Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 2 is Deviled Egg Day

There are 365 days in a year. Turns out, there is a reason to celebrate each of those days. Whacky reasons like today, it's deviled egg day. Deviled egg day doesn't get the love that donut, ice cream, or chocolate day gets. As a backyard chicken momma, deviled egg day is getting love around here.

I call my deviled egg recipe, Gone in 60 seconds. I know you've been to a party and the deviled eggs are usually the first  to go. There are millions of ways to make deviled eggs. There are millions of techniques to cook eggs for the deviled egg recipe. No matter what, you want an egg to peel easily. If not, scrap your plans your bring something with chopped egg.. usually for me that's potato salad.

The basic deviled egg recipe calls for you to boil your eggs. You'll need a dozen eggs, a pan filled with enough water to cover the eggs once added. Boil the water, then add the eggs one at a time. Try not to crack the egg on the pan. Cover the pan and medium boil for 11 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs. Place in a bowl and blast the eggs with cold water until cooled.

Peel the eggs. There are millions of techniques for this too ;)
Cut the eggs in half (vertically) and scoop out the yolks and place in a bowl. Add your favorite mustard, some mayonnaise, pickle relish, and a shake of red pepper flakes. Mix everything up in the bowl and fill each egg white with a spoonful of the mixture. I like to shake a sprinkle of Old Bay on top of my eggs. There are also a million ways to spruce up your deviled eggs. This is just the basic egg recipe I use.

To devil any type of food means you are adding heat to a recipe. I add black pepper or red pepper flakes in my recipe. You could add hot sauce to yours. You could even just add some plain white vinegar and cayenne. That ever works for you. Maybe you like sweet not spicy, no one will complain, their mouths will be busy eating.

Eggs are full of protein and vitamins. If you've ever tried losing weight you know if you eat eggs the weight will start dropping. Deviled eggs, regular boiled eggs, and baked egg cups are great ways you can grab an egg in the morning and go on your way.

Comment below your favorite deviled egg recipe. Bonus points if you use avocado instead of mayonnaise. 

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