Thursday, December 20, 2018

Teaching Vocabulary Words in 10 minutes or less

What can you do with 10 minutes or less?
► In Ten Minutes: have students create a jingle for a word that includes its definition (A jingle for the word clarify might be: clarify and shed some light, explain with details and say it right or clarify to avoid confusion, explain clearly for the right conclusion.)

► In Ten Minutes: (1) pass out blank paper to each student; (2) ask them to fold the paper into quarters (a vertical fold and then a horizontal fold); (3) unfold the paper and write the vocabulary word in the center; (4) in the upper left quadrant have students write their own definition of the word; (5) in the upper right quadrant have them draw a picture that describes the word; (6) in the lower left quadrant have students come up with synonyms for the word, and (7) finally, in the lower right have students either write antonyms or a sentence. During the next time slot for vocabulary, have students share their vocabulary organizer with others, comparing and discussing definitions, pictures, etc.

► In less than Ten Minutes: take attendance and, as you call a name, provide a word from your word wall; the response should be a synonym for the word.

► In less than Ten Minutes: have students write a sentence of 10 or 12 words demonstrating their understanding of one of the vocabulary words.

► In less than Ten Minutes: put students in small groups and have them act out one of the week’s vocabulary words.

► In less than Ten Minutes: introduce a new word, use it in a sentence, and have students create their own definition of the word in small groups; they may use internet sources to guide them.

► In less than Ten Minutes: have students draw a picture or symbol representing a word.

► In Ten Minutes: have students share sentences using words from your word wall.

notes bar 200► In less than Ten Minutes: if you have created a jingle or song for a word, have students sing or recite on their way to line up, access materials, or transition from one activity to another.

► In less than Ten Minutes: have students explain how they would teach a vocabulary word to a younger student.

The possibilities are endless
Use academic vocabulary in your classroom on a regular basis and you will begin to hear your students using those same words. If we can explicitly teach about 300 words per year to our students, it can make a big difference in their vocabularies. Some students will learn about 3000 or 4000 words per year due to the literacy that surrounds them, while others have limited access and  will only learn 1000. Imagine how much you will be helping those students who have limited outside access to greater vocabulary.

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