Saturday, May 13, 2017

Write a letter to yourself

We're nearing the end of the 2016-2017 homeschooling year. We've accomplished a lot, we've learned a lot, and the kids grew a lot!

This weekend we're going to write a letter to ourselves and we'll read them again next year around this time.

I want the kids to look back on the difficulties of this past year, as well as their personal accomplishments. Think ahead about this summer and what'll be waiting for them in the upcoming 2017-2018 school year. Are there activities we should try? Places we could visit? Should we stick to textbooks or have a travelling unschool exploration type school year? I'm usually planning the next year by now, and now that everyone is old enough to have a say so, I need their input.

My goals for this next year homeschooling year would be to incorporate:

Reading lots of books each month to earn the Pizza Hut Bookits
4 day school week
Move on from cooking to baking
crochet or knitting
Community service project ( neighborhood library)
Monthly field trips
explore our city more

Thinking back I think we all accomplished a lot
the kids are doing great at AWANA
Henry earned his Arrow of Light at cub scouts and is now a Boy Scout
Juliana continues to push herself and learn more and more about gymnastics and dance
Lillian is letting her 7 year old imagination run wild and I love seeing her playing outside
Isabelle is becoming quite the responsible, self sufficient, and independent young lady.

We have a list of places we'd love to visit. Money is usually what keeps us from doing a lot of things. We try to go to every free event offered near us. Every October there is a lot of free activities during Free Fall Baltimore. The Maryland Zoo has a free admission day. We go everytime we can.

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