Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Fiction vs Nonfiction

FICTION is a story that is makebelieve;
includes characters, a setting,
a problem, and a solution.

a making up of imaginary happenings; feigning.
anything made up or imagined, as a statement, story, etc.
literary narratives, collectively, which portray imaginary characters or events, specif. novels and short stories. ...
something accepted as fact for the sake of convenience, although not necessarily true.

NONFICTION is a text that gives true
information or facts; includes things
such as photographs, charts, or maps

Some examples of nonfiction writing are cookbooks, autobiographies, dictionaries and fact books that give information on people, places or things. Most types of nonfiction writing fall within the categories of informational texts, how-to books, reference books, essays and biographical writings.

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