Monday, September 4, 2017

Electronics Are Energy Vampire

Lesson Description:
Students will battle energy vampires by creating reminders to unplug appliances for their schools and homes. they can design original reminder cards and hang them around the room near energy vampires.

Eco-fact: The average home has 20 electrical appliances that are “energy vampires”. that's because the appliances continue to suck electricity even when they're off. Energy vampires cost $3 billion a year -- or about $200 per household. To help stop energy vampires, plug appliances into surge protectors that can easily be turned off to cut the flow of energy.

Time Needed:
30 minutes

Materials Needed:
3 x 5 (or 5 x 7) index cards
coloring utensils

Lesson Description:
Students will battle energy vampires by creating reminders to unplug appliances for their schools and homes. they can design original reminder cards and hang them around the room near energy vampires.

Eco-fact: The average home has 20 electrical appliances that are “energy vampires”. that's because the appliances continue to suck electricity even when they're off. Energy vampires cost $3 billion a year -- or about $200 per household. To help stop energy vampires, plug appliances into surge protectors that can easily be turned off to cut the flow of energy.


  1. Make a list of appliances in the room that are energy vampires such as computers, overhead projectors, tv’s, etc.
  2. Hand out the index cards and coloring materials.
  3. Students can then write messages and reminders on the cards to turn off and unplug appliances when they aren’t in use. some examples are:
  4. “Unplug Me”
  5. “Turn Me Off”
  6. After writing the messages on the cards, students can draw designs or logos to decorate the cards.
  7. Once completed, hang them around the room near energy vampires.

For younger children teacher could duplicate cards and slogans and students could add illustrations.

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