Sunday, November 10, 2019

Old Wives’ Tale or Helpful Hint?

To introduce this lesson, students discuss old wives' tales and define the difference between them and superstitions. The class creates a list of the tales on the board and each group chooses one to investigate. They have to choose one that is can be tested safely and in a short amount of time. Groups use the scientific method to explore the accuracy of the tale and keep a record of their results. After all the investigations are completed, the students write a lab report and give a brief oral report to the class.

Old Wives’ Tale or Helpful Hint?
People often tell us things and ask us to believe they're true. Some of
these "Helpful Hints" are true. Some aren't. People have realized for a long
time that some of these hints aren't true and call them "Old Wives' Tales."
An Old Wives' Tale is an everyday statement that some people believe is
true, but it really isn't. But how can you tell them apart? You can't just
ask a grownup, some of them are wrong. The only way anyone knows the
truth for sure is to use the Scientific Method.
Each group will choose a hint/old wives' tale to test using the
scientific method. Make sure you choose an old wives' tale or hint, not a
superstition. A superstition involves luck, magic or the supernatural, a
hint or old wives' tale does not. Each group will work together as a class
to find out if this hint is true or false. Each group is responsible for
preparing an individual written lab report. Your grade on this assignment
will be based on your participation during the project in and out of class
and your written and oral lab reports.
Homework to prepare for Day 1:
Explain to at least two adults the difference between a helpful hint,
superstition, and an old wives’ tale. Ask the adults to help you come up
with as many examples as you can. You must write down and bring in at
least 10 examples tomorrow.
Day 1 - Determine your PURPOSE
Each student should bring in at least ten old wives' tales or helpful hints
to class. We'll list all the old wives' tales on the board. Your group should
choose the one you plan to test on your project sheet. It must be a
question that you can test quickly and SAFELY. Your teacher must check
your PURPOSE before you continue.
We'll spend one day researching in the library. Summarize what you
learned on your group's project sheet
Use what you've learned to write a testable hypothesis Design an
experiment to test your hypothesis. Write the procedure you plan to use
as well as a materials list. Make sure you control for any variables. Do
not begin your test until your teacher has approved your research,
hypothesis, material, and procedure and signed your project sheet.

Days 4 & 5 - EXPERIMENT (Part 2)
Obtain all your materials and perform your experiment following the
procedure outlined in your project sheet. Record your data and
observations as you proceed.
Use computer software to analyze your data. Create appropriate
charts or graphs to help you look for trends and evidence proving or
disproving your hypothesis.
As a group, you must decide whether your hypothesis was proven true or
false, or if your tests were inconclusive. Write a 1-2 sentence statement of
your conclusion. Each individual should write his/her own discussion (1-
2 paragraphs) Finally, finish the lab report and turn it in. Prepare to
present your findings to the class.

Old Wives’ Tale Group Members __________________________
Group Project Sheet __________________________

Research Summary:
Materials List: on your own paper, please attach

Procedure: a step by step procedure on your own paper, please attach

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