Mr. Yuk sign:
Does anyone know what this sign means?
• Mr. Yuk means POISON.
• Poisons are things that can make us very sick if we touch them, eat them, or drink them.
Some of them make us sick to our stomachs, others make our heads hurt or make us dizzy.
They are very dangerous.
What should you do if you see something with the Mr. Yuk sign on it?
If you see something with a Mr. Yuk sign on it, you should do two things:
1) Stay away from it!
2) Tell a grown-up about it.
“Mr. Yuk is mean. Mr. Yuk is greeeeen.” Those were the opening lyrics of a 1971 commercial jingle about the scowling green face that warns children not to consume toxic household chemicals.
That year, due to an alarming number of children's deaths by poisoning in the Pittsburgh area, Pitt founded the Pittsburgh Poison Center (PPC) and introduced Mr. Yuk as a substitute for the traditional skull-and-crossbones symbol, which children were no longer associating with danger. (Among other things, the Jolly Roger, was part of the Pittsburgh Pirates' logo decades before that had become somewhat toxic, at least among local sports fans.) But when children see Mr. Yuk's stuck-out tongue and sickly green color, they understand he is disgusted and sick, and poison is pretty nasty stuff.
Mr. Yuk is now famous, and the PPC took a national leadership role among more than 660 poison centers in 1978. Directed by pharmacist Edward Krenzelok, the PPC and Mr. Yuk have educated and protected millions of children regarding the dangers of poisoning. Each year, the poison center distributes millions of Mr. Yuk stickers designed to be put on bottles of household chemicals and to keep kids out of danger.
La señal Mr Yuk:
¿Alguién sabe que significa esta señal?
• Mr. Yuk significa VENENO.
• El veneno es algo que nos puede hacer sentir muy enfermos si lo tocamos, lo comemos, o lo
bebemos. Algunos tipos de veneno pueden enfermarnos del estómago, otros causan dolor
de cabeza o mareos. Son muy peligrosos.
¿Qué deben hacer si ven algo con la señal de Mr. Yuk?
Si vemos algo con la señal de Mr. Yuk, debemos hacer dos cosas:
1) Mantenernos alejados.
2) Buscar a una persona adulta y decirle lo que vimos.

Does anyone know what this sign means?
• Mr. Yuk means POISON.
• Poisons are things that can make us very sick if we touch them, eat them, or drink them.
Some of them make us sick to our stomachs, others make our heads hurt or make us dizzy.
They are very dangerous.
What should you do if you see something with the Mr. Yuk sign on it?
If you see something with a Mr. Yuk sign on it, you should do two things:
1) Stay away from it!
2) Tell a grown-up about it.
“Mr. Yuk is mean. Mr. Yuk is greeeeen.” Those were the opening lyrics of a 1971 commercial jingle about the scowling green face that warns children not to consume toxic household chemicals.
That year, due to an alarming number of children's deaths by poisoning in the Pittsburgh area, Pitt founded the Pittsburgh Poison Center (PPC) and introduced Mr. Yuk as a substitute for the traditional skull-and-crossbones symbol, which children were no longer associating with danger. (Among other things, the Jolly Roger, was part of the Pittsburgh Pirates' logo decades before that had become somewhat toxic, at least among local sports fans.) But when children see Mr. Yuk's stuck-out tongue and sickly green color, they understand he is disgusted and sick, and poison is pretty nasty stuff.
Mr. Yuk is now famous, and the PPC took a national leadership role among more than 660 poison centers in 1978. Directed by pharmacist Edward Krenzelok, the PPC and Mr. Yuk have educated and protected millions of children regarding the dangers of poisoning. Each year, the poison center distributes millions of Mr. Yuk stickers designed to be put on bottles of household chemicals and to keep kids out of danger.
La señal Mr Yuk:
¿Alguién sabe que significa esta señal?
• Mr. Yuk significa VENENO.
• El veneno es algo que nos puede hacer sentir muy enfermos si lo tocamos, lo comemos, o lo
bebemos. Algunos tipos de veneno pueden enfermarnos del estómago, otros causan dolor
de cabeza o mareos. Son muy peligrosos.
¿Qué deben hacer si ven algo con la señal de Mr. Yuk?
Si vemos algo con la señal de Mr. Yuk, debemos hacer dos cosas:
1) Mantenernos alejados.
2) Buscar a una persona adulta y decirle lo que vimos.
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