Monday, February 13, 2017

Alcoholism and The Shaytards

People often begin to use drugs or drink a lot of alcohol to avoid the things that bother them most.

  1. an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.

We see images on TV and in movies that drinking is fun. A good way to unwind and relax after a stressful day. Alcohol is actually a depressant. That means alcohol slows down or depresses the brain. Like many drugs, alcohol changes a person's ability to think, speak, and see things as they really are. A person might lose his or her balance and have trouble walking properly. The person might feel relaxed and happy and later start crying or get in an argument. 

The Vlogfather, ShayCarl Butler admitted yesterday that he's been drinking for the last 3 months. I've seen a lot of comments online about how disappointed everyone is in him. It's to be expected.  A lot of the comments on their vlogs mention they are kids who are in the hospital or have a crappy home life and the family dynamic brings them joy, even if its only 12 minutes of their day.

I think a lot of us feel sorry for him, his wife, Mommytard - Colette, and their 5 children. Nothing in this world is worse than feeling helpless. Knowing that you can't help someone who is hurting deep inside is heartbreaking. Realizing the lies you were told and the could've, should've, and would of's  are gut wrenching.
When people drink too much, they might do or say things they don't mean. They might hurt themselves or other people, especially if they drive a car. Someone who drinks too much also might throw up and could wake up the next day feeling awful — that's called a hangover.

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can kill a person. Over time, people who abuse alcohol can do serious damage to their bodies. The liver, which removes poisons from the blood, is especially at risk. Some heavy drinkers take a milkweed thistle supplement, which is supposed to help your liver repair itself. Honestly, you're just prolonging your suffering. We all cope with our issues and problems in one way or another. You can physically see when someone copes by eating. Not all vices are that visible.

What can be confusing about alcohol is that some grown-ups seem to be able to enjoy it occasionally with no problems. Other people, though, can develop a problem with it. Sometimes, that's called alcoholism (say: al-kuh-HOL-ism) or being an alcoholic (say: al-kuh-HOL-ik). Someone who has alcoholism craves alcohol. The person has little control over his or her drinking and can't stop without help. A person who starts drinking alcohol at a young age is more likely to develop alcoholism.

Alcoholism is chronic, which means it continues over time. It often gets worse, too, because the person may start experiencing health problems related to drinking. In addition to causing liver problems, long-term drinking can damage the pancreas, heart, and brain.

It can be tempting to try alcohol. It's normal to be curious about new things, especially if it seems like everyone is doing it. But everyone is not drinking alcohol. Don't believe it if someone says you're immature for not drinking. You're actually more mature (which means grown up) because you're being strong and smart.

Still, it can be hard if you feel unpopular because of your decision. Good friends won't stop being your friend just because you don't want to drink alcohol. If you feel this kind of pressure, talk to someone you trust.

And if you're concerned about a friend who's drinking, you should tell one of your parents or another trusted adult. That way, someone can talk with your friend before the alcohol causes a big problem. Unfortunately, some kids who drink may also drop out of school, get in car accidents, or start fights.

But with help, anyone who has a problem with alcohol can be successful at stopping. And if you're still a kid, help yourself by not starting in the first place!

What is alcohol?
Alcohol is a drug (a chemical that has an effect on the body, and is not a food).

There are different kinds of alcohol.

The kind that people drink is called ethyl alcohol.
This is made by fermenting different things with yeast and water.

What is used and the way this is done depends on what kind of drink is being made.

Grain makes whisky and beer.

Potatoes make vodka

Grapes make wine and brandy.

Honey makes mead.

Sugar makes rum.

What happens to alcohol in the body?

-Alcohol goes from the mouth to the stomach and small intestine.
-It passes through the walls of the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream.
-The blood takes the alcohol to the brain where it slows down the messages in the brain (alcohol is a depressant drug).
-The blood also takes the alcohol to the liver, which starts to take out the alcohol from the blood. The more alcohol that is drunk the longer it takes for the liver to clean it all out.

A standard drink has 10 grams of alcohol in it. The size of a standard drink depends on what the drink is.
Spirits, like whisky or vodka, have a lot of alcohol in a small amount so a standard drink is a small amount, about 30 ml.
Wine has about 10 grams of alcohol in 100 ml.
A light beer has about 10 grams of alcohol in 425ml.
Cans and bottles of alcoholic drinks have different amounts of alcohol, depending on the amount of liquid.
The number of standard drinks in a can or bottle is written on the label.

Drinking or using drugs only ends up making things worse. Alcohol and other drugs may make a person feel good for a short time when high, but when the high wears off, the person feels lousy and may even feel depressed. Once a person is addicted, all they begin to care about is getting high, and once the high wears off, they need to take more just to feel normal again. That is the problem with addiction, it means it becomes very hard to stop drinking or doing drugs. An addicted person feels like they need drugs or alcohol and may feel sick if they do not have any. Drugs or alcohol become all that the addicted person can think about and they may lie, steal or commit other crimes to get more. Some kids who do drugs end up dropping out of school and many older kids and adults may stop going to work. They may stop caring about everything except drugs after a while. Even the family and friends that they used to care about won't be important. They may become very hard to live with and to be friends with and may not want to be involved in any of the things that they used to think were fun.

Drugs and alcohol can limit a person's ability to make good choices. People addicted to drugs or alcohol may say things that they don't really mean and do things that they normally wouldn't do. They may also lose touch with reality and think that things are better or worse than they really are. That is why there are laws that either limit or ban the use of certain drugs. Laws about drugs are to try to keep everyone safe. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, tobacco and alcohol can cause addiction, but they are not against the law for adults over a certain age to use. Not all adults use alcohol or tobacco products in a responsible way, but most do, so they are not against the law. Most people feel that adults understand what addiction is and that they are capable of avoiding it, but this is not true with all adults, everyone is human and can make mistakes by becoming addicted to things. Drugs that are given to people with a prescription by a pharmacy can cause addiction, but most patients use their prescription drugs in a responsible way. It is the illegal drugs on the street and at parties that seem to worry everyone. These items are easy to become addicted to and usually lead to crimes being committed, so they are against the law for both children and adults. Not everyone listens to the laws. Some people still smoke wherever they want, drink or use drugs. The worst part about it is all of the innocent people who are injured or killed by those who choose to disobey the laws.

Many accidents are caused by those who decide to drink or do drugs and drive cars, boats, ships, planes or trains. Many crimes are committed by those who are on drugs and are not thinking clearly.

Straight Edge or Posicore

Labeling yourself as Straight Edge is a great way to feel proud about abstaining from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. When I was a teenager being sXe meant you cared about your health and your life. You weren't willing to jeopardize your future for a drink or a smoke or a toke. You were wide awake and ready for the world. Energizing, political, positive, and ready to make a change in the world. A lot of those people are still straight edge to this day. I'm sure they are calling themselves, respectable adults now.

Being straight edge in the punk rock and hardcore scene meant you were rebelling and who doesn't like a rebel? Expressing yourself by being yourself and accepting yourself is a great way to live. Live on your own terms. Who cares what other people are doing? Your job is to take care of yourself and to love yourself.
As I got older and continued going to shows, I'd see sXe tattoos on people who were drinking at the bar. No regrets from them about their tattoo. People grow and change, that's to be expected. But to put your faith and trust in people is scary. You have to start with you. Trust yourself, believe in yourself, and take care of yourself. Everyone of us is on a different journey. What I want in my life most likely isn't what you, who is reading this, wants. That's fine, it's great, it's what makes this world the wonderful place it is.

Why do we have to self destruct for attention? We don't! Why do we have to lose our minds to be disobedient? We don't! If your friends are all doing the same thing, going your own way and focusing on yourself is the ultimate act of rebellion. Positive mental attitude, PMA, is a great way to live your life.

We are all going to have down days. We are all going to experience low lows. We are all going to have our hearts broken and ripped out of our chest. Things we have no control over are going to haunt us and tear us down. Slowing our reaction time with alcohol only makes things worse. Confronting things head on is scary, but once you do that, it has no power over you anymore!

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