keep.

What is the difference between Prime Wardrobe and Personal Shopper by Prime Wardrobe?
Now you have two great options to bring the fitting room home and try-before-you-buy. With Prime Wardrobe, you get to fill up your box with items to try on at home. Personal Shopper by Prime Wardrobe has the ultimate convenience of a personalized shopping experience. With either option, you can order clothing, shoes, and accessories, and take seven days to decide what you love and only pay for what you keep. Returns are easy and free with our resealable packaging.

Are there any special discounts associated with Prime Wardrobe?
On occasion, we may extend special offers to Prime Wardrobe customers. If we are running a Prime Wardrobe promotion, but there is a better Amazon promotion available at the time of your initial order placement or at checkout, you will receive a better discount. When there is not a Prime Wardrobe–specific promotion running, we will honor other Amazon promotions relevant to the items in your cart at the time of initial order placement or at checkout. Discounts cannot be combined, but you will always receive the best of any applicable discounts.

Are there any fees associated with Prime Wardrobe?
Prime Wardrobe is included with eligible Prime memberships and there are no additional fees to use it. Shipping and returns are free.

What items are eligible for Prime Wardrobe?
Prime Wardrobe eligible items can be found in men’s, women’s, girls', boys', and baby clothing, shoes, and jewelry. All eligible items are shipped by, and we are continually adding a new selections. Just look for Prime Wardrobe as you shop.

Shop all Prime Wardrobe eligible items
How many items can I try at one time?
You can try up to eight items at a time through Prime Wardrobe. You cannot add more than one exact item at a time to a single order (i.e., same size and color). There is no minimum dollar threshold for a Prime Wardrobe order.

How long is the try-on period?
Your try-on period will end 7 days from the day the last shipment of your order arrives. Before the end of the try-on period, please go to Your Orders to check out and indicate which items you are keeping and returning. You have until the end of the try-on period to postmark returns: Use the provided return label and drop off your returns at UPS.

How do I track my Prime Wardrobe order or return?
You can check the progress of your return shipments at the Returns Center under ‘Manage returns’. Please return all items in their original packaging to ensure quick and accurate processing.

Check Out
What payment methods are accepted for Prime Wardrobe orders?
Prime Wardrobe accepts credit cards with expiration dates at least 90 days in the future. Note: Debit cards, pre-paid cards, and gift cards are not currently accepted.

Why did I see a $1 charge to my credit card?
Don’t worry, you have not been charged. When you ship an order, we verify the card with a temporary authorization. You should see the amount disappear from your account shortly.

When will I be charged?
You will not be charged until you complete your purchase on Amazon during the 7-day try-on period. If you do not complete checkout online at Your Orders, we'll automatically charge you for all of the items in your order at the end of your 7-day try-on period. Don’t worry, we’ll send you reminders along the way!

Do I need to check out online? Can't I just send the items I don’t want back? What if I want to keep everything?
Yes, we ask that you return to Your Orders to check out before the end of your 7-day try-on period so we only charge you for the items you want to keep. If you forget to complete checkout during the 7-day try-on period, you will be automatically charged for all items in your order at the end of the try-on period. If you've already put your returned items in the mail when this charge occurs, you don't need to take additional action - you will automatically be refunded when we receive your returned items.

Why can't I get my order in two days? I'm a Prime member.
In order to ship your order in as few boxes as possible, Prime Wardrobe shipping may take 4-6 business days.

What if I decided to keep something after I completed checkout?
If you change your mind, you can keep items that you marked “return” during checkout; you will automatically be charged for them when returns processing is complete. Note: Items that are not purchased during checkout will not be eligible for any Prime Wardrobe discounts. Additionally, this may result in a delay in shipping your next Prime Wardrobe order.

When can I place my next Prime Wardrobe order?
You can place your next order once all items marked “return” during checkout have been received and processed. You can track the progress of your return at the Returns Center under ‘Manage returns’.

How do I return Prime Wardrobe items that I do not want to keep?
First, complete your checkout online before the end of your 7-day try-on period by going to Your Orders. Your shipment comes in a resealable package with an adhesive return label to make returns easy. Simply use the return label or choose from other available return options when you complete Checkout, or use the link on your Prime Wardrobe return confirmation email. Items must be returned with tags on and in their original packaging, including hangers, polybags, shoe boxes, dust bags, and gift boxes. Items must be unused, unworn, unwashed, and undamaged.

Note: If you receive an order in multiple packages, you can return Prime Wardrobe items in any package using any of the return labels. If your return label does not have a specified carrier, you can modify your return option in the online return center web page and or print a new return label.

How long do I have to return my items?
You have until the end of the try-on period to postmark returns. Don't forget to complete your checkout online before the end of your 7-day try-on period by going to Your Orders. Simply use the return label provided to drop off your return or choose from other return options when you complete Checkout. You can also change your return options by using the link on your Prime Wardrobe return confirmation email.

Can I wear the clothes and then send them back?
You can try everything on at home, but do not wear the clothes out unless you intend to purchase them. Items must be returned with tags on and in their original packaging, including hangers, polybags, shoe boxes, dust bags, and gift boxes. Items must be unused, unworn, unwashed, and undamaged. When we receive a return, we will determine in our sole discretion if the products are in acceptable condition as specified in the Amazon Fashion returns policy. If returned products are determined by us not to be in acceptable condition, we may in our sole discretion charge you the purchase price and ship the products back to you to keep.

What if I want to return something after the 7-day try-on period?
If you change your mind, or if you have been automatically charged for items at the end of the try-on period that you did not intend to keep, you will still have 30 days from the end of the try-on period to return the items to Amazon for a refund. The items will be subject to the same Amazon Fashion 30-day return policy (Items must be returned in their original packaging, including hangers, polybags, hang tags on garments, shoe boxes, dust bags, and gift boxes. Items must be unused, unworn, unwashed, and undamaged).

Do I need to have all items returned by the end of the 7-day try-on period?
To avoid being charged for your entire Prime Wardrobe order, please complete checkout before the end of your 7-day try-on period by going to Your Orders. You have until the end of the 7-day try-on period to postmark your return shipment. You can use the return label provided to drop off your return or choose from other return options when you complete Checkout. You can also change your return options by using the link on your Prime Wardrobe return confirmation email.

Can I return non-Prime Wardrobe items with my Prime Wardrobe returns?
No. Please only return items from your Prime Wardrobe order in the Prime Wardrobe box.

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