Monday, January 2, 2017


Hello winter! I'm already contemplating getting our dog shoes. Mud is everywhere! Paw prints are showing up all over the kitchen floor. I bought a swiffer from Home Depot about a year ago and I have been in love with it the whole time. The kids even pitch in, must have been fun watching me try something new. It's the kids chore now.

Knowing the correct way to use the laundry machines and dishwasher will help in the long run. I don't want someone shoving 27 pairs of jeans or running a large load with only 4 things in it. The dishwasher is the same. You can't put certain Tupperware bowl and lids on the bottom rack, they'll melt and your house will smell like burnt plastic. The amount of detergent, dryer sheets, and softener are another important thing to point our so they'll know. The kids only use the dryer, turn only one knob and press start. Also, cleaning the lint from the trap and adding dryer sheets or wool balls (two dryer sheets for linens).

I just mentioned wool balls. When I was out Christmas shopping I noticed them in a few stores. I don't think I'll get them, but if you've never seen them and want to check them out I'll link to some through my Amazon Affiliate.

I'm just now realizing I need to do a Laundry blog. Correct way to iron and steam your outfits. I could talk for days. I think I will, another day.

Back to cleaning, the baseboards, vents, and ceiling fans are so dusty now that the air conditioner isn't on all day. The fans aren't being used, and I pity the poor soul who turns one on next. I want the kids to recognize -the fans dirty or my TV needs dusting. Maybe that will lead to, the bathroom sink is a mess, let me wipe it down and put things away. ( A MOM CAN DREAM!)

Tossing away expired items is also something you should definitely do once a season. I know my freezer has summer watermelon and bananas still frozen. I need to use those in smoothies and buy more to freeze to last us through the winter. I just started my pantry. I just had a small three shelf bookcase. Now it's grown to a box and a wine case. I wanted a pantry with ingredients, but my husband has been stocking up on can goods, so I need to organize those and use up things so next winter I'll have my pantry the way I want it.

Any boxed item could have weevils. Flour should be placed in a plastic zip locked bag and placed in the freezer for 4 days (96 hours). Weevils lay eggs, freezing will kill the eggs and the bugs. Adding a bay leaf to your storage container should deter the little critters. If grain weevils are found remove all the dry goods, beans, potato mix, rice, pastas, cereals, and sugar from the cabinet. Check boxes and packages for infestation. Remove the shelf paper if there is any. Wipe down the cabinet (walls and crevices - don't forget the door, too) with soapy water. You can bleach it or rub eucalyptus oil or tea-tree oil on the new shelf paper to discourage resurfacing.

Wiping down countertops and appliances often help keep these areas clean and germ free. Wiping the stovetop and counters often keep them free from harmful bacteria growth and cleaning up crumbs and food drops help keep ants away. My front yard is nothing but an ant hill. If it rains too much they head inside. A lot of people in this section of the neighborhood have that issue. I want to plant some flowers outside the kitchen that will repel the ants this spring and summer.

To clean my microwave I just place a measuring cup full of water inside and hit the timer for 5 minutes. I take a dry paper towel or dishrag and wipe down the top and sides of the microwave first, everything will fall down onto the plate or bottom and then I wipe the mess into the trashcan.

Wiping down light switches and door knobs are a given. If you are sick, wipe them down daily! We also wipe down the remotes, controllers, keyboard, mouse, phones, faucets, microwave buttons, refrigerator handles, and whatever else I notice someone touching.

Cleaning up messes and tossing trash immediately is half the battle. A few years ago Chris made the rule, if it doesn't belong on the floor pick it up. I'm sure the rule was more for me lol. But, Isabelle and Henry were old enough to realize the difference and help out.

Packing away clothes you have for a different season is a great rule. Totally saves space in your closet. There's no need for my kids to walk around in tanktops and shorts while it's 13 degrees outside. Or have flip flops and sandals all over their room, you're not even wearing them. I think that's ridiculous when the kids come downstairs dressed like we're in Mexico. They gripe about being cold... put on winter clothes AND SOCKS!

We have a dog, I vacuum my house everyday. The dog sneaks onto the couch the second you leave the room at night or walk out the door. I don't blame him, it's comfy. I vacuum the couch so of course, I vacuum the floors and the rugs. The house feels ready to go. When I was working, I'd vacuum in the morning and then once again when I go off work. Now that I'm home, I only have to vacuum once a day. I can usually start my coffee and be finished with vacuuming when the coffee's ready.

Washing comforters and throw pillows and blankets once a month helps keep down the germs there as well. You sneeze, cough.. whatever on these so cleaning at minimum once a month is a great idea. Washing towels and washcloths in hot water often throughout the week is a great idea too. I put it on my once a week list because I'll be teaching all 4 kids how to properly use the washer and dryer and they'll each have a day.

Opening a window to air out stuffy and sometimes stinky rooms while you're vacuuming or dusting is a great idea. I like to vacuum the windowsill and the screens. The windows only need to be open for 10 minutes to get some fresh air in and then you're good for a while.

Our trash collection day is once a week. I like to have the kids empty all the bins and take the trash out to the curb before bedtime. Saves time in the morning and we can sleep in knowing we already took care of it. When you empty the bag, check inside the bin to see if you left anything behind. A wad of paper, used q-tip, a dryer sheet, or something sticky spilled down the side and pooled in the bottom. Clean it out. Trash cans will smell after a while. Spraying air freshener or disinfectant will only mask the smell, you have to clean them out.

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