1. Gummi bears: I’m beary happy you’re in my class
2. Smarties: Hey Smartie pants, Happy Valentines Day
3. Chocolate coins: Don’t ever change
4. Blow pop: You blow me away
5. Orbit Gum: You send my heart into Orbit
6. Mints: We’re mint to be
7. Swedish fish: You’re o-fish-ally an awesome friend
8. Extra gum: You’re extra special to me
9. Tootsie rolls: Happy Valentine, toots!
10. Pop Rocks: You rock, Valentine
11. Krackel chocolate bars: You krack me up
12. Rolos: I like the way you roll
13. Peeps: Happy Valentines Day to all my peeps
14. Snickers: Thanks for making me snicker
15. Gum: I chews you, Valentine
16. Hot tamales: You’re one hot tamale
17. Butterfinger: Life is butter with you in it
18. Any candy: You’re sweet
19. Button candy: You’re as cute as a button
20. 2 of any candy: We’re 2 of a kind
21. Reeses pieces: You stole a piece of my heart
22. Almond Joy: It’s a joy being your friend
23. Starbursts: I’m bursting with happiness that you’re my friend
24: Rolos (wrapped in red construction paper): You’re the bomb
25. Pixie sticks: Stick with me, Valentine
26. Sweet tarts: You’re as sweet as can be
27. Swedish fish: You’re the only fish in the sea for me
28. Tootsie rolls: I like the way you roll
29. Lolly pop with a cape: Have a super Valentines Day
30. Hershey kisses: I love you a bushel and a peck
31. Life Savers: Valentine, you float my boat
32. Gold fish: You’re a great catch and I’m so glad we’re in the same school
33. Teddy Grahams: You are so beary nice
34. S’mores: Everyday I like you s’more and Everyday I like you s’more
35. Apple Jacks: You’re the apple of my eye
36. Coffee: Thanks for keeping me grounded
37. Moon Pie: I love you to the moon and back
38. Pirates Booty: Ahoy Matey, you’ re a real treasure
39. Chips Ahoy cookies: Ahoy Matey, be my valentine
40. Bunny Crackers: Some bunny loves being your friend
41. Gold fish: You are o’fish’ally an awesome friend
42. Donut holes: You are a hole lot of fun, Valentine!
43. Donuts: Donut you know I like you a hole bunch
44. Moon Pie: I love you to the moon and back
45. Crush soda: You’re Crushin’ It
46. Kool Aid: You’re kool
47. Mountain Dew: I love everything you dew
48. Apple juice boxes: You’re the apple of my eye
49. Hot chocolate: You melt my heart
50. Soda: I soda think you are amazing
51. Nutella: I‘m nuts about you (& chocolate)!
52. Fortune cookie: I’m so fortune-ate that you’re my friend
53. Froot loops: You make my loop complete
54. Can of soup: You’re souper!
55. Key shaped cookies: You hold the key to my heart
56. Moon pies: I love you to the moon and back
57. Apple sauce: You’re awesome sauce
58. Coffee: Thanks for keeping me grounded and for be’an such a good friend
59. Wine: You’re like a fine wine, Valentine!
60. Wine: Don’t make me whine, be my valentine
61. Cheerios: You’re O so special to me
62. Pickle: You mean a great dill to me
63. Clementine orange: You’re such a cutie
64. Berries: I like you berry much
65. Banana: I’m bananas over you
66. Orange: You’re my main squeeze, Valentine
67. Plum: You’re plum perfect
68. Apples: You’re the apple of my eye
69. Pear: We make a great pear
70. Nuts: I’m nuts about you
71. Peanut butter: Spread the love
72. Popcorn: To a pop-ular kid
73. Olives: Olive you a lot
74. Corn nuts: Don’t mean to be corny, but will you be my Valentine?
75. Popcorn: My heart pops for you
76. Cheese Stick: Let’s stick together
77. Fruit Leather: You are a berry good friend
78. Pretzel Sticks: Stick with me, Valentine
79. PB&J Sandwiches: We stick together like PB&J
80. Crayons: You color my world, Valentine!
81. Ruler: You rule, Valentine
82. Highlighter: You’re the highlight of my day!
83. Glue: Let’s stick together
84. Pen/ Pencil: You’re just write for me
85. Matchbox car: I wheelie like you
86. Playing cards: 52 things I love about you
87. Magnifying glass: I’ve got my eye on you
88. Glow sticks: You make my heart glow
89. Bouncy ball: You make my heart bounce
90. Bubbles: You blow me away, Valentine
91. GI Joe: Love is a battlefield
92. Stickers/ tattoos: I’m stuck on you
93. Plastic zoo animals: I’m wild about you
94. Ball: I like the way you roll
95. Shovel: I dig you
96. Toy Dinosaur: You’re dino-mite
97. Play-Doh: I like to play with you, Valentine
98. Toy Dinosaur: Valentine, you make my heart ‘saur’
99. Stretch toy: It’s no stretch being your friend
100. Star Wars: You’re the Obi-Won for me
101. Puzzle: We fit together perfectly
102. Bubbles: I’m bubbling with excitement that you’re my friend
103. Any tattoo or sticker: I’m stuck on you
105. Cat (tattoo, sticker, eraser): I think you’re purrrrrfect
105. Ball: I like the way you roll
106. Mad libs: I’m mad about you
107. Owl (tattoo, sticker, eraser): I’ll owl-ways be your friend
108. Boat: You float my boat
109. Crazy straw: You are ex-straw special
110. Cactus: I‘m stuck on you
111. Chap stick: Read my lips, I’m yours
112. Balloon: Love is in the air
113. Socks: We’re the perfect pair
114. Search wood book: I searched and found the best Valentine
115. Google Eyes: I’ve got my eyes on you
116. Crazy straws: I’m crazy for you
117. Sewing kit: You’re sew special to me
118. Band Aids: I’m stuck on you
119. Buttons: You’re as cute as a button
120. Magnet: Can’t resist your pull
121. Friendship bracelet: Our class would knot be the same without
122. Matches: We’re the perfect match
123. Handi wipes: You can count on me when things get sticky
124. Sewing kit: I love you sew much
125. Soap: I was soapin’ you’d be my Valentine
126. Hot pad: You warm my heart
127. Hammer: You make my heart pound
128. Candle: You light up my life
129. Comb: Honey, comb your hair we have a date tonight
130. Dry erase/ chalk board: I’m never board when you’re around
131. Playing cards: You are the King of my heart
132. Lottery ticket: I love you a whole Lotto
133. Lottery ticket: You’re a whole lotto fun
134. Map/ globe: You mean the world to me
135. Magnets: Let’s stick together
136. Screwdriver: You drive me mad (in a good way)!
137. Socks: You knock my socks off
138. Watch: You make my heart go tick tock
139. Light bulb: I love you a whole watt
140. Paper/electric fan: You blow me away
141. Toothbrush: I can’t smile with out you
142. Scratch off jokes: 6 cheesy heart day jokes
143. Cookie cutter: You’re a cut above the rest
144. Mustache: I mustache you a question? Will you be my Valentine?
145. Painted twigs: Stick with me, Valentine
146. Typewriter doodle: You’re just my type
147. Sheep doodle: I love ewe
148. Owl doodle: Owl be you’re friend forever
149. Star Wars: The force is strong with you
150. Clothes pins: I’d love to hang out with you
151. Rocket ship: You’re outta this world
152. Owl doodle: You’re a hoot
153. Deer doodle: You’re a deer to me
154. Maze: I think you’re a-maze-ing
155. Flower: I’d pick you any day
156. Thumbprint: Thumb-body loves you
157. Lottery ticket: I love you a whole “Lotto”
158. Painted rocks: You rock, Valentine
159. Pom Poms: You are the Pom
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