Monday, April 29, 2019

Creating Wealth and Financial Abundance Bullet Journal Ideas

Creating Wealth and Financial Abundance Bullet Journal Ideas

1. I am now wealthy.
2. I deserve to be wealthy.
3. I am now a financial genius.
4. I am now highly pleasing to myself in the presence of other people.
5. I now earn, save, spend, and invest my money wisely.
6. My wealth is increasing massively everyday.
7. My money is now creating more money.
8. My outstanding ideas, energy, and passion are now creating new wealth for
me and others around me.
9. I now give away massive amounts of wealth to causes that I believe in.
10. All the investments I own are profitable.
11. Every dollar I spend returns to me massively multiplied.
12. I manage my money effectively with precision.
13. I now have all the money that I want and need.
14. I now give away large amounts of wealth wisely and intelligently.
15. Every thought I have is now being transformed into massive financial
abundance for me.
16. I am now creating all of the wealth that I want and need.
17. My imagination is now creating all the financial abundance that I desire.
18. The more of my wealth that I give away wisely, the more my personal
wealth explodes massively.
19. I now seize my opportunities boldly and courageously decisively applying
my faith through my actions.
20. My imagination now creates all the wealth I desire.
21. Through my power of intention, I effortlessly attract all the wealth I need
and desire.
22. I habitually give more than I get. I cheerfully go the extra mile in every
task I undertake.
23. I am now accumulating vast amounts of wealth consistent with my
integrity and honesty.
24. I respectfully accept the gifts of others with the knowledge that these gifts
were intended to gratify the giver more than the receiver.
25. I am now receptive to unexpected gifts of wealth.
26. I am a gracious giver and receiver.
27. When I think wealthy thoughts, I become more wealthy in all aspects of my
28. My wealth is now multiplying and creating more wealth easily and
29. My financial abundance is now exploding massively 24 hours a day even
when I am playing, eating, and sleeping.
30. I am now surrounded by an ocean of wealth and I draw from this ocean all
I need.
31. My job is my personal pipeline from which I tap the infinite wealth from
my world economy for my personal desires.
32. I am now earning massive amounts of wealth doing what I love to do while
rendering useful service to other people.
33. Through my power of my subconscious mind, I effortlessly attract all the
wealth I need and desire.
34. I am a money magnet.
35. Money is forever circulating in my life and there is always a surplus.
36. I have a responsibility to accumulate vast sums of wealth through useful
service to others and to give it back to society through gifts that benefit the
entire community

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