Friday, November 25, 2016

Christmas 2KXV! 100+ gifts ideas

I have 4 children, who grow older (and taller) by the nanosecond!!!!!!!! My house isn't filled with toys and sticky things anymore.
I have independent preteen internet trolls (or is it n00bs???), and a definite - "hey, I'm going to report you if you shoot me one more time" kid. They are glued to the tablet. It's my fault, I'm glued to mine some days... most day!

What do you get a child to show them you love them... OTHER THAN A STEAM CARD? 

Christmas is about love and family. Who doesn't like to be showered love, yummy food, time with family, and unplugging!

I have a new faux christmas tree this year. It's a lot better than the one we've had for the last 7 years. It's got a string of lights and a few ornaments that we never packed away that day last January.

I'm excited to buy wrapping paper and stock up on tape. I'm such a homeschool mom. I love a tree with presents. Every year we always say to each other, "this year it's not going to be crazy, but each child having 7 or 8 things is great." I like opening pretty packages and I like watching the kids excited to open one with their name on it.

This year has been craptastic when it comes to adulting and money. We don't have cable, so I don't know what all the As Seen On TV items are until a year or three later and it hits my local Big Lots.

Of course I'm going to use my Amazon Affiliate link. If I don't get so many clicks, they'll subject me to Coffin Torture, which is placing the victim (ME) inside a metal cage roughly the size of the human body; hence the name. Amazon will probably force overweight ME into one of the smaller cages to heighten MY discomfort as they hang me from the gallows.  I'm thinking, I'll probably be left there until the crows come to feed on my unclicked link remains.

***This is actually a gift I want! :)

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