Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Roman Numerals

Roman numerals originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers in this system are represented by combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet. Roman numerals, as used today, are based on seven symbols:
The numbers 1 to 10 are usually expressed in Roman numerals as follows:
Numbers are formed by combining symbols and adding the values, so II is two (two ones) and XIII is thirteen (a ten and three ones). Because each numeral has a fixed value rather than representing multiples of ten, one hundred and so on, according to position, there is no need for "place keeping" zeros, as in numbers like 207 or 1066; those numbers are written as CCVII (two hundreds, a five and two ones) and MLXVI (a thousand, a fifty, a ten, a five and a one).
Symbols are placed from left to right in order of value, starting with the largest. However, in a few specific cases, to avoid four characters being repeated in succession (such as IIII or XXXX), subtractive notation is used: as in this table:
  • I placed before V or X indicates one less, so four is IV (one less than five) and nine is IX (one less than ten)
  • X placed before L or C indicates ten less, so forty is XL (ten less than fifty) and ninety is XC (ten less than a hundred)
  • C placed before D or M indicates a hundred less, so four hundred is CD (a hundred less than five hundred) and nine hundred is CM (a hundred less than a thousand)
For example, MCMIV is one thousand nine hundred and four, 1904 (M is a thousand, CM is nine hundred and IV is four).
Some examples of the modern use of Roman numerals include:

 Roman numerals are still used today in certain contexts. A few examples of their current use are:
Spanish Real using "IIII" instead of IV

Specific disciplines

Entrance to section LII (52) of the Colosseum, with numerals still visible
In astronomy, the natural satellites or "moons" of the planets are traditionally designated by capital Roman numerals appended to the planet’s name. For example, Titan's designation is Saturn VI.
In chemistry, Roman numerals are often used to denote the groups of the periodic table. They are also used in the IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry, for the oxidation number of cations which can take on several different positive charges. They are also used for naming phases of polymorphic crystals, such as ice.
In computing, Roman numerals may be used in identifiers which are limited to alphabetic characters by syntactic constraints of the programming language. In LaTeX, for instance, \labelitemiii refers to the label of an item in the third level iii of a nested list environment.
In military unit designation, Roman numerals are often used to distinguish between units at different levels. This reduces possible confusion, especially when viewing operational or strategic level maps. In particular, army corps are often numbered using Roman numerals (for example the American XVIII Airborne Corps or the WW2-era German III Panzerkorps) with Hindu-Arabic numerals being used for divisions and armies.
In music, Roman numerals are used in several contexts:
In pharmacy, Roman numerals are used in some contexts, including S to denote "one half" and N to mean "nothing".
In photography, Roman numerals (with zero) are used to denote varying levels of brightness when using the Zone System.
In seismology, Roman numerals are used to designate degrees of the Mercalli intensity scale of earthquakes.
In tarot, Roman numerals (with zero) are used to denote the cards of the Major Arcana.
In theology and biblical scholarship, the Septuagint is often referred to as LXX, as this translation of the Old Testament into Greek is named for the legendary number of its translators (septuaginta being Latin for "seventy").
In entomology, the broods of the thirteen and seventeen year periodical cicadas are identified by Roman numerals.
In advanced mathematics (including trigonometrystatistics, and calculus), when a graph includes negative numbers, its quadrants are named using IIIIII, and IV. These quadrant names signify positive numbers, negative numbers on the X axis, negative numbers on both axes, and negative numbers on the Y axis, respectively. The use of Roman numerals to designate quadrants avoids confusion, since Hindu-Arabic numerals are used for the actual data represented in the graph.

Modern non-English use

Capital or small capital Roman numerals are widely used in Romance languages to denote centuries, e.g. the French xviiie siècle and the Spanish siglo XVIII mean "18th century". Slavic languages in and adjacent to Russia similarly favour Roman numerals (XVIII век). On the other hand, in Slavic languages in Central Europe, like most Germanic languages, one writes "18." (with a period) before the local word for "century".
Boris Yeltsin's signature, dated 10 November 1988. The month is specified by "XI" rather than "11".
In many European countries, mixed Roman and Hindu-Arabic numerals are used to record dates (especially in formal letters and official documents, but also on tombstones). The month is written in Roman numerals, while the day is in Hindu-Arabic numerals: 14.VI.1789 is 14 June 1789.
Sample hours-of-operation sign
In parts of Europe it is conventional to employ Roman numerals to represent the days of the week in hours-of-operation signs displayed in windows or on doors of businesses, and also sometimes in railway and bus timetables. Monday, taken as the first day of the week, is represented by I. Sunday is represented by VII. The hours of operation signs are tables composed of two columns where the left column is the day of the week in Roman numerals and the right column is a range of hours of operation from starting time to closing time. In the sample chart (left), the business opens from 9 AM to 5 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; 10 AM to 7 PM on Tuesdays and Fridays; and to 1 PM on Saturdays; and is closed on Sundays.
Sign at km. 17·9 on route SS4 Salaria, north of Rome
In several European countries Roman numerals are used for floor numbering. For instance, apartments in central Amsterdam are indicated as 138-III, with both a Hindu-Arabic numeral (number of the block or house) and a Roman numeral (floor number). The apartment on the ground floor is indicated as '138-huis'.
In Italy, where roads outside built-up areas have kilometre signs, major roads and motorways also mark 100-metre subdivisionals, using Roman numerals from I to IX for the smaller intervals. The sign "IX| 17" thus marks kilometre 17.9.
A notable exception to the use of Roman numerals in Europe is in Greece, where Greek numerals (based on the Greek alphabet) are generally used in contexts where Roman numerals would be used elsewhere.

Special values


The number zero does not have its own Roman numeral, but the word nulla (the Latin word meaning "none") was used by medieval scholars in lieu of 0. Dionysius Exiguus was known to use nulla alongside Roman numerals in 525.[30][31] About 725, Bede or one of his colleagues used the letter N, the initial of nulla or of nihil (the Latin word for "nothing"), in a table of epacts, all written in Roman numerals.


Another system is the vinculum, where a conventional Roman numeral is multiplied by 1,000 by adding an overline. For instance:
  • V for 5,000
  • XXV for 25,000
Adding further vertical lines before and after the numeral might also be used to raise the multiplier to (say) one hundred thousand, or a million. thus:
  • |VIII| for 800,000
  • |XX| for 2,000,000
This needs to be distinguished from the custom of adding both underline and overline to a Roman numeral, simply to make it clear that it is a number, e.g. MCMLXVII.

Roman Arithmetic

When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals were used in Europe until the 18th century and even today in certain applications. Generally the only place we see them today is an alternative way of expressing a given Natural Number such as year, or hour on a clock, or Superbowl number.
Roman Numerals are not a positional system and contain no symbol of zero. Rather, they are an additive system with each symbol taking on a definite numeric value regardless of where it appears. Actually there a few subtractive rules that makes writing a value somewhat more compact that do depend upon position relative to another symbol.
The symbols and their values are:
The table can be extended to larger values by using the convention that a bar over a symbol indicates "1000 times:"
For our purpose we will generally utilize values that are sufficiently small to be written without the "barred" symbols.
While a particular symbol takes on a given value regardless of its position, it is customary to write the number from left-to-right with the "largest" symbols first.
A Roman value of, as an example: DCCLXVII
would be:
500 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 767
Of course, the Romans would not have been able to think in terms of our numeric values. They could only manipulate the symbols directly. As an example, they would not have known that VV is an X because 5 + 5 = 10. They would have needed to memorize and use a grouping equivalence table:
IIIII  is equivalent to  V
VVis equivalent toX
XXXXXis equivalent toL
LLis equivalent toC
CCCCCis equivalent toD
DDis equivalent toM
Such an equivalence would have reduced the number of symbols in a number. As an example, 600 could be written as CCCCCC (or 100+100+100+100+100+100). This would have been "simplified" by the equivalence rules to the properly written DC (or 500+100). For that matter, 600 could be expressed as 12 L's or 60 X's or 120 V's or 600 I's or some combination as long as the sum of all the characters totaled 600. In all cases, by applying the equivalence rules to shorten the expression by replacing several symbols with one we would get DC.
Simply applying the rules so far could lead to a Roman value such as VIIII (or 9). To write this more compactly, we use the convention that we can "subtract" a symbol representing a 1, 10, or 100 from the next two higher symbols, respectively, by writing the smaller to the left. Therefore the only subtractive forms are:
writeinstead ofvalue
Therefore, as an example: MCMXCIV
would be:
1000 + 900 + 90 + 4 = 1994
The 900, of course, comes from the pair of symbols: CM.
The Roman value is equivalent to: MDCCCCLXXXXIIII. While this is less compact, we shall see that this equivalent form without any subtractives can be useful.
By the way, not every source agrees to some of the details of Roman Numerals. As an example, we could expand the definition of a subtractive and form 99 as IC rather than XCIX as we would according to the rules above. Indeed, it is not clear if the Romans actually used the subtractives to write the numbers compactly.


Conversion to and from ordinary numbers is accomplished rather easily.
from Roman
Simply add up the values of the Roman symbols. Of course, if a subtractive appears with a I, X, or C to the left of a "larger" symbol, we need to substitute the pair for the correct numeric value.
to Roman
Start by removing the largest Roman values first and subtracting the removed value until we have converted the entire value. We keep trying to remove a given Roman value until we cannot, then we try the next smaller one. As an example:
valuesymbol to try result value leftRoman value
2349M or 1000yes1349M
1349M or 1000yes349MM
349M or 1000no349MM
349D or 500no349MM
349C or 100yes249MMC
249C or 100yes149MMCC
149C or 100yes49MMCCC
49C or 100no49MMCCC
49L or 50no49MMCCC
49X or 10yes39MMCCCX
39X or 10yes29MMCCCXX
29X or 10yes19MMCCCXXX
19X or 10yes9MMCCCXXXX
9X or 10no9MMCCCXXXX
The table above would indicate the steps a computer would move through. A human would normally take some short cuts by lumping. As an example, we readily see that there are two "thousands" in the original value and would immediately write down: MM. There are three "hundreds" so we get MMCCC, etc until we get the entire number converted.
There is one more step we need to do. We need to substitute for any subtractive values. To do this we proceed right-to-left and look for four of the same symbol. Since there are four I's we check the next symbol on the left and substitute IX for the VIIII. (Note, if the Roman value were something like, MDIIII, we could not utilize the D so we would end up with MDIV.) After making this substitution we have: MMCCCXXXXIX.
In this value there are four X's with a preceding C. These X's become XL. Thus the final Roman numeral value is: MMCCCXLIX.


If you were asked to add two Roman valves such as CXXII + LXI, you would probably convert these two values to regular numbers, add them (122 + 61 = 183), and finally convert back to Roman Numerals: CLXXXIII. This is because it is relatively easy to convert and we know how to add ordinary decimal numbers.
The Romans could not do this! They needed a method of manipulating the Roman symbols directly to achieve the addition!
It turns out that an algorithm for adding Roman numbers directly is actually quite easy. This was fortunate for the Roman engineers and accountants.
The algorithm has just five steps:
  1. Substitute for any subtractives in both values; that is; "uncompact" the Roman values.
  2. Put the two values together—catenate them.
  3. Sort the symbols in order from left-to-right with the "largest" symbols on the left.
  4. Starting with the right end, combine groups of the same symbols that can make a "larger" one and substitute the single larger one.
  5. Compact the result by substituting subtractives where possible.
As an example, perform CCCLXIX + DCCCXLV.
 1.Substitute for any subtractives to obtain:CCCLXVIIII + DCCCXXXXV
 2.Catenate to obtain:CCCLXVIIIIDCCCXXXXV
 4.Combine groups to obtain:DCCCCCCLXXXXXXIIII
 5.Substitute any subtractives to obtain:MCCXIV
You can verify that this is indeed the correct by converting the values to regular notation: 369 + 845 = 1214.


Subtraction directly is also reasonably easy, but there is a process akin to "borrowing" that needs to be included. If addition is accomplished by putting the two values together to form a result, subtraction is accomplished by "crossing out" symbols in the value that is being subtracted in the starting value.
Here is a simple example: LXVIII − XII. In the first value, LXVIII "cross out" or remove common symbols: LXVIII or, in final form, LVI.
We will assume that the subtraction is possible; that is, the result is 1 or larger. (Note, Roman Numerals cannot express zero or negative numbers.)
The algorithm becomes:
  1. Substitute for any subtractives in both values.
  2. Any symbols occurring in the second value are "crossed out" in the first.
    1. If the symbol appears in the first, simply cross it out.
    2. If not, then convert a "larger" symbol into appropriate multiples of the needed one, then cross out.
  3. Rewrite without the crossed out symbols.
  4. Check for any groupings of the same symbol that needs to be replaced with a "larger" one.
  5. Compact the result by substituting subtractives where possible.
As an example, perform CXXIX − XLIII.
 1.Substitute for any subtractives to obtain:CXXVIIII − XXXXIII
 2.a.  cross out common symbols:CXXVIIII and XXXXIII
  b.  need X's, convert C to LXXXXXLXXXXXXXVIIII and XXXXIII
 4.Check for grouping:LXXXVI
 5.Substitute any subtractives to obtain:LXXXVI
You can verify that this is indeed the correct result by converting the values to regular notation: 129 − 43 = 86.
The "borrowing" rule 2b above may need to take on a slightly more complicated approach. Consider D − X. The D must be replaced with a series of symbols that includes an X. It becomes: CCCCC which in turn becomes CCCCLL which finally becomes CCCCLXXXXX. After "crossing out" the common symbols, the result is CCCCLXXXX with a final compact answer of CDXC.
If the conversion in step 2 is done carefully, then there should not be anything for step 4 to do. That is, it should be possible always to introduce a minimum number of needed symbols during step 2.


Multiplication is rather obvious once you realize that the Roman symbols are additive; that is, CXI is really C + X + I. To multiply two multinomial expressions in algebra like (a+b)(x+y+z) we multiply each term in the first by every term in the second and add the results. This is the approach for multiplying Roman numbers.
First we need a multiplication table. Due to the nature of the values of the Roman symbols (every value involves only 5's and 10's) this is easy to form and learn:
 times IVXLCD
The value V, of course, may be written as MMMMM.
The algorithm for multiplication is very similar to the one for addition with just five steps:
  1. Substitute for any subtractives in both values; that is; "uncompact" the Roman values.
  2. For each symbol in one value form the product with every symbol in the second and catenate them all together.
  3. Sort the symbols in order from left-to-right with the "largest" symbols on the left.
  4. Starting with the right end, combine groups of the same symbols that can make a "larger" one and substitute the single larger one.
  5. Compact the result by substituting subtractives where possible.
As an example, perform XXI•XVII.
 1.Substitute for any subtractives to obtain:XXI•XVII
 2.Form products and catenate to obtain:CLXX CLXX XVII
 3.Sort to obtain:CCLLXXXXXVII
 4.Combine groups to obtain:CCLLLVII
 5.Substitute any subtractives to obtain:CCCLVII
In step two, we get X "times" XVII to obtain CLXX. The second X in the first value gives the same, and finally the I "times" gives XVII. It is these three values that are catenated together to form the result. (Note the catenation performs the addition of the intermediate partial products.)
You can verify that this is indeed the correct by converting the values to regular notation: 21•17 = 357.


Division is somewhat more complicated. Any process should take the two values and produce a quotient and a remainder. Since we cannot represent a zero, a remainder of zero will be simply "no remainder."
Essentially, we can perform division by repeated subtraction. If we count the number of times we can subtract the divisor until the dividend becomes smaller than the divisor, the quotient is the count we get and the remainder is what is left. As an example, 39 divided by 8 gives us:
 value  can we subtract 8?  result  count 
The answer for 39 divided by 8 is a quotient of 4 and a reminder of 7.
This process should work in any notation that we can perform subtraction including Roman values.
However, consider the work involved if we divide 2417 by 17! (Quotient is 142 with a remainder of 3.)
If we really did this with regular numbers we could save considerable work by "shifting" the divisor by multiplying by a power of 10. We see that if we start with 100•17 = 1700. When we count as we subtract, we will count by 100's. When this value is too large, we divide by 10 and count by 10's, then finally divide again by 10's and count by 1's.
 starting value  trial subtractor  can we subtract it?  result  count 
717170yes547 100+10=110 
The quotient is 142 and the remainder is 3. This involves 10 steps rather than the 142 steps needed if we simply subtracted 17 over and over!
We took advantage of the fact that with decimal numbers we can multiply by 10 quite easily by simply catenating a zero to the right.
With Roman numerals we can easily multiply a Roman value by C or X or even L or V. Each symbol in the original is replaced a single or set of symbols according to the multiplication table above. We can subtract by "crossing out." Counting is performed by catenation.
We do need one additional process—we need to be able to determine if one Roman number is larger than another.
This "subprocess" is not hard. It is based upon: "If a number contains more of a given symbol, then it is larger." This will be true if we proceed from the "largest" to the "smallest" symbols ignoring those that contain the same number of a symbol until we find the first occurence where there is more of one.
As an example, MMCXXXVI is smaller than MMCCCCXVI because the second contains more C's.
And MMMDXXXVI is larger than MMMCCCCLVII because the first contains more D's.
In both the cases the M's cannot decide the answer because there are the same number in each of the pairs.
Let us try dividing MMMDCCIV by XIV.
The first step is to rewrite these without subtractives: MMMDCCIIII and XIIII
Next form multiples of the divisor:
The last one is clearly too large—contains more M's than the dividend. Therefore we start out subtraction process with the "C times."
 starting value    trial subtractor      starting value  
   after "borrowing"
 after "crossing out"     count    
We are done! The quotient is CCLXIIII or CCLXIV and the remainder is VIII.
If the divisor divided the dividend exactly then the last "crossing out" step would be complete with nothing left.


Did the Romans actually calculate using these exact procedures? Probably not. They may have utilized shortcuts and other schemes. However, the above processes do perform the arithmetic operations by manipulating the symbols of the Roman written values directly without first converting them to our decimal representation. In many respects these Roman procedures are easier than the corresponding ones for ordinary numbers since they involve only processes such as catenation, arranging the symbols in order, grouping symbols, "borrowing", and "crossing out."
It is important to remember that the Romans did not think in terms of our familiar numbers—they thought only in terms of the Roman Numbers. They were familiar with numbers such as XIII and MCMLXVIII directly without thinking these were 13 and 1968. They had a lifetime of experience with numbers represented only as Roman Numerals. 

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