A List of Nursery Rhymes that can be used:
A-The Alphabet Song
B- Baa Baa Black Sheep
C- Cock a Doodle Doo
D- Hey Diddle Diddle
E- Elizabeth
F- Fiddler's Three
G- Goose Goosey Gander
H- Humpty Dumpty
I- I Am a Gold Lock (Lock and Key)
J- Jack and Jill
K- Old King Cole
L- Little Bo Peep
M- Little Miss Muffet
N- A Needle and Thread
O- One Two Buckle My Shoe
P- Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Q- Queen of Hearts
R- Rub a Dub Dub
S- SeeSaw
T- Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
U- The Lion and the Unicorn
V- One, He Loves
W- Wee Willie Winkie
X- The Crooked Sixpence
Y- You Shall Have an Apple (for baby)
Z- Sneezing
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