The Big Friendly Giant is nothing like the other inhabitants of Giant Country. Standing 24-feet tall with enormous ears and a keen sense of smell, he is endearingly dim-witted and keeps to himself for the most part. Sophie, a precocious 10-year-old girl from London, is initially frightened of the mysterious giant who has brought her to his cave, but soon comes to realize that the BFG is actually quite gentle and charming. Having both been on their own in the world up until now, their affection for one another quickly grows, but Sophie's presence in Giant Country has attracted the unwanted attention of the other giants, who have become increasingly more bothersome. Together, they come up with a plan to get rid of the giants once and for all.
I have never read the book, The BFG by Roald Dahl. I did see the cartoon in the early 90's. (I added a link below)
On a lot of the group pages and messageboards I go to, I see parents voicing their concerns over whether or not the book being appropriate to read together with their children. I googled, what does BFG mean? Big Friendly Giant. That ended my research. I don't see any issue with the movie after having watched it.
The movie takes place in London. I just love the accents, silly words, and the fancy manners. There were a few "laugh out loud" funny moments. When BFG shares his favorite drink, Frobskottle, and the "Human beans" start whizpopping - if you think those kind of jokes are funny, which my children do. They especially loved seeing the Corgi dogs. My oldest has a thing for those short-legged furry cuties.
We came away from the BFG knowing Sophie is better off in this world and so are her little friends. "Human beans kill other Human beans, but Giants don't kill other Giants", was a good line that stuck with a couple of the kids. The special effects were nice. There weren't too many loud explosions or noises.
4 stars from the Ader Family Homeschoolers
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The paperback book The BFG
1989 Movie The BFG
Are you a Roald Dahl superfan? Play this Hangman game online.
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