Sunday, April 28, 2019

Journal: Creating Physical Power, Health, and Vitality Affirmations

Creating Physical Power, Health, and Vitality Affirmations

1. My health, energy, and vitality are increasing everyday.
2. My positive thoughts are now creating the body that I desire.
3. I am a lean, mean, fat burning, muscle building machine.
4. My body is now trained to burn fat and build muscle.
5. I am growing more and more attractive everyday.
6. Divine life now flows through every cell in my body.
7. I am now totally energized. My body is now exploding with massive
amounts of energy and enthusiasm.
8. I now eat all the right foods for optimum health, energy, and peak
9. I now alkalize and energize my body everyday by eating live green foods
and drinking green drinks.
10. My body is healing and regenerating itself everyday.
11. With every deep breath I take, my body is burning fat and creating massive
energy, health, and vitality.
12. I now see myself filled with health, energy, and enthusiasm.
13. I now have all the energy I need.
14. The more energy I use, the more energy I have.
15. I now fill my body with life giving oxygen through deep breathing everyday.
16. I create good health habits quickly and easily.
17. My body now eliminates all toxins quickly, easily, and healthfully.
18. I am now relaxed and filled with peace of mind. In my relaxed state, my
body repairs and heals itself quickly.
19. All of the cells in my body exist in harmony and peace with every other cell
in my body.
20. I get a full night's rest everyday.
21. When I sleep, my mind is at peace and the healing powers within my body
are magnified.
22. The creative intelligence which made my body is now transforming every
cell according to nature's perfect pattern.
23. My healing thoughts are now going deep into my subconscious mind and
bringing total and continuous healing to my body.
24. I now enjoy a large variety of water rich foods that fully cleanse and
nourish every cell in my body everyday.
25. I consciously control my biochemistry by putting my body into peak
emotional states, by healthy eating, exercise, and adequate rest everyday.
26. I sleep in peace and I wake in joy. Through peaceful sleep, my body and
mind are renewed and restored to perfect health.

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