Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Less Stress for 2017

Managing stress is easier than it sounds. Being prepared and having a plan calms everyone down and we all know what's coming and we are ready to tackle it. I have a calendar on my refrigerator and everyday I see the kids looking at it to see what we have planned. If someone asks me, how many days until Christmas? I say, "Look on the calendar". I've noticed the kids add things, and I love it. The calendar is one way we can effectively communicate.

This year is brand new. Not much is on the calendar. I've been searching for upcoming activities and I'm trying to have Saturdays as our homeschool field trip day so Chris can join us.

The appealing part of unschooling is the kids learn at their own pace. If Lillian wants to work on her handwriting for two hours, I'm not going to hold it over her head that she didn't do any spelling that afternoon. I was thinking of adding bedroom work. The kids would've had to review what they did in their rooms at night, but I thought, for sure they'd lose their work. I have two kids who like to hide things as soon as I leave the room. Out of sight out of mind.

Starting our mornings together with breakfast sounds wonderful. We can all eat breakfast together and share the things we're grateful for. In a perfect world, right? What would I have to do to achieve this. Make ahead pancakes and waffles. Have fruit and milk always on hand. The kitchens going to have to be cleaned the night before so I can just wake up and hit the ground running.

Might be possible, I'll have to aim for that. I'll let you know.

Setting out clothes you want to wear the next day was a huge help with the older three were in school. When I set my work scrubs out the night before, it was easier to get out of bed and get motivated. I tried having their school work out and ready on the table, but the kids like to eat breakfast and wake up before we jump right into the books. I don't blame them.

I want to say that heading outside just took check for a chicken egg can boost my mood. I'm sure sending kids outside for 10-20 minutes a day can help with your stress levels as well as theirs. When I worked in a daycare, the law was the kids were to go outside everyday. Fresh air really does wonders!

I like to take a hot bath for at least 15 minutes a day. I like the water super hot and I like my eyes shut tight. Just sitting in the tub letting my mind be still and enjoying the hot water on my achy body is enough to re energize me.

17 Reasons To Avoid Stress . Check why you should avoid stress in your life.:

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