Sunday, November 12, 2017

November 10 Day I'm Grateful For Photo Challenge

There's a seven day black and white photo challenge going around facebook. You don't photograph people, just things and there's no explanation for the photo.

I want to take things further and have the kids use their phone for the next 10 days and take a photo a day to post on their instagram. Instead of no rhyme or reason for the particular photo, we will have one, What are you grateful for?

We live in a comfortable home, in a big city, and are surrounded by people we love. I think starting this today and ending on Thanksgiving will give us a great conversation as we sit down to enjoy dinner and remember all the things we are grateful for.

First we're going to make a list of 10 things we're grateful for in our everyday lives

10 Day Grateful For Photo Challenge


Then we're going to share our 10 and see if we can draw inspiration from anyone else's list

1. this family
2. this home
3. this comfort
4. this weather
5. routine
6. traditions
7. these hands
8. this meal
9. memories
10. technology

Above is my list. Who doesn't love having access to all of those things, but there's more I could add and having a chance to realize that, might just extend this challenge for a kid or two for a few days.

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